Sunday, October 29, 2023

Evil Amway Ambots In Halloween Disguise

For a little Halloween fun let’s compare Amway to a Hitchcock movie!

No matter what stage in a person’s life they’re at they either are living a decent life or they’re working towards it. The things most people have or want out of life or not really over the top. They might like a good paying career. They might want to get married. They’d like to live in a decent house in a safe neighborhood. They want to drive a nice car that’s not breaking down all the time. They’d like to take nice vacations. They’d like to be debt free. They’d like to have decent savings for retirement. A lot of people have already worked hard to get these things and others are still working towards some of these goals. They’re not unrealistic things to achieve for many people. It’s a nice safe life when you own a home, a car, and have savings.

Then an Amway ambot comes around to fuck up your life. They scam you into signing up with their pyramid scheme. You have to invest $500 and more every month buying at least 100PV of shitty overpriced Amway products and other purchases related to the Amway tool scam. This means going into credit card debt or wiping out your savings account. Joining the Amway cult even for a few months can set a person back financially for years.

Amway cult leaders preach the gospel of greed. Why settle for a house when you can have a $10 million mansion. Why settle for a nice car when you can have a fleet of Bentley’s, Ferraris, and Lamborginis. Why settle for a nice vacation when you can go to Peter Island and live in a super Amway asshole sized deluxe suite. Why have retirement savings when you can have bazillions of dollars in residual income rolling in every month from Amway.

Leave your safe lifestyle behind and enter into the Amway hell hole guided by Amway cult leaders and their goal of greedy materialistic possessions, hellbent on destroying anyone in a safe place.

There are too many stories around the Internet of people who’ve lost tens of thousands of dollars to the Amway scam. Debt. Bankruptcy. Foreclosure. Divorce. So much for that nice, safe lifestyle these people were living until the evil Amway ambots got hold of them.

Its kind of like this scene from the Hitchcock movie The Birds. The kids are safe inside their school. The evil crows are outside. The plan seems simple enough. Stay inside and don’t get attacked by the birds. But what do the teachers do? They say let’s make a run for it. Dumb fucks!

That’s like Amway ambots – dumb fucks!

The students trust their teachers. Teachers who pretend to be all knowing and have their best interests at heart. Teachers who convince the kids to leave their safe place behind only to get attacked by crows.

Like being in Amway. The assholes in the Amway upline brainwash their followers to trust them and not outsiders and brainwash the cult followers they have their best interests at heart. To blindly follow the upline and do whatever they say. People leave their safe place behind to get attacked by Amway ambots hell bent on destroying their lives.

Watch this scene and substitute the evil crows for evil Amway ambots.

Takeaway? If someone from Amway harasses you - run and scream!


  1. Amway basically offers you a trip to Fantasyland. The entire engine that runs the business is pure dreaming about what will never happen to you, if you are one of the 99% of Amway IBOs who never make a dime or profit.

    Yes, people dress up for Halloween. But the intelligent ones take off their costumes when the holiday is over, and come back to reality. In Amway, you wear the fake costume of being an "Independent Business Owner" forever, as you pretend to yourself and to others that you are a big shot who is very successful and rich.

    At a function, the Diamonds will scream at the crowd "Amway is your only chance! What else is there?"

    If you analyze that, here's what the Diamonds are really saying: "You're all a bunch of losers! You can't make money at anything else!"

    1. Yup you summed up Amway perfectly Anonymous. And I loved how you tell it like it is when it comes to the Diamonds who say “.You’re all a bunch of dumb fuck losers what else are you gonna fo but let us scam you out of your money”.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.