Monday, October 11, 2021

Amway Diet Scam – Trim, Body Key, Healthpointe…..

Liz says: I got talked into trying Amway’s Healthpointe 2.0 program for weightloss. Stupid, stupid, stupid! They get you to buy the program (“You can’t put a price on your health!”) for about $80AU but I didn’t realise how much it was really going to cost me until I went shopping for the basic recommended stuff and walked out of the Amway Business Centre with an extra $600 charge to my credit card. And that was just for 4 weeks supply (of a 6-8 week program), not including the meat, fruit, veggies and other groceries for the meals that you won’t replace with a protein bar or protein drink. (Oh but I racked up a lot of PV’s for it, much to the delight of my upline. BTW I only got like a $24 cheque back for all that, yay!)

As for the program itself, I was totally committed to making it work because it was so damned expensive! I could have paid a whole year’s gym membership for that money. Unfortunately, despite all my determination (and all that money) I gained 5kg then lost 4kg of it over the 2 months on the program. I consider it a big fail... but lesson learnt.

We’ve touched on Amway’s diet plan a few times in the past, mostly to poke fun at the speakers on the stage who are walking advertisements Trim does not work so I thought I’d take a closer look at it. Amway changed the name to Body Key by Nutrilite. So call it any name you want. Amway’s diet/weight loss program seems to have the same success rate that Amway IBO’s who actually make money do – less than 1% success rate.

Ambot’s sponsor Captain Fuck Up claimed to be on Trim and was losing weight so Ambot decided to try it. Or more accurately, buy it but not try it. I found this Amway Trim Advantage binder way up high in the cupboard behind where I store spare cookie tins. I doubt Ambot ever opened it. It has several sections in there - Meal Plans, Recipes, Exercises. At the back is a CD. Like we need another fucking Amway CD! Its called the Trim Advantage Body System. Never opened. Can we get a refund? Unlikely. Into the garbage it goes, the best place for Amway shit unless its being flushed down the toilet but this was too big. This is just another example of Amway’s scam products that Ambots are pressured to buy whether they have any use for them or not. In many cases it’s not something that was normally purchased before being recruited into the Amway cult. We had tons of unused and unopened Amway shit just like every other Amway loser out there.

There’s an introduction letter at the front of the binder’s contents and then a commitment to optimal health “contract” that the IBO is supposed to sign. And here I say IBO because its unlikely that a person who was not an IBO would spend the hundreds of dollars needed to get going on the Trim Advantage diet plan. Cheaper to sign up with just about any other diet plan or gym and get personal support. What do you do with the contract after you sign it. Give it to your upline Platinum so he can mock you in board plan meetings if you’re not losing weight?

Right behind the commitment contract is a page titled “Plan Ahead” with the Amway products you need to stock up on. Nutrilite Vitamins:

(prices from when this post originally run so you can bet Amway has jacked them up)
CLA 500 - $80 (prices rounded to nearest dollar, prices have probably increased for everything listed here!)

ProDigest  - I can’t find it on Amway’s web site so I don’t know if the name changed or if the product was discontinued - last known cost $60.

Chromemate - As above, can’t find it - last known cost $45

Digestive Enzyme Complex - $50

Below that a paragraph that says “Keep Your Commitment - Stock Up on Favorites”:

Trim advantage Protein Bars

Chocolate Delight - $25

Mixed Berry Smoothie - $20

Nutrilite Protein Powder - $30

I looked on Amway’s website to find this binder thing that we have in the house and the big thing I discovered was that Amway has changed the name from Trim. The diet plan is now called Nutrilite Weight Management Program. I found their Better Balancer Program kit which I believe may be similar to what Ambot purchased a few years ago. It costs $250. I seem to recall Ambot paid over $200 for the system and in addition to this binder full of “important” information it included a box of food bars and meal replacement powdered drink.

So just to get started buying all of the above plus that binder and CD’s – over $500. Wow!

Now lets check out the Amway meal plan in the binder. The first few pages talk about dieting stuff that you can find for free in the library or on the Internet such as drink water, serve meals on smaller plates, choose low fat products when grocery shopping, etc.

Let’s look at Day 1 meal plan:

Breakfast: Trim Body System Berry Vanilla Shake. I won’t give the whole recipe but the Amway product needed to make it is Nutrilite Protein Powder ($30) which may have already been purchased if you followed the above rules and stocked up.

Snack: 1 bag Trim Advantage Crunch Zone Snack Chips. Can’t find it on their web page but if I recall correctly it came in a box and had 2 different flavors and cost around $60 and this was for like 10 bags of chips in each flavor – same size bags as you’d find in a vending machine. At this snack time you also get a cup of vegetable juice. Horror of horrors. You need to go to the grocery store for that one because they’re not slinging an Amway product.

Lunch: Apple and cheddar salad. There’s a recipe. No Amway products. Sucks to have to go to the grocery store again!

Snack - Trim Advantage Meal Replacement Bar - $25 for a box.

Dinner - Beef Stir Fry - there’s a recipe, no Amway products. 2/3 cup Uncle Ben’s instant whole grain brown rice,  1 cup skim milk.

That’s over $100 of Amway products to have on hand just for Day 1. I won’t bore you with the rest of the week. Does anyone wonder if Uncle Ben is getting a kick back from Uncle Dickie?

Does anyone else see a problem here besides the cost? What about at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day? Let’s throw that out the window, though there is about 3 servings in their recipes for lunch and dinner. Oh wait. What the hell do you need to eat fruit and vegetables for? Amway has a vitamin for that. $40.

Obviously this is a ploy by Amway to sell more overpriced products to IBO’s who feel they need to lose weight.

Amway is hardly the only company out there to flog a scam diet system using their products that customers have to buy.

There are lots of diet programs out there ranging from fees to use the program to purchasing the program’s meals and supplements. It looks like Amway’s plan is the most expensive for what you get. It offers no support, no individual counselling (ha ha counsel with upline!), no discussion forums, nothing. Just pay your money, buy the overpriced shit, and hope for the best.

Yup just another scam diet program run by scammers.

Lesson learned here? The only thing you’ll lose on the Amway diet plan is your money.

And one of our readers wants to add:

The fact that Amway keeps on changing the names of its dietary products is a big red flag.

Why change from “Trim” to “Nutrilite Weight Management Program?” The only purpose here is to confuse the buyer, and to make him think that he’s getting something different from what he bought before.

Amway’s entire purpose isn’t health or weight loss at all! The purpose is to move as much generic and ineffective shit as possible, and to stick your down-line with it.

The other red flag is that all of this junk comes with a ton of printed material and directions. What a scam! The ton of paper is to make silly people think that all of this Amway crap is “scientific” and “well-researched” and “backed up by doctors.”

It isn’t at all. Amway dietary products are just cheap, crappy, overpriced generic shit.



  1. Hi Anna,
    My mum has joined Amway’s ‘healthpointe’ programme. Initially I didn’t think too much of it as it was creating a healthier lifestyle for her (she went from poor diet and no exercise, to now walking every day). So I thought it was a positive thing. But it seems very intense, particularly now she has started talking about joining the business side of things and trying to ‘recruit’ family and friends in to the program and talking about the possibility of making big money. It seemed culty which led to me doing some googling and I came across your page. Should I be concerned about Amway? Is there something more I should know? How should I go about approaching my mum about this, knowing that she will take any criticism personally. Grateful for your thoughts.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Your mum has probably already signed up to ScAmway and just hasn't told you yet. So that way she can "buy from her own store". The reason it seems very intense to you is that she is being manipulated by an Amway upline. And maybe they are being supportive of her health goals. But really there are cheaper ways to get the desired results by eating less and exercising more and cutting back on junk food. If you haven't already done so, look at the links on the right side of the page under more info about Amway and download a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. You will get a terrifying look inside the Amway cult by the author who made it to a level of some significance in Amway and was only making about $3,000/month at his highest income level. Much less money than Amway cult leaders claim there are to be made at this scheme. And once you've read the book have your mum read it. This will drill into you the Amway cult and how less than 1% of participants will make money at this scam. Good luck to you!

    2. Your mother is most likely signed up in one of the very predatory Amway Motivational Organizations. They go by various names, like World Wide Group, Britt World Wide, Network 21, URA, Leadership Team, and many others. These are corrupt, money-scamming rackets.

      These AMO systems will bleed your mother of every penny she has. They will also alienate her from anyone among her family or friends who tries to talk sense to her about the evil scam that Amway is.

      Please be very careful. These people are planning to rip your mother off.


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1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
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