Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ambots Lie About Amway + Miss America Pageant + Artistry

Like we need any further proof that Amway Ambots are a bunch of lying scamming fucking assholes. Here’s a comment left on a very popular post on this blog questioning whether Amway Artistry is really in the top 5 cosmetic companies. I’ve been to countless meetings where the Amway cult leader says Amway is in 2nd place or in the top 5 in the world for cosmetics. The implication being of all cosmetic companies in the world without any further strings attached like its all around title for sales and quality etc. In that article I provide a link to the world’s top selling cosmetic companies out of which they only report the top 50 and the list is updated annually so we edit that post as needed to include the current link.

Amway is NOT on the list of the world’s top 50 cosmetics companies. Though many years ago it was number 17 (I think or maybe it was 18) and that’s not bad especially since Amway Artistry make up is a closed market. The only people buying it are members of Amway’s expensive buying club because its not available for purchase in normal retail marketplace which is a huge disadvantage (to Amway not women who want to buy good make up at a good price). But then women who are not brainwashed Ambots wouldn’t buy it because there are better make up choices at lower prices and better quality and better selection just about every other make up company out there.

Then it comes out that Amway uses a marketing company on the other side of the Atlantic called Euromonitor and pays them to market that Amway is #2 in “prestige” cosmetics. Nowhere is it known how many companies are included in this “prestige” list but I always wonder why Amway doesn’t pay them to be in the number 1 spot. Do anyone give a shit who’s #1 in “prestige” cosmetics. Unlikely. At any rate no one over here has heard about this marketing company which isn’t even a consumer reporting company testing real products and crunching numbers of real data and smart women are looking at other factors not “prestige” when it comes to choosing the make up they wear.

So here’s a dumb fuck Amway Ambot leaving a comment on that post:

i see.. seem u look like someone who really anti-amway..haha.i done my research on the Artistry and it seem Miss America is using Artistry products.. wonder why ya?? Hmmm

Yeah lets first point out the obvious that one of the qualifications to get a job at Amway is the inability to spell and string a sentence together.

So lets see this dumb fuck Ambot has figured out that this blog is anti-Amway. Holy shit those fucking Amway losers have an uncanny knack for pointing out the totally obvious! LOL! LOL! LOL!

Then we’re subject to the ever popular screeching we hear from Amway Ambots about do your research. Its too bad none of those fuckers can take their own advice or they wouldn’t have gotten involved in Amway in the first place or show up here leaving a comment making them look like dumb fucks. I mean if this fucking Amway loser had really done his research like he claims then he wouldn’t have left a comment here making himself look like an asshole.

It takes seconds to go to a search engine and find the website for the Miss America pageant where all the sponsors are listed and nowhere do you see Amway Artistry or any other Amway products. If doing a Google search you’ll be able to find out which company does provide cosmetics to Miss America and maybe even old press releases when Amway Artistry was connected with Miss America. Amway Ambots LOVE bragging about stale Amway news or old sales statistics or whatever and pretend its still applicable today. But what else do you expect from a bunch of losers pretending to run a pretend business. Those lying scamming Amway assholes love living in the past.

This above research on Miss America and cosmetics took no more than 2 minutes. And this fucking Amway loser claims he did his research and suggests that we do our research when we’re not the liars here. Holy shit! Typical snotty snobby comment from an arrogant Amway prick.

I mean where the fuck was he going to do his research that he couldn’t find out real fast if Miss America and Artistry are connected so the Amway fucker just spouts off a lie that is sooooooo easy for people who really do know how to do research take a couple of minutes to figure out. So what is acceptable “research” to an Amway loser? That would be something on Amway’s website, something told by the Amway cult leaders at brainwashing functions, or lies written online by other worshippers of the Great Amway God.

Years ago when Amway bought into sponsorship with Miss America to supply cosmetics and hire the current Miss America to be the spokesperson for Artistry during their year reign this was all a business contract. Marketing opportunity. Money exchanged hands. Business relationship. Miss America pageant needs to raise funds so they aren’t going to let sponsors flog their shit for free on their program. Likewise Miss America isn’t going to promote any cosmetics unless she’s being paid to do so. Paid business relationship people. Something that people who aren’t brainwashed Amway losers can understand. Amway Ambots seem to think Miss America uses and promotes Artistry out of the goodness of their hearts without any financial compensation for marketing that shit. LOL! At one time Miss America was a paid spokesperson for Amway Artistry but no more. Who knows why. Another cosmetics company offered more money than Amway. Maybe the Miss America pageant was plagued with complaints about using products from a pyramid scheme. It doesn’t really matter why the business relationship ended. What’s more puzzling is why Amway Ambots refuse to accept this business relationship is over and lie and lie and lie. Like we need any more proof that Amway Ambots are a bunch of fucking liars.

Another way this Amway loser could do their research is to actually watch the Miss America pageant when its on TV in September for further proof over what company is currently on contract to supply cosmetics and hire the winner to be the spokesperson. Or maybe even pick up a phone and call to ask their question. Then the fucking Amway loser would probably screech at whoever at Miss America is telling them the truth about who has the current cosmetics contract because that information differs from what their lying scamming Amway cult leader is telling them.

You’ll notice this Amway Ambot screeching about Miss America using Amway cosmetics does not actually name the woman. Like it is the 2009 queen? Or the 2015 queen? Or the 2023 queen? Who is the Miss America supposedly using Amway Artistry?

I responded to the scamming lying Ambot that if they have proof Miss America is in violation of her contract by promoting Amway Artistry cosmetics and is being paid to be Amway’s spokesperson then they should report her to the pageant for violating the contract with the current cosmetics company Miss America promotes. And by proof I’d think the Amway Ambot would have to show a copy of the signed  contract or film her promoting Artistry. The proof can’t be something like “because my Amway cult leader says so”. I’d think the Miss America people would want better proof than that. LOL! And besides everyone knows Amway cult leaders are a bunch of fucking lying scammers.

Around here we all know that Amway Ambots are a bunch of fucking liars and its mind boggling that these Amway losers need to prove it over and over and over. The life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract and defend. And then disappear when confronted with the truth. In the case of this comment the fucking Amway liar claims that Miss America uses Amway Artistry and goes without saying its part of the duties having that title entails. LIAR!!!! And then tries to distract us by doing the common Amway screech about doing research. Something that Amway losers are incapable of doing. Really in this day and age if you want to find out something or make sure your facts are straight before saying or doing something that makes you look like a fucking asshole, it doesn’t take too long to contact someone and ask them a question either by phone or online and this way you get the truth. However Amway losers are incapable of doing this. They prefer to lie and pretend their lies are the truth. Over and over again these Amway Ambots do this. I guess Amway losers are afraid of the truth because its different than the “truth” they’re told by their Amway cult leaders.

And normal people – who are not Amway Ambots - know if an Amway worshipper says or writes anything you can automatically discount it as a lie.

And I guess the biggest thing of all is – does anyone really give a flying fuck what cosmetics Miss America uses?

Only brainwashed Amway Ambots I guess. Like we need any further proof that everyone in Amway are a bunch of fucking losers.




  1. Amway freaks love telling lies, because they know that most people won't have the time or the energy to look things up and find out the truth.

    The lies about their Artistry line are some of the biggest. There's no way in hell that some little dipshit MLM line of cut-rate cosmetics is going to be in the upper ranks of top cosmetic companies. And Miss America used it one year? Big deal. Companies are always paying celebrities to endorse their products.

    1. Anonymous- I guess Amway losers are comfortable spouting off lies because most people aren’t going to bother doing a quick search to see if it’s true or not because most people just don’t care. I mean I couldn’t tell you which cosmetics company is currently paying the pageant for sponsorship but it’s easy enough to go to the Miss America website and check. If I actually gave a shit which I don’t.

      It’s always fun catching Amway losers in lies just because they don’t count on the person they’re lying to to verify it. One of the biggest lies we got was from sn Ambot in India gushing about how good Amway products are and that former President Bush is an Amway salesman. LOL! Just because Ambots are forbidden by their Amway cult leaders to do research on the Internet doesn’t mean the rest of the free thinking world is under the same restrictions.

    2. Somebody in the Bush family selling Amway? Really? The Bush family is one of the wealthiest oil families in Texas. And an ex-president of the USA, with a huge pension and benefits and a 24/7 team of secret service guards, is drawing chalk circles in somebody's garage?

      It's inconceivable that anyone would believe such a lie.

    3. LOL Anonymous! Just shows the lies taught at Amway cult meetings in other countries.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.