Thursday, October 19, 2023

Throwback - Amway Asshole Of The Week

This fucking Amway asshole is looking for more information on Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days FED so he left 2 comments on a post that tells it like it is at FED. Yup another Ambot furious that we get the truth out there about what really goes on at Amway brainwashing conferences.

You people don't know anything about Amway.
You're really blocking comments that potentially start fights, but doing the exact same? Blocking Amway propaganda but doing the exact same? How hypocritical. Every other word is a curse word? How sophisticated.

Do you understand that Amway distributors do not get paid for people buying tickets to functions? Amway itself keeps the money and then gives it away to charities and to people who deserve it who go on their incentive trips. They literally pay for everything for people who have worked for it.
Amway was investigated in the 70s for being an illegal pyramid and tried in court. They're still around. Doesn't that mean it's not an illegal pyramid?

I wish people wouldn't be so cold hearted. You literally are devoting your time to creating negative vibes. How sad. I'm praying for you.

And by the way, your blogging isn't making a difference for people to stop joining Amway. It's not making less people be apart of something great. In fact, Amway growth is bigger these last couple years than it ever has been.

By the way, isn't everybody dressing up in a uniform and showing up to the same place at the same time, doing what one person tells them to do... isn't that a cult? Yeah.. that's called your job. Have fun working that till you're 80. Devote your whole life to that cult, mama. You know Amway DOESN'T tell people to dress up and show up and do all these things and if they don't, they're not allowed to be a part of Amway? They advise them to do so for their own benefit. You can CHOOSE to do it or not and still be a part. Yeah.. crazy thing is that YOUR JOB DOES! "If you don't dress this exact way, come at this exact time, say these exact things, or come to this meeting... then you're FIRED!!" THAT sounds like a cult.

Amway doesn't suckered people in. People like your husband looking for something more in their lives see that Amway can provide them with the life of their dreams... until witches like you steal their dream. And they go back to medioctiry. Just look at you. Ranting on the Internet. Devoting your LIFE to ranting. Doing nothing good. Pathetic.

OK let’s just take his comments one at a time and make fun of them.

You people don't know anything about Amway. So all those Amway meetings I went to and every Amway major conference I went to and all the books I was forced to read and all the tapes and CDs that Ambot played with the volume cranked means I don’t know anything about Amway. Fuck you asshole! I know more than I ever wanted to know about Amway. And once I got really fucking pissed off at the fucking assholes in our Amway upline I found out even more and how so many people suffer financial and emotional distress and all about the Amway tool scam. So go fuck yourself you fucking Amway liar.

You're really blocking comments that potentially start fights, but doing the exact same? And the rest of that Amway motherfucker’s paragraph. Which makes no fucking sense. If we’re blocking comments how does that lying Amway asshole account for his comments being approved. We approve just about every comment that comes through here. The reasons we don’t have to do with comments left about which Diamond is fucking who and naming names. Naming people who are/were lower level IBOs. You know stuff that would be embarrassing for people to be named as fucking someone who’s not their significant other or that word gets out they’re in Amway. Too many people are too embarrassed to say the A word. We’re not out to embarrass people here. Leave that job for fucking Amway assholes because that’s the type of evil shit they do. In fact most blogs written by people who used to be in Amway allow most comments to go through. The same can NOT be said for Amway Ambots who have blogs but very few of them do. They either don’t allow comments at all or block people who used to be in Amway to tell the truth or set them straight on the blog. Who’s the fucking hypocrites now you fucking Amway asshole? And as for every second word being a curse word – did you miss the intro at the top of the blog that says this is the place to curse out Amway and Ambots. And then show shock that there’s cursing in a blog that’s all about cursing fucking Amway assholes. What a fucking moron.

Do you understand that Amway distributors do not get paid for people buying tickets to functions? Amway itself keeps the money and then gives it away to charities and to people who deserve it who go on their incentive trips.  I thought Amway Ambots stopped telling that lie when the Amway tool scam was outed. The main source of income for Amway Diamonds is selling tickets to functions. Bullshitting us that Amway gives the money to charities is nothing but a lie unless you consider the cult leaders at the top of the Amway pyramid scheme a charity.

Amway was investigated in the 70s for being an illegal pyramid and tried in court. They're still around. Doesn't that mean it's not an illegal pyramid? What proof do you have of that? Were you alive in the 70’s? Were you sitting in this courtroom? Don’t be a dumb fuck. If you go to the FTC page you’ll see Amway is listed as a pyramid scheme. There’s a difference between legal and illegal pyramid schemes and those that are allowed to operate or shut down. Amway should have been shut down but is allowed to operate. The other difference between legal and illegal pyramid schemes as pointed out by a recent comments is legal pyramid schemes less than 1% of all participants make money. With illegal pyramid schemes about 12% of the participants make money. Which is the better pyramid scheme to get involved in with a slightly better chance to make money?

You literally are devoting your time to creating negative vibes. How sad. I'm praying for you. There’s that Amway Ambot obsession with negative again. Amway Ambots can’t tell the difference between what is the truth and what is negative. Anyone telling the truth who has a different point of view than an Amway cult leader is automatically labelled “negative”. And why do you really give a flying fuck what I devote my time to doing. And you’re praying for me? Yeah right that sounds like more ambot bullshit. Fuck you asshole. I don’t need no fucking Amway Ambots praying or doing nothing for me. Go find someone else who buys your sanctimonious holier than thou bullshit

And by the way, your blogging isn't making a difference for people to stop joining Amway. It's not making less people be apart of something great. In fact, Amway growth is bigger these last couple years than it ever has been.  Again more fucking lies. Amway’s head office publishes their annual sales and they’ve been dropping by 10 to 15% for the past few years so why are you showing up here and making yourself look like an even bigger lying fucking asshole by lying that Amway’s growth has been bigger than ever. That “growth” sure isn’t resulting in more income for Amway LOL! Obviously us bloggers are making a big difference in getting the word out about Scamway and less people are joining. You think Amway is something great? You probably say the same thing about the Holocaust you fucking Amway loser.

By the way, isn't everybody dressing up in a uniform and showing up to the same place at the same time, doing what one person tells them to do... isn't that a cult? Yup that’s Amway for you. Being told by your Amway cult leader to dress in a uniform - business suits - and show up at 8pm Amway meetings and doing what the Amway cult leader tells them to do. Yup sure sounds like the Amway cult. And I see Amway Ambots are still using the same bullshit about your job is a cult, your job is a pyramid. Fucking Amway loser!

Amway doesn't suckered people in.  And the rest of that bullshit sentence. There are countless posts all over the Internet about how people got suckered into Amway. And FUCK YOU asshole for suggesting I stole my husband’s dream. You fucking Amway male chauvinist pig. You Amway motherfuckers don’t give a flying fuck about the wife’s dream. It’s all about the husband. The fucking Amway good old boy’s club except you boys ain’t good. You’re a bunch of fucking demons. You Amway bastards are the real dreamstealers here. And as long as fucking lying Amway assholes like you are around us bloggers will be sharing our stories of what its really like in Amway.

So once more I send out a big old FUCK YOU to Amway and to all the fucking Amway Ambots out there. Fuck all of you.




  1. Anna, the guy is a complete dope who has been brainwashed by the Amway racket.

    He tries to defend Amway, but doesn't say a single thing about how much money he has made (or lost) as an IBO.

    He's an example of a "true believer." Amway could say that the world is flat, and this guy would jump up and defend it.

    1. Anonymous - I’ve never seen an Amway loser who says how much money they’re making. Losing. Ambots just like to bitch about everything while they defend the Amway cult. Instead of looking at what is written on this blog and deciding that maybe we’re right and Amway is a scam.

  2. About the money that IBOs pay to attend "functions" -- it seems that this guy doesn't know that Amway DISCLAIMS ALL CONNECTIONS to the functions. They are run by the various AMO subsystems, and Amway insists that it has no responsibility for what goes on in them, or what is said in them. Those functions are designed solely to bring in income for the subsystems (WWDB, BWW, URA, Network 21, Leadership Team, etc.), and to enrich Diamonds.

    The notion that Amway takes all the money from function tickets and gives it to charity and uses it to arrange free trip for IBOs is so stupid that it defies belief.

    1. Anonymous- when you’re in Amway the facts don’t count LOL. And yes it totally defies belief that the money from ticket sales goes to charity instead of the Amway cult leaders bank accounts. Just goes to show what brainwashing does.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.