Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Shipping Costs

When Ambot signed up as an IBO the first three months the products he purchased were delivered for free. After that shipping was billed.

Outside customers who are not IBO’s get free shipping if they’ve purchased a minimum amount. I don’t recall the amount but I think it was $75. I’m sure if I have the number wrong someone will comment. I only vaguely recall there was a minimum amount because a friend of ours who took pity on Ambot decided to buy laundry soap. When it came to check out she cancelled the order. I guess there must have been a report somewhere that Ambot saw he a lost sale so he phoned her to ask why and she said the shipping fee was too much because she hadn’t met the minimum amount to get it shipped for free.

That laundry soap was pretty expensive around $40. Not wanting to lose a sale Ambot offered to buy it and put it on his next order (that he paid the shipping fees on) and our friend agreed. She didn’t buy it ever again though stating it was too expensive.

And she was right. You can buy a good well known name brand environmentally friendly concentrated laundry soap at Wal-Mart for $10. Since Ambot left Amway and I can buy laundry soap of my choosing our clothes come out a lot cleaner than with the Amway SA8 or whatever their laundry soap was called.

Seeing as how Amway uses Amazon on its board plan presentation as a comparison for Internet shopping, I’ll use it as a comparison for shipping.

Buy minimum $25 from Amazon and get free shipping.

Gee, that comes well under Amway’s minimum threshold. Its not hard to buy 2 or 3 books that you want to read and hit the $25.

On the other hand its just as easy to reach $25 in Amway products to purchase. But you have to keep shopping and buy 3 times that amount if you want to take advantage of the free shipping.

So Amway, thanks for comparing yourself to Amazon. I’ll shop there any day over your company.


  1. Was shown the plan by a ambot recently who had this angry look when i questioned the shipping cost. The ambot ibo i knew tried to say that most people dont care about shipping and that this is just a business expense. I was with a friend when this moron ibo shook his head and acted like we`re stupid or something. The other thing they dont get is nobody wants to wait for some stupid overpriced product. They rather go to the local supermarket for some reconized brand. My local supermarket delivers for free to peoples doors if they order 40.00 or more and with products i like with decent pricing.

  2. Colin I had that battle with Ambot many times when he saw what I'd bought at the store.

    How come you won't buy from our store and support our business he'd want to know.

    Because I need it now not next week and I bought it at the store for $10 instead of the $35 that Amway wants.

  3. Exactly, If i need toilet paper id go buy it right away. Im not going to wait a week for it. It's not really our store unless you are making some money off it. Im sure your hubby had a pretend business like many of his friends do.

  4. Just noticed you can buy some amway products through amazon and get free shipping. Seems like there are desperate distributors trying to get rid of this junk. There's alot of amway stuff u can buy on ebay also. I bet many of the pins purchase so much to meet certain qualifications then sell it online at a major discount.

  5. You both are drifting off the topic. The reason why the customer didn't buy the soap again was probably because you quit before she ran out. It isn't hard to buy $75 worth of products. If you have an Amway business, all it takes is a little planning to ensure you buy toilet paper before you use the yellow pages. Come on, that is NOT hard to do.

  6. Tex, reason why the customer didnt rebuy is because the products are overpriced and not very conveniant. Only reason why ambots friend baught anything from him was out of pitty. How many people who are ex distributors actually continue to buy after quitting?

  7. Tex, it isnt hard to buy 75.00 of products cause they cost twice as much as the products at the local supermarkets.

  8. So Tex do you still buy Amway products and pay to get them shipped? For someone who's suing the company you have a lot of positive things to say about their policies.

  9. I am not allowed to buy Amway products from Amway, they didn't allow me to buy them after I was terminated. I can't even sign up as a customer under an IBO and have them shipped to my address. However, I find the products I like and buy them off eBay, for MUCH less than IBO cost, or even at IBO cost with free shipping. Which Amway "policies" do you think I like?

  10. If I was in a lawsuit with any company I wouldn't be supporting their business either in purchases or agreeing that $75 minimum for free shipping is reasonable and people should plan ahead to meet it. Still sounds like someone talking to their downline. For the overinflated prices Amway charges they could lower their threshold to $25 to match Amazon the company they like to compare themselves to. I can't think of any Amway product that I like enough to look on Ebay to purchase.

  11. Maybe tex is buying their crappy shedding red towels. He loves how the towels turn his body red and the red lint keeps him warm during cold winters:P

  12. That's because you allow your emotional thinking to overwhelm your logical thinking. Amway already got their profit when the products were purchased originally, and the person selling them isn't making any money, because the prices I pay are FAR below the IBO price, even if the shipping was free. I'm the only entity "winning" is this scenario.

    Again, you're mixing ideas with the $75 minimum order for free customer shipping and planning ahead with your order. The free shipping is an incentive for the customer to buy more, and the planning ahead keeps the IBO from having to run to the store when the IBO runs out of toilet paper.

    I did an analysis a few years ago, and found some products cost more, some less, some about the same, when a proper per use cost comparison is made. The same is true for virtually ANY store.

  13. I think im more logical than you ever where. Im not the one whos' sucked into buying thousands of dollars of worthless tools. You might be still a little brainwashed into continue buying their crapp products. If you where logical you'd realize amway products arent that good. The amway corp doesnt even want anything to do with you and you still continue to buy their crap. Who's the emotional one here? Id say most products you buy from amway cost more than the stuff you buy at kmart/wallmart type stores.

  14. Tex, your comments make you sound like youre still a ibo. My upline platinum would have the same rehearse comments about doing a analysis, some products costing more,some less etc. Im sure you're over the system n tools portion of the business. But you just wont let go of the silly amway products or business

  15. I have purchased towels from Amway in the past, and the towels did NOT shed. I have also purchased products that were damaged in transit, and found Amway to be VERY generous with shipping me replacement products. I am confident they would have done the same thing, or given me a refund, if I bought the shedding towels. You lose credibility when you complain about something that has no basis, such as the shedding towels.

  16. Tex a defective product is a basis for a complaint. I put those towels through the washer and dryer at leat 15 times in one month trying to get that red lint under control. Usually only one or two washes is needed. They kept shedding. Inferior quality product and Ambot returned them and got a refund. Its the hilarity of the whole thing dealing with crappy low quality towels sold at a premium price that we can laugh about now. Colin's right about your comments sounding like you're still an IBO. Its like you have mixed feelings about which side of the fence you should be on even though you're involved in litigation.

  17. I would have asked for a refund after one or two washes, not even CLOSE to 15. I doubt Amway would have asked for a return, as they probably got other complaints and didn't need to spend the money for the shipping. You and colin need to spend more time on my site if you think I sound like an IBO. If you think my "feelings" are mixed, I suggest you suggest a time to talk on the telephone, and you'll HEAR how "unmixed" my "feelings" are. Amway heard how "mixed" my feelings were in court yesterday. I'm on the side of the fence that deals with truth. Which side are YOU on?

  18. Ha ha Ambot was determined to keep those towels which is why I tried what I could to keep them from shedding. Two washes max should have gotten rid of any excess lint but these towels were badly made poor quality. Sometimes I read the stuff on your website Tex which is why I get confused trying to figure out which side of the fence you're on. I'll always choose the opposite side of the fence where my former upline stand. Maybe I'll phone you when your lawsuit is settled. That'll be an interesting conversation!

  19. Which parts of my web site confuse you?

    It would pay better if you called BEFORE the lawsuit was settled, but that's YOUR choice.

  20. No part in particular confuses me. Its the overall impression. Or perception.

    I find it tough getting through your front page because of all the information on your lawsuit but I understand why you do it that way. Just tough to wade through and see other updates.

  21. That makes it hard for me to make changes.

    The first post was mostly written WAY before Amway sued me. However, it is information that was extremely useful in court yesterday.

  22. it's $120 for free customer shipping now. i was an IBO for a month only this past march.

    1. Holy shit! What is wrong with this picture??? Most of those products probably don't cost more than a few bucks to ship so the rest is profit for Amway. At least you got out of the cult quickly before much damage was done to you financially and emotionally! $120! Shit! I can't get past that. Rip off! Rip off!

    2. Internet merchants have been trending the other way (easier to qualify for free shipping). Figures Scamway would do the opposite.

    3. Exactly! Amazon is still free shipping if you buy $25. It's not hard to get to $25 for just about any company and if you're only at $10 or $15 there's that motivation to buy a bit more to reach that free shipping threshold. Buying $120 worth of overpriced Amway shit just to get free shipping? I don't think so! Rip off!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!