Thursday, June 15, 2023

More On Cheating Amway Ambots

Yesterday we reran a post about Amway Ambots cheating on their significant others. The last time the post ran on Married To An Ambot it got a whole bunch of comments. Including the usual Nigerian scammers who have a spell caster witch doctor who can help get your cheating spouse back for a fee of course!

Then the comments went in another direction when a man dating an Ambot showed up looking for advice. Good suggestions that are worth bringing up again that could help someone else in a similar position.

Here are some of the comments that weren’t left by scammers:

Anonymous said: It's more than just "cheating on your significant other" in a symbolic sense. Sure, Ambots have Amway as a "mistress," and they spend a lot of time and money on that "mistress." But a lot more REAL adultery goes on than people imagine.

Despite its fake religiosity and morality, Amway is a hotbed of sexual infidelity. My fifth columnist high up in WWDB tells me that Diamonds and other big pins regularly have affairs with the wives of down-line IBOs. In fact, it's considered one of the perks of being up-line -- you can screw around with the wives and daughters of your down-line, and have flings with female IBOs as well. Many marriages among Amway members occur not because of the financial failings of "The Plan," but because an IBO found out that his wife was having an intrigue with somebody she met at one of those stupid "functions," or with his Platinum.

Ambots may be "prudes," as Anna always says, but the prudishness is purely cosmetic. In private, many of them fuck like rabbits on amphetamines.

Anna Banana responds: I think we need to rerun a post somewhere around here called Amway swingers. LOL!

Amway cult leaders are the same as other cult leaders when it comes to sex and deciding who sleeps with who. With of course the "lucky chosen" ones who get to sleep with the cult leader. Amway cult leaders follow the teachings of Jim Jones and Charles Manson when it comes to sex partners.

I'm sure more adultery was going on in Amway than I knew about. I stand by my evaluation that any man in Amway is a huge turn off but I could see how brainwashed Amway cult women might be interested in bed swapping.

JoeCool says: LOL. Not possible. WWDB teaches that Amway saves marriages. Amway people have a 2% divorce rate while everyone else has a 50% divorce rate. LOL

Anna Banana responds: Joecool- we heard that at Amway meetings too but no one could back up their source of this divorce rate lie. Like someone in the government keeps track of these statistics. Everyone in Amway line up over here. And normal people line up over there. Who's divorced. Yeah just more lies and bullshit spouted off at Scamway cult meetings.

Anonymous says: Amway can claim the low divorce rate because when IBOs do get divorced, no one dares to talk about it. It becomes a taboo subject that is off-limits.

As somebody said in a recent thread, Amway is Orwellian. The truth on one month is suddenly different the next month. Facts all of a sudden disappear, or are remembered differently. So if an IBO couple get divorced, suddenly no one in Amway remembers that they ever were even married.

It's "bad for business" to remember the truth.

Anna Banana responds: Anonymous - thats true. A divorced Ambot even the divorced Amway Diamonds suddenly drop off the face of the earth and their dirty little secret is swept under the rug. A lot of people show up at this blog after googling divorced Amway Diamonds. Not that we give a shit enough around here to write a post about those losers - and here I'm calling everyone in Amway a loser not a loser by virtual of being divorced. This blog is high enough on the search engines for just about anything you search for.

I think your last sentence nails the Amway motto: It's "bad for business" to remember the truth.

Anonymous says: The girl I love is involved in Amway (the reason I joined...sad but true) and it's not fair to call it a scam. The more accurate term is a CULT.

I was on the phone with my wannabe Eagle today and the things he told me about "what's necessary to be successful" scared the everliving hell out of me. Everything that's consistent with cult behavior he outlined PERFECTLY.

My question is, how do I get the girl I love OUT of this CULT/scam? I don't want to hear "find another one." I love her and I think this cult is damaging her identity and finances.

Ben Dover responds: Anonymous you could try sacking up and telling her how you feel about it, instead of being a wimp and following her into the cesspool that is Amway. Stop instigating her bad behaviors, and show her the errors of her ways.

I understand that this a day and age where everyone gets offended by everything, and women have their voices heard louder than ever (which is a good thing), but regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or any other irrelevant characteristic, sometimes a person just needs to get up and tell it like it is.

One of the best expressions I heard recently is, when you lend someone a helping hand, keep one hand in the air, because if you straighten out both arms, you are only going to get dragged down. Have some self-respect and understand that this is a very damaging situation, and the best thing you can do is be honest and direct. If she isn't receptive to it, then sorry bud, but you can't have things both ways, and you have to go for your own health. 


Anna Banana responds: Anonymous - if you haven't already done so download a free ebook called Merchats of Deception. There's a link on the right side of this page under more Amway info. If your wannabe Eagle scared the shit out of you this book will scare you enough to get out of this cult. It's a horror story written by a former Emerald. Here's someone with 1000 people in his downline and he only made $2 to $3,000/month. And other former Emeralds who've talked about their Scamway experiences also say their income was about that, around 30k.

Amway will only cause you financial and emotional distress. I get that you love your girlfriend and yours is an increasing story we see around here where men write about their Ambot girlfriend or wife. As soon as the fucking assholes in your Amway upline realize you figured out their scam and you stop buying shitty overpriced Amway products and stop going to Amway cult meetings they'll lean hard on your girlfriend to break up with you. Amway is all about destroying relationships. Nothing gives those sick bastards more happiness than destroying other people's lives.

So read that book and then get your girlfriend to read that book. Then ask her what the likelihood is that between you both you can find 1000 people in your downline and bust your asses to make a couple of thousand a month.

Why don't the two of you try to figure out a real business that makes money that you can go in together. Give her other options. Good luck.

Original Anonymous responds: @Ben Dover

I wish it was as easy as "sacking up" and telling her. She is a bona-fide, cool aid drinking, sold-out, spirit filled cult member. She's an Ambot--an adorable one--but my words of criticism of the system are no match for the barrage of propaganda (in the form of the cult tapes, meetings and seminars) she absorbs on a regular basis.
The situation is made even more complicated by the fact that I'm involved; I've just been able to keep touch with reality by not listening to the cult materials every day like I should.

I am well aware of the book you're talking about. When I discovered how horrifying some of these techniques were, I wanted to write a book myself. I realized it had already been written, and the things he described fit my situation exactly. The scary thing is, I'm not even experiencing the stuff he describes at the "higher levels"--but its not hard to imagine. I know that book was published a little while ago, and its my hope that it's been "cleaned up" since then.
I love your last suggestion about starting a real business. Thanks!

Anonymous responds: Stay with your girlfriend and try to be helpful and kind to her, but DON'T GIVE HER ANY MONEY when she begins to feel the financial pinch of Amway.

That moment is when you can ask her to size up her situation, and discover whether she's actually going to make money or lose her shirt in this make-believe business. If she's intelligent, she'll at least consider it. If she's cult-fixated, she'll get angry.

At that point, it's your decision as to what to do. You can't FORCE her to quit Amway. You can't kidnap her to deprogram her. You can't yell and scream at her (it would be counter-productive).

But if you have been consistently kind and helpful to her all that time, she won't be able to dismiss what you say easily. She just might begin to listen. That's your one hope. But make it very clear to her that if she can't make ends meet in Amway, she cannot depend on your financial resources to balance the books.

Anna Banana responds: I think anytime there's an intervention for a cult follower it does involve some sort of kidnapping to get the person away from the cultists. The links on the right side of this page for Steve Hassan will be helpful for cult intervention and he has done interventions on Amway cultists.

I also forgot to advise Anonymous to start keeping track of Amway expenses on a spreadsheet and of the $10 commission coming in every month from Amway. Amway cult leaders pretty much forbid their followers to keep a profit and loss statement because now people can see how much money they're losing in Amway. It's the cult leaders job to keep the followers distracted so they don't realize how much money they're losing.

Also forgot to mention that most people quit Scamway within a few months when they realize they're losing a lot of money and not making any money. Amway says 95% of IBO's quit in 2 years so the law of averages is on your side. Depends if you're willing to put up with all that shit while you wait out the Ambot.

Anonymous responds: New IBOs in Amway are forbidden to keep a profit-and-loss schedule? And they go along with that?

They must be fucking brain-dead.

Anna Banana has the last word: Anonymous - they're told when they sign up for their premier cult membership with whatever cult sect part of that $50 (monthly membership fee) keeps track of their accounting. I'm not sure what it does but it can't be a real profit and loss statement like if you kept track yourself on a spreadsheet. Yup fucking brain dead is all part of the Amway brainwashing process.



  1. One of the most painful experiences for a human being is when someone whom you love goes crazy. You see what was a perfectly sane and rational person turn into a cultish android possessed by an insane ideology, and who is willing to sacrifice everything in loyalty to it.

    This happens in religious-political cults like the Jonestown pack of idiots. It happens in really sick maniacs like those in the Church of Scientology. It happens in psychology cults like the Sullivanians. And it happens in business cults like Amway and all of the other MLM rackets. Entire political movements, like Communism and Naziism, are purely cultish.

    These are the things that are absolutely required from cult members, without exception:

    1. Total loyalty to the cult leadership.
    2. Complete faith in the doctrines of the cult.
    3. Separation from any outsiders (whether family, friends, or acquaintances) who do not support you or who are skeptical about the cult.
    4. Tithing (or some sort of massive financial contribution) to the cult.
    5. Avoidance of any contacts or environments that are independent of cult influence.
    6. Mandatory use of certain words or phrases or even whole sentences when discussing cult matters.
    7. Staying away from any publication or broadcast or forum of debate where the cult is questioned or criticized.
    8. Dismissing any question or perception of inconsistency or inconvenient facts from your mind as something "evil" or "negative" or "sinful."
    9. Constant spying on fellow cult members, to find out if any of them are secretly disloyal or not in sync with cult policy., and reporting them.
    10. Fierce, passionate, unquestioning devotion to every aspect of the cult, and profound contempt for anyone who is not a member.

    All ten of these characteristics mark those Amway freaks who call themselves "Core," and who become lifers in the Amway racket.

    If you have a loved one who shows these characteristics, that person is probably lost to you forever.

    1. Thank you Anonymous. Those are definitely the 10 commandments of belonging to a cult. Complete loyalty to cult leaders and rejecting anyone from their lives who have opposing point of views to their beloved cult leaders. That means any free-thinking rational person!

      And it's terrifying to watch someone you love who was previously a sane person get caught up in the darkness of a cult as all the relatives of the Jonestown victims or other doomsday cults can agree with.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.