Every now and then I get a brainwashed ambot showing up at
this blog usually after doing a search for how Amway is awesome or an Amway
function. They stick around long enough to read the one post their search
pointed them to and write some canned Amway response that came straight from
the CD or one of their upline. So far I haven’t had an original response. Just
the usual bullshit - quitter, lazy, didn’t try hard enough, loser, keep working
your J.O.B.
I’ve already covered in previous posts that my Ambot put in at least 100 hours
a month into Amway pretty much to the extent of ignoring and pushing aside
everything else in his life, including his own legitimate business. The facts
are what they are. Former IBO’s are all over the Internet saying how hard they
worked - some reaching pin levels of Eagle, Platinum, and Emerald - and saying the
money they were promised they’d get when they reached that level just wasn’t
I had one admirer - Jennifer- who posted a bunch of questions like any good
little defensive IBO would do. If she’d read some of the other posts on
this blog that would give her the answers to the questions she asked.
Uh, who’s the lazy one now? Ha ha!
Then there’s anonymousfrom Missoula Montana who accuses me of having bodyparts I do not possess! The name is Anna. That is a palindrome. Say
it backwards or forwards and it still says the same thing. I have never met a
man named Anna. Are ambots so brainwashed they can’t tell the difference
between a man and a woman anymore?
Typical brainwashed IBO behavior is to ignore the facts and believe only what
their upline says because that is always the truth. Other sources are all lies.
At least that’s what the Platinum brainwashes the followers into believing.
Brainwashed ambots are welcome to my blog and if they’re a rare breed and
actually have something original to say and can say it without being on the
attack about me being lazy, unsupportive, unchristian, didn’t try hard enough,
and a broke loser who is going to work for someone else for all my life, then
post away.
If you’re a respectful ambot I’ll do my best to be nice to you.
For the rest of you brainwashed ambots who show up here accusing me of not
supporting my husband all I have to say is fuck you. But then what else do I
expect to hear from a brainwashed IBO. Leave me a lazy ass canned Amspeak response
and expect a few insults hurled right back at you.
Then come back a few days later and see if you’re the subject of a new post!
Fuck you Ambots and fuck Amway. Wait. Let’s go big! A bazillion fuck yous!
I notice that those posts from Jennifer and the jerk from Missoula were from several years ago. Today it seems that defenders of Amway are much less likely to come here and spout their bullshit.
ReplyDeleteThey know that we will wipe the floor with them and their stupid arguments. So they stay away. But believe me, they are still reading this blog, and they are seething with rage.
Thousands of people have refused to join Amway as a result of this website. Recruiting a new IBO is harder than finding snow in the Sahara. We have fucked Amway ambots really hard, where it hurts -- their wallets.
Hi Anonymous. Amway Ambots are always seething with rage. I've seen a lot of angry Ambots and dealt with the fuckers dumb enough to spew out their venom here. There are so many reasons not to get involved with Amway: it's a scam, it's a fake business, overpriced shitty products, being abused by the Amway upline, losing your money, emotional distress. One of the biggest reasons not to get involved with Amway is the people of Amway. Amway Ambots are evil vicious angry motherfuckers. They seethe with rage towards anyone who has a differing opinion than their beloved Amway cult leaders. We're happy this blog stops others from getting sucked into the Amway cult. By sharing our stories of financial and emotional distress caused by Amway we can help others not make the same mistake.