Wednesday, October 9, 2024

ExAmbot Remembers FED Amway Free Enterprise Days

Thanks to ExAmbot who shares his memories of Amway FED Free Enterprise Days.

HA HA i remember all this stuff. Let me confirm that for the "serious business builder" you not only arrived there early (say 4 - 6 am) you actually found some ambots who beat you there, how? they slept on the line after last night's function! and BTW they have paid for an expensive hotel room!

Woe unto a new ambot. FED was put on with much grandeur and pomposity (as you would say). the diamonds on stage would keep promoting saturday night, it will be a life changing event (that's when new diamonds are paraded on stage). how it will be a mirror of where ambots will be in 5 years. on the floor before, during and after the friday show the lying to the new ambots continue. they would be told things like "this is your first function, waoh i envy you! i had to wait for close to a year before i could come to an FED! you are in for quite a treat! and for "older" ambots whose FED is their first function they would be told FED does not compare to any other function they have been to before that. don't forget all this promotion usually starts as soon as the last major function ends. so a poor ambot would have been hearing about the function for so long it's been worked into their brain real good (cultic brainwashing of course).

Every day had it's way of being promoted. saturday morning was the preparation for the night event, etc. and then saturday night. you are told to imagine yourself on that stage in 2-5 years. oh la di da! and you will never worry about money in your life ever again, what with all the residual income coming your way.

The funniest part now looking back was when there was no new diamonds as it happened a couple of times with BWW. but leave it to cult leaders to use words on ambots and still put on a cultic show!

Anywho sunday morning almost everyone was all pious and attends the service. it's sold as i came to a business meeting but my life changed and i found christ, my marriage was saved, it's a business but it's even more than that, it's a way of life (now looking back isnt that cult admission?), etc etc.

Then there's still the afternoon session. this is where now everything will be tied together, amongst other crap. in reality this is the first time anything is taught about building the business - last day, last session. Prior to this the focus is emotional. in fact from stage on friday and saturday, they talk about having an emotional reason to build it. that the technics are important but not as the reason to build it and that it takes a short time to cover the technics and that's done on sunday but ambots first need to focus on their emotional reason. cult leaders talk about saturday night is when they "saw it and the business went from head to heart." it was it sounds noble and all innocent. but it's classic cult preying on emotion! once they got an ambot emotionally they got one don't they.

The back drop of all this is that somebody has raked in big bucks. a diamond collects $60 for every ticket sold in his/her pyramid, as well as from the hotel rooms. to me that's what FED and any other function is all about. a way to continue provide income to diamonds by hooking in new ambots and and getting the rest to continue staying in for as long as is possible.



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