Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Fucking Brainwashed Amway Defenders

Every now and then I get a brainwashed ambot showing up at this blog usually after doing a search for how Amway is awesome or an Amway function. They stick around long enough to read the one post their search pointed them to and write some canned Amway response that came straight from the CD or one of their upline. So far I haven’t had an original response. Just the usual bullshit - quitter, lazy, didn’t try hard enough, loser, keep working your J.O.B.

I’ve already covered in previous posts that my Ambot put in at least 100 hours a month into Amway pretty much to the extent of ignoring and pushing aside everything else in his life, including his own legitimate business. The facts are what they are. Former IBO’s are all over the Internet saying how hard they worked - some reaching pin levels of Eagle, Platinum, and Emerald - and saying the money they were promised they’d get when they reached that level just wasn’t there.

I had one admirer - Jennifer- who posted a bunch of questions like any good little defensive IBO would do. If she’d read some of the other posts on this blog that would give her the answers to the questions she asked.

Uh, who’s the lazy one now? Ha ha!

Then there’s anonymousfrom Missoula Montana who accuses me of having body parts I do not possess!  The name is Anna. That is a palindrome. Say it backwards or forwards and it still says the same thing. I have never met a man named Anna. Are ambots so brainwashed they can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman anymore?

Typical brainwashed IBO behavior is to ignore the facts and believe only what their upline says because that is always the truth. Other sources are all lies. At least that’s what the Platinum brainwashes the followers into believing.

Brainwashed ambots are welcome to my blog and if they’re a rare breed and actually have something original to say and can say it without being on the attack about me being lazy, unsupportive, unchristian, didn’t try hard enough, and a broke loser who is going to work for someone else for all my life, then post away.

If you’re a respectful ambot I’ll do my best to be nice to you.

For the rest of you brainwashed ambots who show up here accusing me of not supporting my husband all I have to say is fuck you. But then what else do I expect to hear from a brainwashed IBO. Leave me a lazy ass canned Amspeak response and expect a few insults hurled right back at you.

Then come back a few days later and see if you're the subject of a new post!

Fuck you Ambots and fuck Amway. Wait. Let’s go big! A bazillion fuck yous!


  1. Anna, over the last few years I have noticed that there aren't as many Amway defenders showing up here as there were before. There could be several reasons for this. Here are a few:

    1) Amway up-line may have cracked the whip, and insisted more forcefully that all IBOs avoid the internet, and especially anti-Amway websites.

    2) There are fewer and fewer Amway IBOs in North America, so they just don't show up here as frequently.

    3) Whenever they do show up here, they get their asses kicked so badly that they don't dare to return.

    4) They realize how stupid they sound repeating the same canned Amway propaganda year after year, with little variation, so they are too embarrassed to come here.

    5) Their glaring errors in grammar, spelling, and general literacy are so laughable that they realize they are making fools of themselves, as well as discrediting the entire Amway racket.

    6) Amway's sales figures in North America are collapsing so heavily that hundreds of IBOs are simply dropping out of the business and writing off Amway as a lost cause.

    7) The arguments against Amway and other MLM schemes have become stronger and more pointed over the last five years, and are now much harder to refute.

    8) Amway's reputation is now so deep in the toilet that people are afraid to say anything at all publicly in its favor, lest they be dismissed as morons.

    Whatever the reason or reasons might be, you can claim a large portion of the credit for damaging Amway. Congratulations, Anna! This blog has turned out to be Amway's worst nightmare. You did it!

    1. Hi Anonymous. Those are all good points and probably all correct. Except Amway Ambots are snotty snobby arrogant pricks so I doubt they're thinking about their antics affecting Amway's reputation or can figure out they're making fools of themselves.

      When this blog started there were only a handful of websites devoted to telling it like it is when it comes to Amway and none written from a woman's point of view so we won in the popularity contest pretty quickly. Now there are all kinds of blogs, forums, and bloggers who write about other stuff but maybe got prospected by an Ambot and write about that experience. And then hundreds of Ambots will jump all over there Lallou's lab, or something similar to that is a prime example. Not to mention that scientist who evaluates various products and whenever Amway products are critiqued Ambots jump all over that.

      Yup Amway's worst nightmare. That's what happens to blogs that are really high in the search engines. We get the word out about what it's really like inside the Amway cult and help prevent others from making a serious financial mistake. Not to mention how Amway destroys other areas of your life too.

  2. Hi!
    We just met someone who introduced me and my girlfriend to Amway. I've been researching on the internet about the good and the bad. We don't know what to do. Everything was such a mystery at first; they didn't even want to tell us what it was all about until we went to one of those meetings last week. After reading your blog, I wholeheartedly know now that I am staying away from it. They try to pump you up, I've that the Robert K. book and listened to those audios already. They make fun of people that have employment and that went to school to earn a degree. WTF. Amway has employees too, people who work 8-5! They have attorneys and lab scientists. WHY aren't these people selling Amway if it is SO GOOD?!! Thank goodness for your blog. They even told us about reading blogs on websites, they insulted them stating they don't know anything and that we shouldn't believe a word. I think blogs are born because of experiences and we share them so others know about them!
    We have a meeting next week and it is actually my mom's birthday, NO WAY I'm missing my momma's bday for that.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by to share your experience and keeping us updated that nothing has changed in Amway.

      Like most cults, everything is very secretive. Ambots avoid saying the A word. They try to get prospects into meetings and in front of one of their Amway cult leaders to "close the sale".

      As you figured out Amway Ambots make fun of everything else not in their cult. They bitch about people who are employed and people who are educated. We have thousands of Ambots leaving comments here screeching at us that we're not educated. So they hate people who are educated and people who are not educated and this comes from Ambots who can't speek english gud! LOL!

      Amway cult followers are the most negative people you'll ever meet in your life even though they go around freaking out about "don't say negative" they don't take their own advice.

      Of course Amway cult leaders will attack the Internet and people who have websites up getting the truth out about what its like to be in Amway - the emotional and financial distress Amway brings to your life. The Internet has become Amway's worst enemy. Sales have been dropping by about 10% a year for the past few years and that's all because of people like us who share our Amway experiences. And we do this out of the goodness of our hearts. We aren't paid. We just don't want this evil company to hurt any more victims.

      And by the way if you join the Amway cult you will be forced to cut off contact with all non-believers of the Great Amway God. Family functions like your momma's birthday? The Amway cult leaders will give you holy hell if you go, especially if it conflicts with an Amway cult meeting.

      Good on you for doing your research. Ironically that's something else that Amway Ambots screech about "do your research!" Again if they'd taken their own advice they would have stayed the hell away from Amway! You dodged a bullet.

  3. Hello,
    This is my first time ever commenting on a blog post and admittedly I have no idea as to what I am doing, but I am desperate. My boyfriend is being groomed to join what looks like a cult (Amway) and I am beyond afraid. I joined him for one of the meetings and they outright say dump the person if they don't do this with you. I am scared I am going to loose him as a result of this. Tonight is their "Dreamer" event, which I somehow agreed to go to. He is excited and wont hear a word I am saying about this... he thinks he is going to me a millionaire and not have to work in 5 years! So I am begging for help, advice, anything at this point. I love him dearly and I do not want to loose him and I DO NOT want anything to do with those people. I would love some advice. How do I stop this?

    Thanks for letting my ramble.

    1. Hi El May. I'm glad you found us. We're not usually on the blog on weekends but the person who moderates comments saw this and posted it and let me know. I've been out all day. That's what normal people who aren't in cults do. Have fun on weekends. Amway Ambots are at the beck and call of the fucking assholes in their Amway upline 24/7.

      Sorry to hear your boyfriend sounds to be getting sucked into the Amway cult. Amway takes the nicest sweetest men and turns them into ugly nasty angry negative sneering evil bastards - AMBOTS!

      All cults separate their followers from the people who might be able to reason with them and talk them out of joining or staying in. And when that happens the money dries up so that's why you heard the Amway cult leaders say to the Ambots to dump the person who won't support them in this pyramid scheme. Nothing brings those Amway bastards more happiness than destroying other people's relationships and lives. Sick sorry motherfucking evil vicious bastards.

      I know you hate to think you'll lose him once he's been brainwashed and it's scary the power these Amway cult leaders have. Amway brings you nothing but financial and emotional distress. Your boyfriend will be hanging out with broke Amway losers and they'll bring him down to their level. The bottom of the pyramid.

      Right now he's excited because he's being love bombed by the fucking Amway losers he's met. All cults do that. They hug and compliment and build you up and want to be your BFF and once they've got you into their cult then the abuse begins.

      Your boyfriend will never be a millionaire as long as he's in the Amway cult. The only Amway millionaires their last names are DeVos or VanAndel. Other Ambots who got into this pyramid scheme early enough and started up their own cult sects like WWDB World Wide Dream Builders might also be millionaires from scamming the people below them. The only way to make money in Amway is by being the owners or their heirs or selling books and CDs and tickets to Ambots. That's called the Amway tool scam.

      Look at the bottom of the Amway brochure and in the small print it'll show you the percentage of participants who make money. It's a tiny fraction of 1%. In other words 1 out of 30,000 might make money. Not become millionaires, just break even or make a couple of thousand dollars a month.

      On the right side of this page you can download a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. This man was an Emerald with 1000 people in his downline and at his top earning he made around 30k. The Amway cult leaders will always lie to their followers about how much money you can make. Bazillions of dollars will be rolling in from Amway in residual income every month if you believe those lying scamming Amway assholes.


      Read the book and get your boyfriend to read the book and ask him if he knows 1000 people he can keep motivated to buy $300 worth of shitty overpriced Amway products every month just so he can make a couple thousand in commission.

      Most Ambots spend $500 to $1000/month just to make $10 in commission. Amway has over 99% failure rate. That's Amway's figures in the small print on their brochure when you reverse that teensy fraction of 1% who make money.

      More Amway figures that get released from time to time whenever they get sued. 95% of participants quit inside 2 years. Less than 4% of Amway products are sold to people who have not signed up to be "distributors". Do you know any other companies who stay in business when 95% of their customers are staff?

      Good luck to you. If he signs up to Amway you'll be in for a shitload of misery. And then only you can answer this question: can you do better than a broke Amway loser.

    2. Dear El May --

      What Anna says is perfectly correct. Almost no one makes any money in the Amway racket, which is designed to hook naive persons into a perpetual fee-paying operation.

      It will be very hard to get your boyfriend to understand this, or even get him to listen to you. The Amway cultists are already beginning to control his mind. But if you can get him to talk calmly for a moment, ask him this: "Can you sell products to strangers on a regular basis?"

      If he is not a commercial type, or if he cannot see himself as a hard-sell salesman, ask him if he honestly thinks he can make money in Amway. Tell him that friends and family will only buy so much of his line of products, and they certainly won't keep on buying it regularly from him.

      Tell him that very few people want the trouble, expense, and inconvenience of buying toothpaste and soap and toilet paper by ordering it and waiting for mail delivery. Tell him that everything sold by Amway can be bought more cheaply and easily at any store.

      And tell him that he will be shelling out large sums of his own money every month, for years and years, if he joins Amway. He is very likely to go broke.

    3. Hi Anonymous. To make sales in Amway you have to be a great liar and scammer. Of course Ambots will claim these products sell themselves. LOL

      Amway is all about sell the hope not the soap.

      I hope she comes back with an update.

    4. Watch Penn & tellers mlm episode of bullshit with him.

  4. Anna, I have a question. What if someone joined Amway and after joining decided to make their own marketing and sales tools and sell those to people they recruit in their downline--and just ignore whatever their upline says and just do whatever they want to do? Not that I am suggesting this is a good idea, but what keeps an ambot from doing exactly what the DeVos and WWDB do and creating their own arm of the cult? Will Amway kick them out and not allow them to take orders or recruit?

    1. Hi Howdeedo. It’s my guess Amway would fire them because they have strict marketing rules of all the stuff Ambots can not do. Plus the leaders of other Amway cult sects would object. I don’t know. Maybe that’s a better question for one of the bloggers who write about the Amway business.

    2. You see where I am going with this? ;) If Ambots 'own their own business" even call themselves Independent Business Owners. A business owner makes independent decisions about how to run their business. If that's all true like they say it is anyone should be able to operate their business the way they see fit. If I own a store and purchase wholesale products to sell in my store the wholesalers might tell me how the products should be displayed or support my sale of the products with training, but would never tell me how to run my store, or what I do in terms of how to recruit people to work in my store. Ambots are NOT business owners. Ambots are no different from employees--but without the benefit of actually being an employee as in a regular paycheck, benefits, etc. Ambots must obey the upline just as an employee obeys the boss. Ambots are exactly what they insult other people for being. Ambots are Jobbers. Jobbers who aren't paid. Being an Ambot is a J.O.B.

    3. Hi Howdeedoo that's right and we have some posts around here showing the difference between real business owners and Amway Ambots playing that they're pretend business owners. Ambots are low paid commissioned sales reps for Amway and they have to follow their employer's rules. Real business owners create their own product or service and decide how to price it and what their hours and other policies are.

    4. lol If I had the leisure time (I don't because I own a business and make my own products) I would seriously consider joining Amway and doing exactly what I described in my first post just to see how long it would be before I was 'fired' for trying to be a real business owner in Amway. You know, selling the products as I deem appropriate and recruiting sales people with my own sales training materials.

    5. Howdeedoo - or you could do what some former Amway Diamonds have done and start up their own pyramid scheme and sell "motivational" material to suckers.

  5. Watch Penn & tellers MLM episode of bullshit with him.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.