Monday, June 19, 2023

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2023

We have our work cut out to find out about Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2023. Can you believe those motherfuckers at World Wide Dream Builders changed their guest login? To keep out bloggers like us who check out what bullshit they’re peddling.

So if anyone knows what the current user name and password is to log in as a guest, leave a comment so we can get in and find out what top secret bullshit the Amway cult leaders will be flinging this year.

We’ve checked out some of the past arenas where ScAmway held WWDB Family Reunion but they’re missing from the calendar. This tells us that they’re not welcome back at these places due to bad behavior by the Amway Ambots. Or they have to book smaller meeting rooms to hold the brainwashing conferences due to dwindling attendance. Or the Amway cult leaders found they could make the same money on ticket sales by putting on their circus act on a webinar.

The closest we find is World Wide Dream Builders Second Look meeting held in Spokane Washington on August 8 2023. Careful with the link. That place has changed links in the past but with the date you can find it on their site and see there's the usual piss all info. We’ve seen this second look brainwashing conference advertised in the past. I urge all prospects who didn’t figure it out from the first look to take that second look and then run like hell from Amway ScAmway!

There’s usually some other World Wide Dream Builder Amway Family Reunions or other Amway cult sects Family Reunions floating around in the summertime but they’re top secret stuff. Ask the Amway upline for more information about it and the answer goes something like “It’s a life changing event”. “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.” “it’s the not to be missed Amway function of the year” “By going to Family Reunion it’ll put you 6 months ahead of everyone who didn’t go”. Well that tells you sweet piss all so you can see why Amway Ambots end up at this blog desparately searching to find out what WWDB Amway Family Reunion is about.

The last time we were able to log into the Amway cult’s website Duncan family reunion was held at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon on July 8 to 10, 2016. And we already discussed in another post that someone from the Bead Fair fucked up and booked the same time, same place, different room. So what happened was these poor beaders had Amway losers bugging the shit out of them all weekend. Complaints were probably made cause that’s the last time Duncan Family Reunion was held there.
Prices for Amway Ambots going to Family Reunion? World Wide Destructive Bastards puts together packages including one night hotel (their choice of hotel) and ticket to the Amway brainwashing conference so pay up whether or not you use the hotel! Or more than likely cram 10 other Ambots into the same room though I don’t know why they would because there doesn’t seem to be individual ticket prices to just go to the Amway brainwashing sessions. Last time we knew pricing it was $340 for a single or $560 for a couple. Add $10 if you missed the early bird discount. And you don’t want to do that or you’ll be in for a shit kicking from the assholes in your Amway upline demanding you pay up NOW!!!! Apparently it also included meals on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Amway’s idea of a meal and my idea of a meal is probably thousands of miles apart. Get ready to pick up a food bar and can of XS when you enter the room is probably what’ll happen. If they’re really generous they’ll be passing out a Nutrilite vitamin for you too but I doubt they’ll be that generous.

The speakers are always the same old tired bunch who’ve been around forever. Hey what happened to those Diamonds Amway Ambots are always bragging about who reach that status by the hundreds every month? No sign of them. Does the old guard just not want to share their piece of greed pie with the young’uns? More likely they're still scrambling up the pyramid and sliding back down.

What happens at Amway WWDB Family Reunion? If you believe the World Wide Destructive Bastards propaganda - and only a brainwashed Ambot would! - it’s a function that includes hotel accommodations, two meals, and meetings and some of the speakers will be recently qualified Platinum and Ruby IBOs who talk about the rewards of building an Amway building an Amway business. The rest of the speakers will be Diamonds who talk about the power of having a dream and believing your dream will come true if you want success in Amway. Apparently they’ll be teaching effective business methods (I guess there’s a first for everything!). All weekend (again if you believe the Amway WWDB propaganda) will be technology training, product demonstrations, and motivational videos. The last I have no doubt about. Videos. Not motivational. Just videos showing how rich Diamonds are thanks to the Amway tool scam.


Now for what really happens at Amway Family Reunion.

And what’s in store for the Amway ambots who are fucked up enough to waste their money going to WWDB Amway Family Reunion 2023. On Saturday they’ll be bored by recently qualified Platinums and Rubys. You know how that goes. Those bastards will stand up on the stage kissing ass and sucking dick. They’re allotted about 10 minutes each. It only seems like it drags on for hours each because they’re so fucking boring and say the same thing. And they’re all going Diamond!!!! Woo Hoo! Go Diamond! Yeah! And all the brainwashed Amway ambots in the audience will scream and cheer “Yeah!” “Right on!”

And now for what happens when those ass kissing Platinums and Rubys are done…. There will be a never ending parade of Ken and Barbie Diamonds stomping across the stage. Brainwashed ambots will shriek and rush the stage to get closer to their beloved cult leaders. The arena’s security staff will beat them off. “Get back to your seats motherfuckers!!!!” Barbie will talk first. She’ll say something like I was working a minimum wage job as a waitress in a biker bar and had to flash my boobs to make tips. Ken was working for the man cleaning porta potties. Do you know what its like coming home to a man who smells like shit every night???? Then one day a dear friend showed us “the business” plan. We borrowed $20 for gas to make it to the Amway conference. And now we are rich rich rich and we pay for everything in cash. I love Ken so much for giving me the lifestyle of the rich and greedy. He’s my warrior…… Then some lowly piece of shit Amway ambot brings a chair onstage and Barbie sits there and stares down warrior Ken while he brags about their mansion, their fleet of cars, their private jet, the vacations they take and then shows a slide show of all their material possessions that Amway the cult of greed has provided for them. Or maybe its just stuff they rented for the day for the staged photo shoot. They finish by mocking the adoring ambots that if they can do it then anyone can. Meanwhile the only thing on Ken and Barbie’s minds is how much of the ticket sales proceeds are they going home with for showing up today to bullshit the Amway cult followers.

I got two words for all you fucking Amway assholes stealing money and lying to the suckers who forked over a few hundred bucks (or maybe more than that) to attend WWDB Amway Family Reunion and pretend to teach them “effective business methods” and how they can make a difference in other people’s lives. FUCK YOU!!!! The only difference you bastards are making is making your cult followers poorer and even further in debt. We don’t call WWDB World Wide Destructive BASTARDS for nothing!

Time for some keywords to draw in Amway IBO’s who are desperately searching the Internet for information because the assholes in their Amway upline don’t tell them piss all. Putting the wrong years in is intentional because Amway Ambots are so fucked up they don’t know what year it is or just because they’re a card carrying Amway asshole that gives them the power to turn back time.

Amway Family Reunion 2023

WWDB Family Reunion 2023

Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2023

World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2023

Puryear Amway Family Reunion 2023

Duncan WWDB Family Reunion 2023

Duncan Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2022

Duncan Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2022

Duncan Amway Family Reunion 2022

Duncan WWDB Family Reunion 2024

Duncan Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2024

Duncan World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2024

Amway Family Reunion 2024

WWDB Family Reunion 2024

Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2024

World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2024

Amway sucks!

WWDB World Wide Dream Builders sucks!

Amway Family Reunion sucks!

All Amway functions suck!



  1. These Amway "functions" are slowly going to disappear, especially here in North America, where fewer and fewer persons are being duped into joining MLM rackets. The lying and fakery and bullshit of not just Amway, but all these rotten MLM schemes, are being exposed in great detail and depth on the internet.

    There's an incredible amount of debate and discussion going on in private at various MLM rackets about what possible steps can be taken to silence the very effective anti-MLM information coming out. They realize that it can't be ignored or laughed at, and thousands of persons have been convinced by the arguments that MLM is a rip-off.

    1. Anonymous - we can only hope that Amway functions disappear but more importantly we want Amway to disappear! This pyramid scheme has robbed enough victims of their money, their families, and their brain cells.

      This week the 3rd most popular post on the blog is the Amway WWDB Puryear Family Reunion 2011. Yes 2011. It has 95 comments that helps with the search ranking. There is now so much information online to help others not get scammed but suckers still get drawn in with the promises of riches. Here it is if anyone wants to go back in time 12 years:

      Love it that there's all this debate going on about how to silence the information on what it's like being inside the Amway cult. It's called money. And it goes up a million every year. It now costs $13 million to take this blog down. Got a few bananas to share with. It would have been much cheaper to buy us out a few years ago LOL! They can talk all they want about what to do but they need to remember the old saying. Money talks. Bullshit walks.

    2. Anna, I went back to that 12-year-old thread and re-read the entire thing. I can't understand why anyone in June of 2023 would be searching for information on a Puryear "Family Reunion" function from 2011. It seems insane.

      Nevertheless, the thread was interesting, because in those days Ambots would come here and try to argue and defend the Amway racket. It was all the usual canned Amspeak crap that was one quarter hopes,one quarter dreams, and half pure lies. (Some 23-year old claimed that she was making $60,000 per year in WWDB, but that she "had no clients." That really is total Amway bullshit.

      These types don't come here much anymore, probably because there are a lot fewer IBOs around today (Amway has lost many potential recruits to flashier MLMs that offer better deals). Also, Amway IBOs have gotten their asses so badly flamed here that they are afraid to come back.

    3. Hi Anonymous. Strangely enough a Spring Leadership post from 2014 has also been viewed as many times this past week. Gotta love loading up the key words to draw in Ambots!

      You underestimate the devlotion that Ambots have for their Amway cult leaders that's why the old post has gotten popular. Yeah LOL to making $60,000 a year in ScAmway and not having clients or downline. LOL! These Amway losers are always trying to bullshit us. Amway cult leaders forbid their downline from having an Internet presence and reading "negative" websites. Mostly cause they're scared the Ambots will realize they got scammed and get out.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.