Monday, September 5, 2011

Communikate Makes IBO’s Superior Over Other IBO’s

When we were in the Amway cult our Platinum cult leader told all his followers that they had to be on Communikate. He would know who the serious business builders are because they subscribe to Communikate. The cult leader constantly rode his downline’s asses about how he only worked with “serious business builders”. He wasn’t wasting his time on anyone who wasn’t a “serious business builder”.

Of course Ambot rushed to sign up. He MUST please his beloved cult leader!

Communikate is a rip off. When we were in the cult it cost $36.95/month. That’s approximately the same as a monthly cell phone plan for a phone that can do pretty much the same things as Communikate.

But what is Communikate? Or “Kate” as the Amway cultists affectionately refer to it.

When you sign up for the Communikate service you are assigned a toll free phone number. Ambots were told to put this toll free number on their business cards. Oh yes we had to have business cards because after all we were “business owners”. The inclusion of a toll free phone number on the card would make the ambots better than everyone else who had business cards without a toll free phone number. It made them look like real business owners with a long distance presence.

Toll free number. Just for kicks I phoned our old one. I got a recording that seemed halfway through their speech something about a problem and then listed off some numbers. Hmmm. Amway. Communikate. A problem. Yeah they all seem to go hand in hand.

Communikate was like a voice mail system. The cult leaders could bullshit about something and send off the voice mail to everyone in their downline. I often caught Ambot listening to the messages. Sometimes a few messages would back up over an hour or two before he could get around to listening. He would swell with pride if the sack of shit Platinum mentioned his name about something like Ambot is an up and comer or whatever ego stroking bullshit he spewed out. Sometimes Ambot called me over and replayed something he thought I’d be interested in.

He was wrong! Most of the time I yelled from the other room to turn that shit down or turn it off. Its bad enough I have to listen to those fucking cult leaders when I’m dragged off to Amway meetings but putting up with those bastards jabbering in the background in my own house is going too far.

I think Communikate was also a facilitator for conference calls between the cult followers. There were set times that Ambot had to be ready and waiting by his phone for these conference calls.

But mostly Communikate was for voice messages upline sent down to the cult followers. You know all that “very important information” the cult leaders send out as part of their information control brainwashing.

It seems to me that Ambot also had the Communikate toll free number on our Amway web page. That one cost $50/month part of the WWDB premier membership. Cha ching!

Our sack of shit Platinum often sent out messages on Communikate to round up his cult followers to meet him in an hour at a destination of his choosing. All the ambots had to drop whatever they were doing and haul ass to get to their cult leader or face his wrath later for disobedience. The sack of shit told them in his message not to tell any other Amway IBO’s that they were going to a very important Amway meeting. This was his strategy to weed out who had Communikate and who didn’t. The ones that did not show up were presumed not to be spending $36.95/month for this service.

At the next “open” Amway meeting the sack of shit Platinum would get on his pedestal and rant about the cult followers who did not have Communikate.

Then this part would really piss me off. Ambot would pipe up and say “They don’t?” in a tone full of horror and self righteousness and “I’m better than all you fuckers because I’m on Communikate” attitude. Those ambots were always going around with the attitude that they’re better than everyone else for no other reason than they’re an Amway IBO. Then they’d take it a step further and have a “I’m better than the rest of you ambots” superior attitude within their cult group.

Why don’t we just say that every ambot in the room who owns a car manufactured within the last 5 years is better than ambots who drive older cars? Why don’t we just say that every ambot in the room who owns a house is better than ambots who are just renters?

That’s a brainwashed ambot mind at work for you!

As I already pointed out the $36.95/month for Communikate is just another way the Amway cult leaders rip off their followers. Most of Communikate’s features are standard with most cell phone packages. A toll free phone number? So people can leave you messages? Think about it. How many out of towners do ambots deal with anyway? Most cell phones offer texting packages across the country. All good little ambots must have Internet. Email, instant messaging, websites where audio and video can be done for free.

Somewhere upline Diamonds are getting a huge chunk of Communikate commission for every dumb ass ambot that’s conned into getting ripped off purchasing this useless “tool”.


  1. What a crock. First of all, nobody needs voicemail anymore. You can accomplish the same things with facebook, email, twitter, etc.

    Secondly, what happened to product loyalty? Amway has a voicemail system that issues PV/BV but those rip off WWDB bastards put their downlines on KATE anyway.

  2. The thing with voicemail if someone upline phones and it goes to voicemail they'll berate you for not answering their "very important" call. My husband had a lot of horrible, evil, filthy voice messages and texts from our Platinum around the time he was quitting Amway and refusing to take his calls. By that time he'd let his Communikate lapse and hadn't renewed for 2 months! Someone upline was losing out on that commission from his portion of the tool sales!

    There's no such thing as product loyalty. People go where they get the best deal. The upline Diamonds must make a greater profit off Communikate than WWDB voicemail system.

  3. I cant even think of the last time i gotten a voice message. MOst friends & relatives call and hang up. So having caller id is good enough. Most prospects if they are interested they'd sign up with a local amway group. Dont see a reason why they'd call the ibos 1800 #.

    Seen a 1800 voicemail service for way cheaper than communikate lol.
    The pricing for the voice mail system is as follows:
    Monthly Charge: $1.95/ month plus 10 cents per call.

  4. I don't know Colin. Maybe its just you. When friends and family call me and I don't answer they leave a message. Or the ones who are smart enough to know that I'm probably still digging around in my purse for my phone hang up and try again and I answer the 2nd time because I've found my phone by now! Even with caller ID the only hangs up I get are from some call room center trying to sell me newspaper subscriptions or get my carpets cleaned. Hardwood floors. I told them if they wanted to come over and if they could find a carpet in my house they could clean it then they wanted to clean my curtains.

  5. Only serious business builders are on kate, huh?

    That Donald Trump, what a loser!

  6. So what happens when an ambot can no longer pay for the website or voicemail system because they've completely lost all their finances, job, house, everything! I did some digging and found an old link that was given to me by an IBO to "buy stuff from their business" (which I never did), and when I clicked the link today, it redirected to Is that where dead IBO websites retire to? Is this Amway's way of still using the website to recruit people even though the IBO can no longer afford it?

  7. Anonymous - ha ha. Some would say Donald Trump is a serious business builder, just not an Amway business builder! Ah the joys of being a well known personality and getting paid endorsements. He was getting paid to endorse that ACN scam not sure if he's still affiliated with it or not.

  8. Anonymous @ 7:38 - "Do you have the courage to live your dream?" Now where have I heard that one before! One final kick at the can! Surely you can apply for another credit card and charge that one to the max too!

  9.!September 7, 2011 at 9:15 AM

    Let me see...Kate is a tool to extract cash from sucker ambots. or kate is another way ambots for their diamonds' lifestyles. Correct for both. to ask them to pass upline $36.95 because upline loves them and they love upline will translate this scheme into a plain-to-see-as-nose pyramid. the next best thing is to invent a "business tool" (more like a scam within a scam) in order to do the same. and then attach cult influence that "only serious business builders are on kate" etc etc. otherwise if the scam diamond leaders have interests of ibo's at heart they would have stayed with amway's own messaging system after all it awards awards pv/bv. but nah that's a gravy train to line up their own pockets then boast about lifestyles to poor ambots. so you see it's true ambots pay for the diamonds' lifestyles.

  10. ExAmbot - my husband was well brainwashed into buying those tools or whipping out the credit card to buy more Amway products when someone upline phoned to say someone else upline needed more PV to meet that month's goals. Its just sickening. He was paying for their friendship and these were NOT the kind of friends I wanted him hanging around with. Some crazy sack of shit Platinum who's a cross between Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and Hitler is just not the kind of evil you want to bring into the household. All I can say is some Diamond in WWDB must have worked out a huge commission with Communikate with the promise of bringing thousands of serioius business builders to subscribe to the service.

  11. The hilarity in this story gave me boisterous LOLs, now my lungs feel so good! it's so real, and so cunning. i like that the girls had the guts to tell their upline ambots to! seemingly they hadn't soaked in all the brainwashing. such a mindset is a nightmare to any ambot upline - they have a mind of their own. so they are termed "not teachable, not submitting to upline, etc." you know all the cult stuff. what a load of crap!

    oh yeah and about selling to friends. very very bad idea. very bad especially if an ambot doesn't have skills and is headstrong in scamway. you know when an ambot enters a room and people scatter in all directions like flies.

  12. Ex-Ambot - I think you're repeating yourself!

  13. I think your stupid, its not nearly the same as a voice-mail its more like having a personal assist to help get a hold of you as well as relay information from within your business. But clearly you must of had a bad experience in Amway so all you can taste is the bitter blood in your mouth. But it is funny however to listen to people wine about things that arent rational in any way shape or form, so thanks for the laugh

  14. Interesting comments from someone who found their way to my blog by searching “how do you cancel communikate on wwdb”. Wait till you go to the next Scamway meeting in Eugene Oregon and face down the wrath of your Platinum after he finds out you cancelled Communikate and then he’ll really make you look stupid in front of the other cult followers. You’re a very bad little ambot if you don’t buy the tools and make your upline rich!

    Personal assistant? I heard that bullshit too but the only ones who believed it were the brainwashed cult followers. I could save money and use a smart phone instead.

  15. Anna- a ex ambot told me told me he asked to stop communikate to get free voicemail from google voice. Of course the reaction wasnt good from the cult leaders.

  16. Colin - that's because the cult leaders don't make any money off Google! But they still used Google gmail for forwarding on email from Amway that the cult leaders determined IBOs at our level needed to hear about and Google calendar for scheduling Amway meetings. Maybe the cult leaders have warned Communikate if they don't get a bigger piece of the pie they're history.

  17. Please be aware that WWDB is an organization associated with Amway and jot everyone who is associated with Amway is part of that particular organization. I can respect the opinions expressed here and feel sorry that your experiences have all been so awful. It has been my experience that my mentor and friends as well as my entire team have been there for me in my hardest times when business wasn't even involved & I've never been pressured or been made to feel pressures to purchase anything extra above what my budget would allow or above what I wanted to invest. I have found the support of my particular team to be incredible in helping me be successful in this marketing business as well as in other areas of my life. I hope that you continue to be well & am truly sorry your experience was such a negative one & hope that you also realize, in your educating of others through this blog (which came up when I was researching something else on Google) that you keep in mind that not all organizations stand on the values of integrity, honor or morales like the team I am a part of does. All the best to you & your family.

  18. Hello Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by! Also thanks for not saying the usual canned amspeak response!

    Well aware that there are several LOS groups out there but from everything I've read its clear that WWDB is the most abusive Amway line.

    Good luck to you in your quest to be part of the 1% of IBO's who make money in Amway.

  19. Banana, it is great to see you have some heart, even though some of your comments are overly sarcastic at times, but amusing. Who was your WWDB LOS? You should report it to the accreditation department of Amway Global. Amway has been known to terminate abusive LOS. You should get a petition going. In fact system that are not accredited by Amway now, are known to get suspended. Just like if you get caught stealing work time and work supply from your job. No accreditation, no bueno.

  20. Anonymous - I have a big heart. My comments about my former upline and Amway are sarcastic? That's putting it kindly!

    Like many others we did file a complaint with Amway about our upline. You know what happens next? A standard form letter about how they're investigating the complaint. Then - nothing! Amway is not going to rock the boat and lose out on income.

  21. I'm trying to figure out how to cancel my Kate membership, but there isn't a "cancel membership" button.
    Do I have to call customer service or cancel my credit card?

    When I canceled my amway, there was an option to cancel, but I can't find it on Kate.

  22. Hi there Anonymous. First of all good on you for getting out of Amway and putting your life back together. I hope your financial losses and emotional distress wasn't too severe that you're unable to rebuild.

    I have no idea how to cancel Kate. They must have a toll free phone number or en email for customer service. If worst comes to worst contact your credit card company and tell them you do not authorize any further payments from this company and let them get hit with a chargeback.

  23. I just canceled today! call 1(866) 333-3204. They'll ask for your account or communikate #, then ask you a security question. after that, they ask a reason and "oh sorry to hear that mr/mrs so-n-so". membership ends at the end of that billing cycle, and they send confirmation via e-mail.

  24. Good to hear you cancelled and thanks for providing the number. Could come in handy for someone else looking to cancel. Yeah of course they're going to say sorry to hear that. Most companies are sorry to lose any customer especially one where the payments come automatically out of their credit card or bank account. We met a Communkate rep at an Amway function. They have other customers too besides Amway but any company that can brainwash their followers to sign up for the service is probably a good account for them.

  25. I worked for Webley (company that owns communikate) and yes, it is a scam, the uplines get kickbacks, that's why they push it. They make it super hard to cancel now, you can no longer call to cancel, too many were canceling! They now have chat support, but you cannot cancel by chat, we're supposed to call them and pressure the Amwayers to keep using Communikate. Free tip: Accounts NEVER go to collections, just change your payment method to something incorrect and the account will close itself in a few months. Got questions, ask away?

    1. Anonymous - that's very interesting and not all surprising! We all knew the upline is making money off Communikate - its just unknown how much. Thanks for the tip about cancelling the service. I can see why they'd want to make it difficult. I must get about 5 searchers every day looking for information on how to cancel Communikate.

  26. The amount the uplines receive differs according to the specific deal they have with the respective group, BRITT, WWG, etc. It ranges from $5 to $10 per sign up. "Diamond" level people get special treatment. Another fun tip: Due to Webley's ridiculous billing practice we have gotten many of our clients Debit cards cancelled, it's true! We bill monthly for the service (36.95) but we ALSO bill separately for usage, which usually runs between .25 to .75 cent for most users. These tiny, stupid charges are tagged as "potential fraud" charges by 99% of banks and they "lock" the cards. Lots of people have had important charges for other recurring services bounce back thanks to Webley's stupidity and refusal to make even a tiny good faith effort to better serve their customers. Now you know!

    1. I'm going to do another post in a couple of days about Communikate and pass on your information. Like I said I get a lot of people showing up here searching for how to cancel it.

      Nothing worse than heaving your debit card cancelled because someone screwed up. I had mine cancelled once because the fraud department had flagged a bunch of them that were compromised due to a machine we used - I don't know which store. Someone in Toronto managed to get $20 off my card. They could have got a whole lot more. Lucky they must have just been testing it to see if it was good and the card was cancelled right away. Like I've never been to Toronto and the other debits on my card same day showed I was in town and not jet setting to another country. Pretty obvious it wasn't me!

  27. Webley systems is a highly innovative company that have some good people in place. I know their management. When Communikate originally came out, it was an excellent product for IBOs.

    They simply haven't invested much into that product and are putting their efforts into other areas.

    If you sign up for these pyramid schemes (amway,etc), dont blame communikate/webley, blame yourself.

  28. Amway and wwdb let me cancel with NO hassle. Kate is impossible to cancel. It has an F rating from BBB.

    1. Anonymous - they're all the same. Just stop paying or renewing the monthly or annual fees and they'll cancel your membership. Same as going to the gym. Stop paying and they'll cancel your membership.

  29. Have you ever thought about supporting your husband? I only scanned through your posts...but really; You husband obviously loves you and that's why he's trying something else to bring in money for YOUR family. Maybe instead of cutting him down and wishing you had a better life you should consider actually getting educated on the 'nonesense' you claim his business to be. Just sayin'

    1. Anonymous Amway Asshole from Calgary Alberta - you fucking Amway Ambot show up with your judgemental noses so far up your upline's assholes really fucking piss me off when you have the attitude that there is no other business opportunity in the world other than Scamway. Wake up and face reality. There are many business owners out there who have zippo to do with Scamway. I do not support my husband signing up with a cult and throwing our money away to make some Amway fuckers richer. I do support him in an honest business opportunity where he's not out fucking over other people with Amway lies and scams and overpriced shitty products. So take your fucked up Amway attitude and go to hell! Bastards like you deserve to lose the money and get divorced.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!