I usually do one big grocery shopping trip a month and inbetween I shop as needed for perishables. Ambot had been so preoccupied with Amway meetings that we’d fallen behind on shopping and running low on everything. We had our night set aside that we were going shopping and shortly before we headed out the door his cell phone chirps that he has a text message. I tell him to ignore it because the only texts he gets are from some upline asshole.

Sure enough the arrogant prick that sponsored Ambot and the fucking idiot that sponsored him have scheduled an immediate meeting at Taco Bell. I tell Ambot to tell them to fuck off - we have other plans. Instead Ambot declares that we must drop whatever we’re doing because these cultists expect him to be available at their beck and call 24/7. Well seeing as how we hadn’t eaten dinner yet I said I’d eat some Mexican fast food and then we go grocery shopping. And I mean it. Before the store closes.

For the life of me I can’t remember what those two assholes wanted other than to harass us about “the business”. These two bastards are much younger than us and although Ambot was of the attitude that they’re our upline and we must treat them like gods and kiss their asses I wasn’t under any similar brainwashed delusions. I made it very clear to those two bastards that I had to get to the grocery store before it closed even though they kept trying to sway Ambot to stay in Taco Bell so they could go over some very important business strategies. I sort of won this battle because Ambot and I headed to the store but those two fucking idiots followed us in their car. What are they going grocery shopping for? They both still lived at home and had their mommys taking care of the shopping and cooking.

Those two idiots told Ambot to find prospects in the grocery store. Oh shit how embarrassing is that. There’s a security guard standing outside the store so Ambot pounces on him while I push the grocery cart into the store and abandon him to his stupid Amway games. Eventually Ambot catches up to me and tells me the security guard is a hot prospect and he got his phone number. How sick is that? Its like he’s trying to pick up a date at the grocery store.

Eventually those two upline bastards get bored of walking around the grocery store or else they weren’t having much luck sniping shoppers and they left. However they continued to phone and text Ambot while we were shopping so see how the prospecting is going. Ambot tried to strike up a conversation with a couple of other shoppers but mostly they looked at him like he was some weirdo while I pushed the grocery cart the hell away from his shenanigans.

Then we get to the line up for the cash register and Ambot starts talking to the man in line in front of us who looks rather uncomfortable. Ambot is using F.O.R.M. on him but bypasses F (Family) and goes right for O (Occupation). The man has something to do with developing computer games. Ambot gets that much out of him before his cell phone rings. Its the arrogant prick sponsor. Ambot gets all excited and tells his upline bastard he’s not going to believe who he’s talking to - some dude who invents computer games. After the call ends he turns back to the man who is probably wishing like hell that the cashier would move a little faster and tells him his friend that was on the phone is interested in a similar career (BULLSHIT!) and was wondering if he might be available sometime to talk to him. The man reluctantly gives Ambot his work phone number.

I have no idea if Ambot or the arrogant prick ever tried to contact the man. Probably lost the piece of paper the number was written down on.

I don’t know what’s more embarrassing. Faking interest in somebody’s career in the hopes of trying to trick him to come to an Amway or trying to snipe grocery shoppers to come to Amway meetings.

Ambots always say there's no other business out there like Amway. Yeah I'd say I can't think of any other company that sends their employees out to forage for prospects in places where most people don't want to be bothered by some rabid cult follower.