Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Amway Ambots Love Fast Track

Fast Track =  a bullshit WWDB/Amway program to whip the cult followers into a frenzy of making a few bucks fast.

In reality the Amway ambot fast track is a program that goes nowhere fast. Its to hype up new ambots you know the bastards who go around bragging that they’re just getting started in their new business. Amway and the assholes in the Amway upline hope that when these new recruits make a few extra bucks in the first few months they’re in the scam that it will motivate them to keep going for a few more months even when the money aint coming in no more. You get a few friends and family at the beginning who will buy stuff but no one likes paying high prices for shitty products so unlikely to get repeat business from suckers the ambot has already ripped off.

Maybe some ambots will show up to say I’ve got Fast Track all wrong and the criteria has changed but I’ll try to lay it out how our Emerald told us. In other words its the usual Amway fast talk double talk to excite the audience and confuse them with the facts. Or lack thereof.

Fast Track is usually on the agenda at any Amway WWDB function, Dream Night, FED Free Enterprise Days, Family Reunion, Spring Leadership, all smaller meetings.

If they’re still calling it Fast Track and judging by people searching for it it must still be, then that tells you times ain’t changing much even though the upline tries to scam everyone by saying “exciting changes are just about to happen”. Ambots are still showing up at this blog after typing in Amway Fast Track into Google so that tells me its still around.

So Fast Track ain’t new. It ain’t exciting. It ain’t a change. Its the same old bullshit they were teaching years ago.

OK the Emerald talked real fast, all the better to confuse us. Seeing as how most of the cult followers in the room were already brainwashed they were able to accept what he said with their usual unconditional love and devotion and never question upline.

And I could have the numbers wrong. Perhaps some Fast Track criteria has changed over the years.

Hang on to your hats while I try to dissect the mumbo jumbo.

The program called Fast Track has 2 phases. The first phase is referred to as 50/150. The IBO has to create volume, their own personal shopping and get clients. (Ha ha! Yeah good luck with that!) If the IBO is at least 150 PV (and here the Emerald says $500 in Amway purchases) out of which at least $50 is from clients the IBO gets an extra $50 bonus.

Wow! Whooppee! How exciting!

Then the Emerald drops the bomb. This Fast Track program is only available to new IBO’s in the first month of being in “the business”. Sucks for all the other IBO’s who have plugging along for months or years. Look around the room. There are no new IBO’s. Just the same cult followers who’ve been showing up for months and years.

But wait! The first phase ain’t over yet! In the second month the IBO has to keep the same suckers, err customers, and do the same thing over again for another check for $50. And do it again in the third month. Extra $50/month = $150 total for 3 months.

I’m sure everyone is sitting on the edges of their seats breathlessly waiting to hear about Phase 2 because after all the asshole Emerald said Fast Track has two phases.

OK. Wait for it. You don’t want to go home before this very important information is disclosed.

Phase 2: show 10 people the plan and sign up two of them. (Yeah right. We all know how easy it is to find 10 suckers to show the board plan presentation to let alone sign up 2 of them.) But forget two people. Go for three. Sponsor three people who can do the above 50/150 and the sponsoring IBO will earn an extra $200.

Then the asshole Emerald spends the next ten minutes going over the numbers if you can find even more people than the three previously mentioned.

You’ll be an Amway gazillionaire by the end of the year! That’s right! Working part time ten to fifteen hours a week in your spare time! Then you’ll never have to work another day in your life! You’ll be walking the beaches of the world and the residual checks will just keep rolling on in forever! It gets even better!!! When you die you can will your Amway business to your spouse or your kids or whoever and they will have bazillions of dollars in residual income rolling in from Amway every month for the rest of their lives too! Woo hoo!!! Riches for the descendents forever and ever!!!

Makes you wonder if the Emerald was smoking something funny before he showed up for the meeting!

One of our readers summed it up really well: The only thing "fast track" about Amway is how fast you'll get fucked up the ass. Your rectum will be the fast track.



  1. $50 and $200 as motivation? Wow! Just wow!

    If I saw a $50 note on the ground I would pick it up. Sure. That has never happened but it might.

    If you told me to go to some event and spend hours working so that I could earn $50 then I would have to question what I was doing. And the truth is that everyone will question it and almost no one is going to enter the scam. They really should get rid of the scam altogether and find a better scam. I cannot really believe that this scam works any more.

    Because here is the thing that makes the whole scam really ridiculous. How many times do I have to earn $50 or $200 to get a million dollar residual income? How would that ever happen? What retail business sells a packet of soap for $10, paying its suppliers, store people, accounting staff and all the other employees who actually do some work that keeps the business alive but also keeps a tiny part of the selling price reserved for some person who once sold soap 40 years ago but who has left the business since then? This is not a shareholder, founder or advisor mind you. Just a person who once sold some soap for the business. You think that any one in their right mind would keep giving that person a residual payment? Wake up and dump the MLM losers.

    1. Hi Aussie Hillbilly. Yeah a $50 bonus or even $200 is not a big deal but in ScAmway meetings the brainwashed Ambots ooh and aah like it's the best thing ever.

      Ironically I have picked a couple of $50 bills off the ground over the years. The last time was in June and I celebrated by breaking it to buy ice cream! Around here you have to be careful what you're walking in. Not dog shit so much as broken glass so keeping an eye on the ground is something I frequently do. Found a quarter last week and picked it up.I may a lot more money than Amway losers by putting in much less effort!

      People who are not brainwashed can understand your logic. Amway losers are focused on the bazillions of dollars in monthly residual income that will come rolling in for the rest of their lives while they sit back and do nothing. Amway is a scam. Amway is a pyramid scheme. The promised riches are never going to be there. Amway's "business plan" is a system set up for failure. Read the small print. I feel like screaming this over and over but brainwashed Amway Ambots refuse to accept reality.

  2. There is no "residual income" in Amway. In fact, the Amway Corporation forbids any of its members to use that phrase while recruiting new IBOs.

    Aussie Hillbilly is quite correct. No business will sell a product and then send part of the received price to someone who was in the business forty years ago but who has no connection at all with the business today. It doesn't happen in the real world, and it certainly doesn't happen in the fake fantasy world of Amway.

    1. Anonymous - like many things the Amway Corportation forbids the IBO's not to do like bragging about imaginary relationships with the BBB, attacking others online who hold opposing opinions to Amway, and so much more - Amway does not enforce their own rules. So IBO's are comfortable telling their boss to fuck off and go online and spout of lies and Amspeak bullshit. Can you imagine if Amway enforced their rules and violations of the IBO code of conduct? They'd have no brainwashed losers left to buy their shitty overpriced products LOL!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.