Monday, May 25, 2020

An Amway Ambot’s Recruiting Strategy

Thanks to one of our readers for sharing their story. I think this person was using their phone to type all this which is why there’s a bunch of errors. But way to go for typing so much stuff on a phone!

Mr. Oily Presenter is with the WWDB cult sect. Bunch a fucking scammers!

I was recently attempted recruitment by a girl at a gas station. She couldnt afford a $2 bag of seeds *red flag alert* so i offered to pay the remaining dollar and she appreciated it so much. She asked for my nimber, said id be a great fit with a business that she was “starting up with a couple guys in nearby major city”. The way she put it, and since i live in the euntrapenurial capital of the US i was curious. Our first meeting was at a hotel lobby in another major city nearby with the Gas Station Lady and her ‘friend’. They asked me a bunch of personal questions, i had to give my life story and work history and then i was given 2 books to read as ‘homework’. There was a speaker that was having a secret get together 2 weeks from then and i had to finish those books before it. I got nothing about the business, i was only told the benefits and hiw rich i could be and just work from home. I knew it was an MLM from that moment on. That secret get together was on a friday night but i had just atarted a brand new job. I was working and commuting 12 hours a day and i was up by 4am. I told her i had an employee review and wasnt going to make it because i was going to be late. She had been nice until this point. I got slapped in the face with texts. One said, “If this was an interview for a six figure salary, would you find a way to be there? I just want to help you understand how important being in that room tonight could potentially be for you. And how much it could change your life. I myself was unaware of how amazing and impactful this opportunity was, but I took a chance and trusted upline. I am so glad I did!”

Like if i bailed for a dumb reason sure this would be a good convincing push. But i had an employee review from my first week of training from my CEO. Im not going to miss that to get fired from my actual 6 figure job for some random speaker.

She basically said just show up when you leave work and make sure to hurry. She had me all kinds of stressed out and that day was a 15 hour day at that point. I decided to go cause i wanted to know what the hell was sooooooooooooo important. I was parking when i said i was parking and i got a text that basically said dont come. I was too late, i missed too much info and there was another one next thursday so i should just go to that one. I was furious. I had been stressed out to show up, i was speeding all the way home at her insistance and then im turned away for the exact freakng reason i said i couldnt go in the first place. I basically told her to never ever do that to me again. I respect her and she needs to respect me. She apologized. The next thurday came around. Again im up at 4am and at work by 6am. The meeting is at 8pm. I show up casual (huuuuuuuuuge mistake. Everyone was wearing business dress ew) and sit down. The presenter is a smooth talker, hes rich, you can be rich too! At 10:30pm he turns on the presentation. A few slides in it says Amway. Wait. Amway?? The next slide said WWDB. Im pissed. When this girl asked for my number i specifically asked if this was an MLM. She said absolutely not. It was her own business that she came up with and was growing. I stop listening to mr. Oilypresenter and googled WWDB cause i had never heard of them. MLM to the umpteenth degree and 20x more culty, skeezy and annoying than id ever seen. I walk out at 11pm furious. I was lied to, misled and this stupid bullcrap presentation had pasted 3 hours. It was a one hour drive from my house. I got home in time to sleep for maybe 3 hours before i had to be up for work. Fuck all of them. Fuck Amway. Fuck LuLaRoe, ItWorks!, Herbalife, Kyani and all of them. I suggest everyone in or not in an MLM cult should watch the movie ‘Betting on Zero’ on Netflix. Learn yourself some information about the theives that are raping your bank accounts.


  1. Sometimes the people in Amway are their own worst enemy. The stupid bitch insults and antagonizes this guy (a prospective recruit) because of some chickenshit little meeting that is SOOOO important and CAN'T BE MISSED ... even though there's an identical meeting a few days later.

    Is that good business practice? Is that a way to attract someone? No wonder IBOs can't get any down-line.

    1. Anonymous - I saw this myself with potential prospects, and also newly signed up recruits when they couldn't make it to an Amway cult meeting - Ambots get outraged that these people have the nerve to disrespect their hallowed Amway cult leader by not showing. Or not being able to get there before the 8pm warrior meeting starts. I mean the speaker is just some fucking sack of shit Amway platinum who's going the say the same fucking thing tomorrow night and the next night and the night after too. Not to mention the sack of shit will be spouting off the same lies and bullshit all next week too. Those Amway assholes say the same fucking thing at every Amway cult meeting. Draw a few circles and brainwash the Ambots how they're all going to be rich in 2 to 5 years working part time 10 to 15 hours a week.

      Insulting potential clients is never a good business practice but it is widely done in Amway.


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