Monday, January 24, 2011

Another Wife's Amway Horror Story

Here’s a post I found on the Internet from a few years ago and the wife refers to the cost of tapes ten years before, so lets say they were in Amway through the mid-90s. Just in case anyone is wondering I didn’t edit the story just copied and pasted. Even though they used a bunch of  **** to avoid saying bastards, I have no problem saying it like it is!

Its so spooky even 15 years apart how so many of us have similar stories:

When I realized my husband would never be able to bring himself to do the things they asked in order to "build the business", I asked, and then begged that he stop spending the money on books and tapes, seminars and major rallies.

He just kept going on with it, and the longer it went the more I realized that the primary reason we could not get any real help from our upline was that they were already making plenty of money from us off of their share of the tapes, books, seminars, and rallies. Just one example; it costs pennies each to mass duplicate a tape of one of these "upline" talking at a rally, and our price for the two tapes of the week ten years ago was over $7.00 each!

Finally I asked our oh-so-caring sponsors to talk to him and get him to drop the business since he was obviously not going to work it. Instead, they encouraged him to continue having contact with them behind my back, he got a credit card that I did not know about and put $6,000 on it while pulling the bills out of the mail so that I never saw them.

This was because I was working a second job to try and pay off the other two credit cards, 80+% of which were charged up with Amway crap. I was giving him $400 a month that he was supposed to be directly applying to charge cards. Instead, he was making the minimum payments and spending the cash on more motivational crap. They told him he was doing the right thing because once he became successful it would all be made up to me, in spades.

$16,000 spent in four years. One marriage nearly ruined. Bankruptcy. And to this day he will not throw out the pictures of himself with those Diamonds and Emeralds. He's not the same person and never will be, thanks to the brainwashing techniques they use, which strongly resemble those used by religious cults.

The only time in my life that I would refuse to urinate on one of those rat-faced Amway ba****** would be if he or she were on fire.

To read the original post and the ensuing comments

It has the usual typical following with people sharing their Amway horror stories but it doesn’t take long for the first ambot to show up and say there was something wrong with their marriage to begin with. A few brainwashed ambots show up to praise the glories of their hallowed cult with the typical Amway speak. Like we’ve all heard it hundreds of times before.

They’re lucky only $16,000 was spent in four years. These days that would not be an unreasonable amount to spend in only one year. There are more tools related expenses these days, cost of functions has gone up, as well as travel, food, and accommodations for the functions.

Let’s compare this wife’s story against mine using this check list:

  1. Wife asks/begs husband to quit. Check.
  2. Upline making money off the downline victim. Check.
  3. Sponsor doesn’t give a flying fuck about the wife. Check.
  4. Husband racking up the credit card bill. Check.
  5. Husband sneaking around behind the wife’s back to associate with the Amway cult. Check.
  6. Husband only making minimum payment on credit card bills so he still has money to buy more Amway shit and motivational products. Check.
  7. Bullshit propaganda from the upline about how one day the husband will be successful. Check.
  8. Thousands of dollars spent on Amway. Check.
  9. Marriage nearly ruined. Check.
  10. Husband has been brainwashed by the cult. Check.
  11. Wife calls the upline “rat-faced Amway bastards”. Check.

OK. OK. I know on point # 11 I call those upline bastards a lot worse than she does but close enough so you get the point.

I did not write that story but I could have just as thousands of other Amway widows could have written it. Its my story, their story, our story. The story never changes. Just the players.


  1. Not to mention you may have paid to attend the function when the tape was made.

  2. Amen, Anna.

    Sometimes a post is so complete and sad, there's nothing to add.


    1. Please don't forget to factor into the equation lost wages at work while you are away at these "all important" functions

    2. Anonymous - and don't forget those huge wages lost if upline counsels you to quit your job if the boss won't give you time off to attend the Scamway function.

    3. You got it Mark. Amway's a scam! Fuck Amway!

  3. Tex attempted to leave a misogynist comment full of his usual drivel that I deleted.

    FYI in case anyone is wondering the only person who has ever left comments on my blog that I have deleted without publishing is Tex.

    You're wearing out your welcome Tex.

    1. What the hell does that have to do with Amway?

  4. Tex has worn out his welcome on just about every single Amway related blog. The very people who could actually help his cause end up banning him for rude, racist or completely off topic comments.

  5. Exactly. I've been reading blogs for the past year or so and I've seen his comments and getting banned and when I started this blog I knew he'd find his way here eventually and he's the reason I put the comments on moderation. I still want to see him win his lawsuit. Amway has brought hurt to so many people that I wish the best to everyone who sues them.

  6. The enemy of my enemy is ... Tex??

    Back to the post, I was prospected in 98 and all the same crap used back then is still in use today.

    I still remember the presenter said that he'd rather skip lunch than not buying the TAPES (Yes, IBOFB, it's still tapes in 1998). GAG!

  7. It was still CASSETTE TAPES in 2002.

  8. I remember when I first heard from some ambot saying they had gone to CDs, like amway had discovered the cure for cancer or something.

    They were only 10 years behind. When the ambots who accuse us of being old and they tell us amway has changed since the old 'CASSETTE TAPES' days, whatever will they do when their money runs out, they quit amway, and then find a few years after they quit, amway switched to MP3 or will it be 3CP0, or maybe 90210?

    Crap, there will always be some 'reason' why amway is new and improved. Meanwhile, they are still preaching from stage how the next function will shave 6 mos. off going to diamond.

    Crap, we went to so many major functions, we should have gone diamond in a freaking nano-second.

  9. Lobotomized for AmwayJanuary 25, 2011 at 5:30 AM

    Sad. Sad. Sad. I think back to hearing the upline a-hole's talk about "reproducible results". My whole time in the only reproducible result I saw was a repeat of the story above - only difference is the amounts of $$ that were lost.

    That's why blogs like this are SO important, so that future prospects can see the full story even if it aint so pretty. And hopefully make better decisions that some of us did.

    I also hope the new more technically savvy generation who have been raised on iTunes, podcasts,e-readers and other digital media make the book/tape/cd business unprofitable.

  10. Anonymous - CDs might even be a thing of the past. The latest I heard at Amway meetings was they were going to have the recordings available on the WWDB website for listening or downloading. They'll probably double or triple the $49 monthly premier membership fee once they start adding those "free" recordings!

  11. Lobotomized, I'd say the above story is the only thing I ever saw being duplicated in Amway too. There are many sad stories out there: bankruptcy, divorce, broken families, losing life's savings. Its just horrendous that Amway has brought misery to so many lives.

  12. rlaurens - I've never been able to figure out if Tex is an enemy or supporter of Amway!

  13. Is there an honest way to make tons of money?

  14. You can buy a stock at a low price and have it rocket up and then sell it right away. You may not make tons, but perhaps as much as a 30% return on your original investment. Of course, you can lose, too. Better to invest in a reasonable stock (a big company with a good history) than buy AMway tapes!

  15. Anna,

    OMG, you hit the nail right on the head! My parents were in Amway for about 10-12 years in the late 1980s-1990s. my stepfather was brainwashed into quitting his job and trying to make Amway his profession. Meanwhile, we suffered with no money while my parents spent every dime on meetings, seminars, products, etc. They were always gone and my sister and I were left on our own--we never got to take a vacation or go anywhere while they went to Hawaii, Las Cruces, and multiple destinations all in the name of "business." My stepfather even purchased a Cadillac, as that was supposed to be the "success" car. He wasn't allowed to have facial hair because people with facial hair were untrustworthy...really?? Empty promises on a weekly basis that "we will be rich beyond your dreams, we are going double diamond," etc. I was only a teenager but I knew it was a load of s---!!! I was so angry years later when my stepfather insisted on trying to indoctrinate my fiance into the Amway cult. I told him under no circumstances are we joining and yet he still bothered my fiance. I absolutely detest these people. They are brainwashers. The whole concept is so ignorant. I remember buying products that were not Amway brand and I was told to hide the "alien or negative products" when Amway guests were coming over. Many times the product shipment would be late and we would run out of toilet paper and other necessities yet we were not allowed to buy other brands. It is a ludicrous business and anyone with intelligence will steer well clear!

    1. Hi Anonymous! It's always interesting when I get a comment from the child of an Ambot and see their side of the story. And basically we all have the same story. We all saw and heard the same things. The bullshit you heard is identical to the bullshit being taught 20 years later. Cult tear families apart. You lost out on a lot of happy childhood memories because your parents were busy trying to please their upline cult leader and obeying his every command that they couldn't provide you with a normal childhood. The unfortunate thing about a cult is that intelligent people can get sucked in too. This is a cult based on greed and the over the top desire for material possessions. At best you grew up with a very clear vision nev to get sucked into this evil. Hoping your life is much happier now!

    2. Anna, thank you. My mother and stepfather divorced right before I was married. He had some other issues besides being an Ambot. My sister never quite shook her bad childhood experience and became quite a wild child. Tragically, she died at the age of 25 because of complications with her bipolar medication. I, on the other hand consider myself fortunate. You are correct--I learned to spot BS early on and I consider myself a very skeptical person. I am the Chief Operating Officer at a successful company--I work hard every day at a job that is challenging and fulfilling. You could say my difficult teenage years prepared me for my current position--providing support, honest, hard work and spotting disingenuous people who might harm the business. Thank you for providing children and families of Ambots a chance to vent.

    3. Sorry about your sister, but thank you for sharing your story for others to hopefully learn from.

      The funny thing is, Ambots are SO brainwashed to ignore reality and view things through the narrow eyes of the cult, that despite you having a great, fulfilling, good-paying honorable job, they would sneer at you and mock you for working for a "boss" and feel all superior to you, convinced that you STILL will end up broke or dead by the age of 65 while they will be basking in riches. It would actually be kind of funny if it wasn't just so pathetic.


    4. Anonymous - how tragic. Amway destroys people's lives and causes financial and emotional devastation. Perhaps your sister would still be alive if your parents weren't so self consumed with the cult and spent time at home and noticed she needed medical treatment.

      Yup ambots would call you a loser who works a J.O.B. and consider the,selves far superior to you because they're business owners. Even thoug you're at a better stage in your life than most ambots could ever hope to achieve.

      Thanks for reading. It's stories like yours, people who are courageous enough to tell their own horror stories, that let's us know we are providing a comforting place on the Internet for those who keep living the Amway horror every day and have nowhere else to turn. They know they're not alone.

    5. Thank you for the kind comments Anna and Anonymous 1:04 PM. I hope my story does help others who are affected by the Amway lifestyle. I hope it persuades them to leave the madness, take care of their children and lead a normal, productive life. If one spends too much time "chasing the dream," they will eventually wake up and find that life has passed them by and they are unfulfilled and bitter. Anna, thanks again for your blog and for nurturing us who have been affected by the travesty that is Amway.

    6. Anonymous - I bet anything it was your step-dad who got involved in Scamway and dragged your mother in it. She may have got caught up in the rah rah hype group mentality or she may have been sucked into wanting to support her husband and be the good dutiful obedient Amway wife that these women are brainwashed to be like its still the 1800s. In doing so she neglected her children because once you're brainwashed into the Amway cult of greed nothing else is important except worshipping the cult leaders and the expensive products they must be bought, the worship of money and the material things they will all own one day when Amway makes them richer beyond their wildest dreams. Unfortunate for a child to get stuck in that selfish lifestyle.

    7. Anna, you are absolutely correct. My mother actually hated it but felt obligated because they had already sucked so many friends and family members in with them under the supply line. It ended up destroying so many relationships. We still have issues with family members today because of it. After my mother and stepfather divorced, he continued to be involved with Amway--probably still living the brainwashed dream. So sad they wasted their best years working hard and missing their children's teenage years for nothing.

    8. Anonymous - its a sad comfort to you to know your story and your mothers is not so very different from so many others. We all have the same stories. Amway is all about destroying relationships. It's just a sick cycle that this cult is out to destroy other people's lives for no reason other than its how they get their only sick pleasure out of life.

    9. It wasn't Amway it was the organization or line of sponsorship you were in. Believe me I have plenty of stories. It's amazing I'm still alive. It wasn't suppose to be the big business but doing it that way was what brought the big money for the corporation so they allowed it to go on.

    10. Unknown - ultimately Amway is responsible. If it wasn't for Amway none of these cult sects and evil cult leaders would exist. Though Amway's position is they're not responsible for anything their cult leaders say at Amway meetings. Hunh?! As you pointed out, Amway turns the other cheek because their cult sects bring them the big money.

  16. My sister and I had to endure an Ambot stepdad. We were so exasperated with the Amway cult. I remember both of us walking like robots with our arms straight ahead chanting "negative products, negative products!" Haha. Only gullible people who are obsessed with the concept of "easy money" are lured in to Amway. Nothing is ever easy and they expect you to market the Amway concept as well as products/services to your friends and family.

    1. Hindi anonymous. It's not that funny but the vision of you and your sister going around chanting negative products negative products is one of the more weird things I've heard about how this cult treats the children of ambots. The Amway preys on the gullible and the disadvantaged and is all about selling the hope instead of the soap and scamming the cult followers out of their money. Yup Amway is all about selling shitty overpriced products to your friends and family who don't want nothing to do with it but feel compelled to buy something just to get the Ambot off their back.

    2. Oops what was my spell check thinking above! sorry about that!

  17. Hi Everyone,

    My boyfriend recently joined Amway over the summer. We were told by a friend that he had a business proposal for us. We went to see what he had to say, and it turned out to the Amway spiel. I'd heard it before, and knew the way these things turn out, so I told him I wasn't interested. To my horror, my boyfriend signed right up. I convinced myself that maybe it would be harmless, but now just a few months later, I sense that he's different now. And I may just be being the 'crazy girlfriend' being crazy, but he does things now that he didn't used to. For example: He used to never shave his face- even when I asked him to- now he shaves it every day. He has a room full of Amway stuff that he doesn't need - like diet pills. He's a little chubby, but diet pills?? Carb blockers?? Why does someone in their 20s need diet pills? I looked it up, and those pills cost a lot of money. And now, whenever I don't want to do something, like go to diner with him and his friends, he gets pissed and reminds me that he could be with his Amway friends instead, and I should be so lucky that he chose to hang out with me, and that next time he would just go "hang out with people that are successful". I might be over reacting, but this is NOT the kid I started dating. I'm worried that things are only going to get worse. He quit his job, and even though it was just a minimum wage job, its still more money than this Amway thing has gotten him so far. I'm not sure what I should think, or what I should do. Does anyone have any advice for me?

    1. Your intuition is not failing you. You do indeed have much to worry about. Amway is a cult, and like all cults, it changes the personality of the person roped into it. As you've seen, like anyone brainwashed, he doesn't see the world through realistic eyes. "Reality" gives way to the fantasy world painted by his new Amway "friends". They sneer at people with jobs as being "broke losers", regardless of how much more they have than them, and allow themselves to dream of "riches, mansions, limos, etc", even as they sink deeper and deeper into debt.

      The longer he stays in and gets more indoctrinated by the cult leaders, you'll notice more and more things coming out of his mouth that doesn't sound like the person you used to know.

      No one can tell you what to do, but if he continues to get more dismissive of you (they sneer at anyone who is not "one of them"), you may need to weigh how your life would be in that world of Amway as opposed to cutting your losses and finding someone who cares about YOU instead of a materialistic dream that consumes their every waking hour.

      Good luck to you.


  18. First, I'm happy to see you're not intimidated by the dain-brammaged Am-Wankers. In the seventies, I was hired by an Emerald to distill an entire weekend, yes..Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday..into a ninety-minute cassette tape, those pushed upon subordinates by the 'uplines'. Editing all that drivel into something palatable was a real job, as I couldn't distinguish between 'information' and babbling..especially after listening to the Charlotte Diamonds drone on about nothing for hours.It all sounded like horse-hockey, and was. That said, it was evident to me, an outsider, where the real money was generated...and it wasn't in the product, but the 'tools' exaggeration to be sure. 'TOOLS?' The only 'tool' I saw was a Diamond Direct lying through her teeth. (Both of them) It was an experience I would not want to repeat, but I'm wiser for the experience. It's truly sad, and immoral, to monetarily rape the innocent, and those involved should be ashamed. They're not, and more's the pity...greed-heads, all.

    1. Hi. Thanks for stopping by with your story. I'm going to bring it up to an upcoming post real soon because this is kind of old and most of my readers will miss it.

  19. the way you guys talk About This buisness is hysterical!

    1. We have to keep it hysterical to entertain readers as well as educate them about his phony business and the fucking assholes they'll have to put up with if they get involved with the Amway scam. Keep coming back but read the new stuff.

  20. My husband had a workers comp case in the nineties. His lawyer and friends pounced on him to join after his chiropractor had him in Nikken (another scam).which was a big scam as well. The tactics they will use to get them to hate your present life and envy theirs is sickening. We finally were too broke to go on so they dropped us and his comp case was lost. I can't stand MLM people. They will do anything, say anything and have no morals.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by to share your story. Yeah we just reposted a link to a story about a psychiatrist lost his license after signing up his patients to Amway. These people who are in regulated fields need to think twice about whether worshipping the Great Amway God is more important than losing their careers and income. And yes the Amway cult meetings are all about getting people to hate their life, hate their boss, hate their job, and envy the cult leader's lives. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before figuring out you got scammed and then try to rebuild your life. And you got it. MLM scammers have no morals. No matter how many times brainwashed Ambots show up here and try to bullshit us that the fucking assholes in their Amway upline are the most moral ethical people around. Liars!

  21. My husband was involved with Amway/Bww in the 90's. He had a pretty large downline, but ended up quitting due to marriage issues. He later divorced. We married in 2013 and he told me about this great opportunity he had been involved in. I had never heard of it, but he told me he had sponsored someone who went diamond. I said then why would you quit. He said it was the biggest mistake ever and that he wanted to get back in and build it with me. Due to his excitement I was excited. Unfortunately he was at a work meeting at a hotel where a bww meeting was. Needless to say our ibo journey began. We were hard core. Attended EVERY meeting, did 50/150 ++ every month irregardless of our finances. We racked up credit card debt in the thousands of dollars and took out several loans. I propected everyday and showed the plan almost everyday for almost four years. All on the belief that sacrificing time and money now we would get more time and more money later. I was told that our work ethic outdid 95% of the people in the business and we were sure to become diamonds. We reached 1000 pv. Half of that was mostly personal with a little customer volume. But we got paraded on stage like we did something fantastic. Back in April I had to have surgery and did not go to function, did not read and listen to cds like a good little ibo. Things started to change in my mindset. I had realized how much time and money we wasted. Time away from out son and family. We had no longer went on family trips cause all our time and money went to meetings. I was so dedicated and believed the huge repeated lie of financial freedom. That was until I got away for a little while. I finally added up all the money we spent and it was close to $60,000 in a four year period. That includes books, cds, functions, products, travel expences for stp every night, hotel, business materials, samples, etc. We got very very little return on our "investment." We maybe made $2000 in those four years. I have been reading a lot of blogs and information on cults over the past four months. Bww is by far a manipulative cult. I presented my husband with a bunch of research material, even though we are brainwashed not to do outside research because the internet is like a bathroom wall and anyone can write they say. He listened to me, said he can't deny he had felt somewhat like there were tendencies of cult activities. We were great that day, then he wouldn't talk to me for a week. When he finally did talk to me he said I call bs. You can't blame amway or bww for us spending the money we did. I haven't done anything with the cult since. He still pays for bww bmp, streaming, and webspace. I refuse to waste anymkre time or money. He did tell me a few weeks later that he was taking a break, but that if he is off work for the team meeting he was going. I said I am not. He hasn't brought it up since. Our upline platinum calls and texts him all the time. Their upline platinum lady has repeatedly tried to set up meetings with me. I think my husband still has hopes I will come around. It's such a brainwashing cult to consume all your money and time. I've told him about all the blogs and he says oh yeah those are the quitters who didn't work the business and now go on there and spew their hate because "the business didn't work" he said no, "they just didn't work the business" he doesn't want to hear anything I have to say about all the research I've done and all my findings. Please someone help me. I need some advice? I refuse to let this scam ruin our life, marriage, family and finances any longer.

    1. Hi Anonymous. First off good on you for seeing the light and getting away from Amway. I’m sorry about the financial and emotional devastation this evil cult has brought to your lives. Thank you for sharing your story with us. And sad to say your story isn’t all that different from many of us who are married to ambots. You’re a little different due to the time frame. Most people quit Amway before they get to 4 years. Anything after 2 years is pretty much a lifer in Amway.

      The money you spent seems about on target for a CORE couple, breaks down to about $15,000/year for the 4 years you were in. Like wise the $2000 commission from Amway, average $500/year. That’s about right for a couple who were self consuming and buying more and more Amway shit to earn back a higher rebate.

      I would guess your husband got divorced the first time because the wife couldn’t stand Amway being the mistress in their marriage. And without her income assisting supporting the household he couldn’t afford to be in Amway any longer. As you pointed out, it takes a decent income or available credit to support the expensive Amway habit.

      Why don’t you pick up one of your Amway brochures that you give out to prospects where it shows how much money you can make. Look for the small print at the bottom of the page where Amway shows only a tiny percentage of 1% will make money and slap that in your husband’s face. Amway is a proven system for failure. Over 99% of participants won’t make money and most of them will lose a shitload of money as you’ve already experienced. Think about it your net loss is already something like -58,000!!!
      I’d recommend making an appointment with a financial advisor and ask your husband to bring along his business plan and profit and loss statement. You know if you get audited and can’t show those items to the IRS agent you’ll be in big shit. The IRS has a special section dedicated to Amway tax cheats.

      You can make an appointment with a counsellor that deals in relationships and tell him/her you’re having financial problems due to the Amway cult.

      I also suggest you talk to a lawyer and make sure your ducks are in a row for worse case scenario. You’ve been in Amway long enough to know how it works. The assholes in the upline will be counselling with your husband to divorce the unsupportive wife.

      Come back and tell us how you’re doing. And good luck to you. You’ll need it when you’re dealing with those fucking Amway losers.

  22. if amway is a scam why are the ceo's not in jail huh? You are delusional if you think it is a scam. All IBO's are on track to make 6 figure businesses if they follow our simple business model.

    1. How come Amway’s owners paid a $25 million fine to avoid going to jail? I guess those scammers can afford it.

    2. Yet another brainwashed And delusional Ambot commissioned sales person that thinks they are a real business owner. On track to loose 6 figures more like it.

      **Former WWDB Lemming**

    3. Hi Former WWDB Lemming. I can’t tell you how many Amway losers I met who all sat around bragging about all the shit they’d buy when the bazillions of dollars from Amway start rolling in in 2 to 5 years. And a whole lot more Amway losers who show up at this blog bragging the same old bullshit. It’s like these fucking Amway pricks are all saying “I’ll show you”

      LOL on track to lose 6 figures is right on!

    4. To Anonymous at 5:30 PM --

      You say it's a "simple business model"?

      Yeah -- a simple-minded business model for fucking simpletons like you.

      Tell us how much money you have personally lost in Amway so far. Come on -- we're waiting.

    5. LOL Anonymous- Amway Ambots = fucking simpletons. I’d like to see one Amway loser tell us how much money they’re losing and then keep on trying to convince us business is going great.

  23. I too was lured into the Amway world thru the WDA organization back in the 80's. Spent a lot of money on "Tools" Made it to Direct Distributor, but never really made any money or real profit. Realized after several years of trying really hard that this was not what it was portrayed to be. WAY too much pressure was exurted to purchase the tools, attend the seminars, to "Worship" your upline ( regardless of how nefarious they were) and in general , be a loyal stooge. About the only positive thing to come out of this experience was the exposure to reading books that promoted positive thinking. That training has been helpful in succeeding in life OUTSIDE of the Amway cult in ways that the Big A could never achieve. The only real money I ever saw someone make from Amway was when I watched a few of the Directs that I knew, working "The Door" at a few ralleys and realized that when some of these rank and file distributors, (suckers) coming thru the gate needed to buy tickets for thier guests (Prospects), They would sell them the tickets they had already collected ( and had been previously paid for ) and pocket the cash! Small compensation for the $1000's they were bilked out of to get to that position! At that point I finally said Screw this bullshit! And blew it off for good, and moved on with my life in "The Real" world.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by to share your story. Amway Ambots show up here screeching all the time that Amway is different and us old timers have it all wrong. But nothing has changed in Amway since the 80s other than the faces and the prices keep going up. The Amway tool scam is still the only way to make money. The pressure to buy shitty overpriced Amway products, buy tools, attend Amway cult meetings, and worship the fucking assholes in the Amway upline. Nothing's changed!

      Except with the invention of the Internet more of us can get the word out about the financial and emotional distress Amway has brought to our lives.

      Look at those books you read and you found some helpful. You had to pay top dollar for them from some Amway cult leader. You could have probably borrowed them for free at the library or bought them cheaper at a book store.

      Once people quit Amway they start getting their lives back under control. Good for you!

    2. The one thing that really pissed me off was paying out good money going to some of these bigger weekend events at resorts like Tan-Tar-Ra in the Ozarks, and Lake Geneva, and not having the time to go FISHING!!!! Bummer!!

    3. Anonymous - its kind of like how World Wide Destructive Bastards holds a function in Honolulu. Nothing like wrecking your Hawaiian vacation by going to an Amway meeting!

  24. Have you ever thought you were being scammed? Here’s my Amway story.

    First off I did not fall for the my life sucks and we can give you financial freedom bullshit they portray. But I was approached by some friends we had made in a new town my wife and daughter and I had moved to. They wanted to show us an opportunity that they couldn’t share with us right away as we hadn't been vetted yet. This is your first clue this is a bad idea. But what the hell we went along with it, we met a couple times for coffee where they just discussed their life and faith (this is the key I think), how they could help us become them, and achieve what they and their “mentors” have achieved. First off I never said I wanted to be them, so I thought hell that's pretty self involved to think I want to be you.

    After they describe what seemed like a legitimate business we decided to attend a meeting, this is where the wheels fell off. The “inspirational” talk was from their up-line about how they had achieved financial freedom and could be full-time parents instead of selling themselves for money in a real job like all the losers. These people listening in this meeting basically kissed the ground they walked on, its at this point I realized its more of a cult, and brainwashing than a business. The meeting had a believe us cause we are the only option to get what you want, with everyone in unison saying yes to the “facts” they presented. Which are complete and utter bullshit. Everyone can achieve this, no one loses if you apply yourself to the “program”. This I believe is why they target people of faith, they are more apt to believe what they don’t see. Don’t take that as a negative if you are a person of faith, I just think its their “in”. I am not a person of faith, I need to hold evidence in my hand to believe.

    Anyway after the meeting they provided my wife and I an information package, material littered with Amway. I was already out, and after three or four texts from my would be mentor about the package and setting up a time to discuss I politely told him we were not interested. He seems to have accepted that but time will tell if he pushes anymore. I don’t doubt a person could potentially make money with Amway however the method of making money is recruiting and not selling the products, any person who actually looks at that realizes this. So if constantly searching for recruits, alienating your friends and family, never having a free minutes to do the “sins” in life you enjoy, tv, sports, playing with your kids (I use the word sin as they try to make you think having fun and being happy is wrong and all spare time should be Amway time) then power too you. I however will enjoy my beer on a Saturday night or Sunday for hockey and football games, ill enjoy wasting countless hours with my kids building lego.

    I dunno if this will help anyone but felt I need to share.


    1. Hi BH4L thanks for stopping by to share your story!

      And don't feel bad about being scammed. Everyone you said - step by step - is how Amway Ambots conduct "business". That's the pattern. Heard it many times in person and countless times with people's stories online.

      An Ambot who's recruiting new cult members follows the script and that's to get you in front of his Amway cult leader who will bullshit with you about their life and pretend to be interested in you. Call it vetting or prospecting like they're doing you a big favor by saying you pass. Jesus you just need a pulse and you're in! LOL!

      At least you figured out pretty quickly that the Amway cult has their own brand of twisted religion. Don't walk away from Amway. RUN!

      Ambots don't give up that easily. You'll hear from him again. Here's what you do the next time he texts you. Tell him you're starting up your own business. Producing and starring in gay porno flicks and ask him if he wants to invest money in your new venture. Amway Ambots are prudes. That'll be the last you'll hear from him!

      There are many MLM scammers out there all of them want to be your friend and steal your money. Look up the term cult love bombing and stay away from anyone who is overly interested or complimentary in you.

    2. I sort of knew it was amway right from the start. Meh i toyed with him a little first, do i feel bad? Not at all.

    3. Hi BH4L. Yeah it’s OK to toy with Amway Ambots when you consider all the time they waste pestering you to join their cult.

    4. "You just need a pulse and you're in"
      Almost, but I bet there are criteria that will exclude some.
      Displaying "negative" traits such as a healthy scepticism, or a likelihood that you will convincingly call out their bullshit in front of other prospects. That's probably part of the vetting.

    5. Yuri - that's something I recommend to everyone who's been tricked into coming to an Amway cult meeting. Stand up and yell BULLSHIT.

  25. We all want to have a passive income that can make the family financially independent. MLM is not the way as one have to chase new buyers all the time, and that is hard work.
    There is a better alternative where there is no selling and no inventory to invest in.
    Karatbars is the perfect home business, aqnd the only you do is telling other people what you do.
    The work you do once will pay you over and over again for years. Friends will be glad you told them about what you do.
    If you want a passive income you ought to go to

    You might also watch the YouTube video at my site

    Help yourself by helping other people.

    1. Palle - interesting strategy posting about an MLM on a blog that's all about making fun of them.

      Why do MLM affiliates deny they're MLM or pyramid scheme? They all do. If it acts like an MLM - it IS an MLM. Lie, deny, distract and defend. That's what Amway losers do.

      For those who don't know Karatbars are small gold bars. Some people buy gold as part of their portfolio. Karatbars sells gold for prices higher than the market rate.

      Gotta make a profit right?

      Really if you're serious about investing in gold, find another way of buying it that doesn't go through an MLM in denial.

  26. We all want to have a passive income that can make the family financially independent. MLM is not the way as one have to chase new buyers all the time, and that is hard work.
    There is a better alternative where there is no selling and no inventory to invest in.
    Karatbars is the perfect home business, aqnd the only you do is telling other people what you do.
    The work you do once will pay you over and over again for years. Friends will be glad you told them about what you do.
    If you want a passive income you ought to go to

    You might also watch the YouTube video at my site

    Help yourself by helping other people.

    1. Sure sign of an Amway loser is that they repeat themselves. Do all scammers do this?


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.