When we were in the Amway cult our Platinum cult leader told
all his followers that they had to be on Communikate. He would know who the
serious business builders are because they subscribe to Communikate. The cult
leader constantly rode his downline’s asses about how he only worked with
“serious business builders”. He wasn’t wasting his time on anyone who wasn’t a
“serious business builder”.
Of course Ambot rushed to sign up. He MUST please his beloved cult leader!
Communikate is a rip off. When we were in the cult it cost $36.95/month. That’s
approximately the same as a monthly cell phone plan for a phone that can do
pretty much the same things as Communikate.
But what is Communikate? Or “Kate” as the Amway cultists affectionately refer
to it.
When you sign up for the Communikate service you are assigned a toll free phone
number. Ambots were told to put this toll free number on their business cards.
Oh yes we had to have business cards because after all we were “business
owners”. The inclusion of a toll free phone number on the card would make the
ambots better than everyone else who had business cards without a toll free
phone number. It made them look like real business owners with a long distance
Toll free number. Just for kicks I phoned our old one. I got a recording that
seemed halfway through their speech something about a problem and then listed
off some numbers. Hmmm. Amway. Communikate. A problem. Yeah they all seem to go
hand in hand.
Communikate was like a voice mail system. The cult leaders could bullshit about
something and send off the voice mail to everyone in their downline. I often
caught Ambot listening to the messages. Sometimes a few messages would back up
over an hour or two before he could get around to listening. He would swell
with pride if the sack of shit Platinum mentioned his name about something like
Ambot is an up and comer or whatever ego stroking bullshit he spewed out.
Sometimes Ambot called me over and replayed something he thought I’d be
interested in.
He was wrong! Most of the time I yelled from the other room to turn that shit
down or turn it off. Its bad enough I have to listen to those fucking cult
leaders when I’m dragged off to Amway meetings but putting up with those
bastards jabbering in the background in my own house is going too far.
I think Communikate was also a facilitator for conference calls between the
cult followers. There were set times that Ambot had to be ready and waiting by
his phone for these conference calls.
But mostly Communikate was for voice messages upline sent down to the cult
followers. You know all that “very important information” the cult leaders send
out as part of their information control brainwashing.
It seems to me that Ambot also had the Communikate toll free number on our
Amway web page. That one cost $50/month part of the WWDB premier membership.
Cha ching!
Our sack of shit Platinum often sent out messages on Communikate to round up
his cult followers to meet him in an hour at a destination of his choosing. All
the ambots had to drop whatever they were doing and haul ass to get to their
cult leader or face his wrath later for disobedience. The sack of shit told
them in his message not to tell any other Amway IBO’s that they were going to a
very important Amway meeting. This was his strategy to weed out who had
Communikate and who didn’t. The ones that did not show up were presumed not to
be spending $36.95/month for this service.
At the next “open” Amway meeting the sack of shit Platinum would get on his
pedestal and rant about the cult followers who did not have Communikate.
Then this part would really piss me off. Ambot would pipe up and say “They
don’t?” in a tone full of horror and self righteousness and “I’m better than
all you fuckers because I’m on Communikate” attitude. Those ambots were always
going around with the attitude that they’re better than everyone else for no
other reason than they’re an Amway IBO. Then they’d take it a step further and
have a “I’m better than the rest of you ambots” superior attitude within their
cult group.
Why don’t we just say that every ambot in the room who owns a car manufactured
within the last 5 years is better than ambots who drive older cars? Why don’t
we just say that every ambot in the room who owns a house is better than ambots
who are just renters?
That’s a brainwashed ambot mind at work for you!
As I already pointed out the $36.95/month for Communikate is just another way
the Amway cult leaders rip off their followers. Most of Communikate’s features
are standard with most cell phone packages. A toll free phone number? So people
can leave you messages? Think about it. How many out of towners do ambots deal
with anyway? Most cell phones offer texting packages across the country. All
good little ambots must have Internet. Email, instant messaging, websites where
audio and video can be done for free.
Somewhere upline Diamonds are getting a huge chunk of Communikate commission
for every dumb ass ambot that’s conned into getting ripped off purchasing this
useless “tool”.
Most people are desperate for praise. That's because they feel small and unimportant. Praise (the stupid Amway word is "edification") pumps up their self-esteem, and gives them a sense of worth. That's why millions of jerks are constantly counting the number of "Thumbs Up" they get on Facebook or other social media. It's pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThat's also why IBOs don't mind paying through the nose for CommuniKate, which is as obsolete as the horse and buggy. They know that if they have it, their up-line will praise them and publicly say how much better they are than anyone who doesn't use the stupid system. This is like catnip for people with very low self-esteem.
Anonymous - yes edification is a stupid word that has no real meaning other than to Ambots and its basically to kiss the ass of their Amway upline.
DeleteAmbots are pretty pathetic that their reason for living is to worship the Great Amway God and to get praise from the fucking assholes in their Amway upline. Ambots spend a lot of money to make the Amway cult leaders happy. That's people with low self esteem and people who've been brainwashed and who never thought they could fall for a scam like Amway.