Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A Mistress Called Amway Scamway

 Usually it is our husbands who are approached by a friend who tells them about an amazing business opportunity. A home based business where they work 10 to 15 hours a week and can earn an extra $1000 a month or more by selling Amway products and signing up other IBO’s who will also purchase Amway products and sign up others to do the same, and so on and so on. At first the wife might be sceptical. You know the old phrase about how if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. The numbers look good on paper but in actuality it doesn’t seem believable that this can this be pulled off.

When our husbands get excited about something we want to be supportive. It doesn’t take long before we stop being supportive and end up getting more and more pissed off. Husband is sneaking around like he has a mistress on the side. And sure enough he does. A mistress called Amway. He’s out of the house for endless hours attending Amway meetings sneaking back in the house in the early morning hours after we’ve gone to sleep. He’s spending money like crazy on his mistress. Money he doesn’t have so he uses a line of credit, home equity loan, or credit cards. You know when he whips out the plastic he pretends he’s not really paying for it. After all it is a pretend business. That is until the bills roll in and then paying back real money is not so pretend any more.

After awhile the wife has had enough. She never sees her husband and their bank account is diminishing while their debt is going through the roof. “Choose your mistress or choose me.” Fortunately most men come to their senses and realize for all their hard work, time, and effort they are not getting the money back that was dangled in front of them when they were first looking into this exciting business opportunity and they stop going to Amway meetings and throwing away their money.

That’s the short version of every wife’s horror tale about their husband’s Amway mistress.

Many of us are lucky enough to have our ambots come to their senses. Usually because they’ve had enough of the upline’s abuse and the realization that the promised riches ain’t never gonna happen. All the ambots who promised to be best friends forever and ever abandon him. Can be kind of tough on some men who actually liked these people and thought they liked him. Wrong. They only liked his money because he was helping make their dreams come true.

Its time to send out another big old FUCK YOU to Amway!


  1. At least with a mistress the guy is getting some pussy. But what the hell is he getting with Amway, except trouble and debts?

  2. *******  RAJ SHAH EXPOSED IN BWW  ********Latest news Raj Shah has lost over 90% of his BWW team in North America.Many(All) of his big leaders have left BWW to join Jody Victor's MMP (Marker Man)system. Marker Man offers a franchise system where you can operate as a individual entity under there umbrella, sharing upto 20% of revenues. Victor is the only one in Amway who has a franchise system arrangement.The leaders leaving Raj Shah who has long been known to bully and abuse downline leaders for years. Are as follows:Ganesh Shenoy(Double Diamond)Jyoti Prakash(F.EDC)Cheetan Rastoogi (Founders Diamond)Chak Kukani (F.EDC)And all there downline Diamonds and leaders have left Raj Shah.Could be upto a dozen plus Diamonds have left Raj Shah in North America,with many to follow. Raj Shah also upset many Punjabi/Sikhs and people who are from agriculture backgrounds(farming)by promoting Modi on his instagram, he promptly took the messages down after many peoplestarted a huge backlash against Raj. Raj Shah is a typical Gujurati there god is money, as has been demonstrated by the Leaders that were the closest to him leaving.Even his once loyal follower Nitin Soni (Diamond due to 3 international legs, has never received a Diamond Bonus in the US, due to not having 6 North American qualified legs) who onceclaimed to his West Coast leaders in Vancouver that to them Raj and Sangita were Gods, (current pin F.Sapphire/Emerald) is also aligning with Ganesh.This comes as a huge blow in particular to Raj Shah and BWW. Raj was betting these diamonds that sit on the Leadershipcouncil of BWW would never leave as they all have signed exit agreements where they are penalized $1 million for exiting BWW.These leaders and Pappalardos(Crown) agreed for the $5 Million penalty.These leaders are counter claiming that BWW owes them hundreds of thousands of dollars, obviously Amway will be stepping into mediate this break up, most likely a out of court settlement to keep it out of the media. Info from various leaders in Ganesh's downline in North America is that Ganesh was due to have his own function he had the numbers but Raj kept interfering soo Ganesh couldnot have his own function. You have to remember when you have your own function, such as when Raj  was having his own Summer conference or Dream night they(Raj) keep all the money left over from expenses and downline tool breaks. On those weekends Raj was pocketing 150-170k per weekend.Absolutely sickening!! And why isnt there any disclosure??

    1. Unknown - there are known Amway cult leaders who leave to join another pyramid scheme and take their downline with them and bugs the shit out of Amway of these lost sales. Over 90% would have left anyway within 2 years because that's Amway's drop out rate after people realize they got scammed.

  3. PT 2 Raj Shah Scam
    Raj had a similar episode in India when his Crown the Braich's(one of the worst reputations in Amway) broke off from BWW India citing that Raj and the US Diamonds, Kanti and Kumarwere making all the tool break and pillaging India. The Braich's with a number of Diamonds including Kanti and Hemi went on to form Winners in India.The Braich's claimed that they were going to get all diamonds in India an equal share of tool breaks. Well that didnt last long, Raj negotiated a deal for the Braich'sto come back to BWW India, the initial money offered was 1 crore rupees at that time 250k USD (2008) . The Braichs took the deal in a heartbeat. This number was confirmed by Mrs. Braich herself. Tool break is illegal in India, the Braich's are still getting paid every year  as a  consultation fee, and leaders in India have come to know that 3-4 Diamonds in India are getting kickbacks from BWWwho in return negotiate with Amway India higher tool prices. One is a Double Diamond from Patna, another tech guy EDC from Bangalore and a big leader from Kolkata, are receiving compensation from BWW, which is illegal.Further news with regards to BWW India just google there CEO Sachin Adhikari , The US Diamonds money guy in India. He left BWW India to start the system for Monavie in the process he brokeseveral Amway  India Diamonds . After Monavie collapsed he was welcomed back with open arms(by Kanti,Kumar and Raj) to run the BWW India scam again. Many Leaders in Indiaprotested BWW for welcoming Sachin back but it had no effect. In the process he re-registered BWW India from the Cayman Islands to Singapore.In 2016 than CEO(Managing Director) of Amway India stated to the Indian Diamond panelthat BWW had taken out over $100 Million from the India market. All the money was taken too off shore accounts in the Carribean, in BWW's defense Sachin said we did tax planning not stealing.BWW India did steal the funds because for every seminar/function that happened in India they paid no Entertainment tax, they simply filed as a education discourse running with no profit, similar to to a NGO.. Not one $1 went to India in the form of taxes. Sachin Adhikari has a huge network of go betweens in the  Gov't soo when BWW got in trouble he had fixers in place.
    In 2017 the Indian Gov't examned the Amway business and came to the conclusion that Bll Britthad a conflict of interest. The Gov't stated he ran a Amway distributorship and the System as well.He could not do both, the Britts(Peggy) dropped the Amway distributorship(Crowns in India) in India in a heart beat. Leaders everywhere have asked Amway why are System big wigs allowed to have a partnershipin the system and a Amway distributorship?? Complete abuse and conflict of interest!! This a rule Amway needs to take up everywhere!!!To protect the average person from there predatory practices, all Systems need to discloseincome levels of there leaders that are masquarading as big pins. These leaders are making 7 figures from the system.More to come BWW India is on the verge of collapse, they have shut down many of there offices and area/regional mamagers and employees are 2 months behind in there salaries.BWW North America is also facing many issues, no Leader has any faith in the system anymore,Amway needs to step in and protect the average distributor. 

    1. Unknown - people in Amway are very comfortable breaking the law. Ambots believe they're better than the rest of the world and laws that apply to everyone else don't apply to them.

      Amway Ambots are the scum of the earth.

  4. At least in India the government is actually doing something to rein in the Amway racket. Here in the U.S, Amway owns the government, no matter who is elected.

    1. You're right Anonymous. Here they do fuck all if they get "donations".

  5. I have a brother in Amway/WWDB and we have mostly stayed out of it. Just observed- concerned- from the sidelines. Well he told my husband that he couldn’t go camping because it was “reboot” week. And it’s mandatory- not aloud to have their phones or work. Has anyone heard of “reboot” week through WWDB? Sounds scary

    1. Ambotsister - I've never heard of Amway WWDB "reboot" week but the Amway cult leaders would come up with all kinds of bullshit stuff to steal more money out of their followers. WWDB is the worst abusive cult sect in Amway. Everything in Amway is scary. Like all other cults, Amway works at isolating its followers from other people in their lives. That's what's going on here. Your brother has to obey his Amway cult leader or he'll be in for a shitload of abuse and ridicule if he doesn't attend this cult week extravaganza.

  6. Whatever "reboot" is, you can be sure that it is just another way to squeeze money out of WWDB members.

    WWDB is an extremely corrupt and vicious Amway subsystem.

    1. Anonymous - I agree. Amway cult leaders are losing money so they got to come up with more ways to steal from their flock.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!