One of our readers shares his Amway experience, getting ripped off by Communikate and the snotty snobby Amway Ambot attitude:
I have to agree with you. There
is a pompous holier-than-thou attitude present in some Independent Business
I first heard of AmWay in 2018. My friend is an IBO and he invited me to one of
their functions in Everett.
The presenters smashed their alarm clocks. I loved watching that. I despise
having my life ruled by time and the slave necessity of working my life away
just to have some meager things.
One year later I joined as an IBO in Missoula. I enjoyed the fellowship at
first but sensed the artificiality later on. My upline, the guy that recruited
me, and his wife, acted pretty arrogant sometimes. Sure, they were kind most of
the time but their falseness shone bright.
Some of the IBOs were pretty nice and I got along with them really well.
However I experienced social anxiety when I attempted to recruit others to the
cause. I couldn't seem to get into CORE very well. I understand the power of
daily habits but half of that Kate dialogue is plain horseshit. The other half
didn't seem so bad.
I could hardly afford the monthly WWDB and CommuniKate bills. I have always
struggled with budgeting and the bills didn't help. I couldn't afford to drive
to Portland for Free Enterprise Days or other functions out of state.
I was at the end of my fuse by November. I dropped all association because I
was tired of the disrespect and passive aggressiveness.
There's somethings that I like about AmWay. I understand your perspective about
the brainwashing and cult obsession.
Finally, why I came here in the first place. I think CommuniKate is stupid.
Yeah, voicemails are cool but like mentioned above there's everything else we
can use instead. I am still getting billed by the fuckers, which as of todays
billing email totals around $100. For something I'm not using and haven't had
installed on my Android since 2019. Utter bullshit.
I think some aspects of AmWay are good. I would love to not have to work a job
and help others build their dreams. But I'm taking a higher path to achieve
success. I wish you all a great year and the best of luck in your righteous
What I would like to hear from this guy is exactly what things, specifically, he likes about Amway, and what are the aspects of Amway that he thinks are good.
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to start a fight. I just want to know. He obviously can see through much of the Amway fraud, but nevertheless he still seems to be attracted to it. If he could explain this, we might learn a lot about the motivations that drive people to become IBOs.
Anonymous - we'll probably never hear from this guy again. But here's some insight.
The Amway cult leaders are good at brainwashing. Ambots know if they don't succeed in Amway it's because they didn't work hard enough or they're a loser or whatever other bullshit was ingrained into their brain. Amway is a blame the victim scam so there's all kinds of reasons the cult leaders come up with except for the obvious: Amway is a system designed for failure.
There have been many former Ambots who've left comments here and other places and they all seem to know that about the Amway tool scam and hate paying money out into it. But they also seem to think that Amway is still a good idea. And sure if your last name is VanAndel or DeVos Amway is a good idea! I agree I also want to know what's the motivating factor behind these former Ambots that still think Amway is good. Especially since none of them are probably buying Amway's shitty products anymore. Maybe they just generally think MLMs are a good way to make money. I don't know but I'd like to know if there's anything besides greed that drives people to sign up to Amway.
Grifters, confidence men, and cheats have a phrase they use: THE PERFECT CON. It means a confidence trick where the victim doesn't realize that he has been cheated, or thinks that the reason he lost money was purely his own fault. Therefore he never complains or goes to the police.
ReplyDeleteThat's what Amway has done with many persons who have quit the scam or lost money in it. The Amway bigshots have deluded these persons into thinking that there was nothing at all wrong with Amway. It's THE PERFECT CON.
Anonymous - that sounds like a good description of Amway. Scamming others out of their money in a manner that they don't realize the got scammed until it's too late and their money has gone.
DeleteMost Ambots get recruited by a friend or family or coworker or someone that they already know and trust. That's why so many Ambots don't file police complaints.
Another issue when prospects get suckered into Scamway. The upline says, “ok, let’s make a list starting with your family and your friends and then let’s “memory jog” and write down the names of everyone you know and can think of as we need to ‘build this business’” At this point, people become “marks” and the general attitude of the upline is: “if they don’t get in, fuck em” as the really big pins would say at the rallies, “NEXT” !! Really a great way to piss off your family and alienate all of your friends. I know people that got started in Scamway back in the early 1980’s and are still involved in 2025 and are still working their J.O.B.S. And not “retired” with making millions in Scamway. Still telling themselves what a great deal Scamway is and believing their own bullshit that was spoon fed from the dysfunctional, delusional and fucked upline!
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous. Yup we have posts around this site about the list of names that all Amway Ambots are required to come up with. And yes everyone you ever met in your life has to be on that list. Even everyone in your first grade at school even though you've lost contact ages ago. I can come up with a list of hundreds of names and only a handful do I know how to contact them. The list of names is just busy work the Amway cult leader tells the Ambot to do. As long as there are people on that list then there is hope. Sell the hope not the soap. And oh yeah the Amway cult leaders would talk about the list and prospects and scream out NEXT if that prospect wasn't of an entrepreneurial mindset LOL! Those Amway losers would take any sucker dumb enough to sign up for their pyramid scheme. And Amway is all about alienating your friends and family. All cults want to isolate their followers from anyone in their life who can reason with them and tell them to stop throwing their money away at this scam.