My story of what its like to be married to an Amway cult follower. I expose the lies that our upline told and what happens at Amway meetings and functions. I leave the explanations of why Amway is a poor business opportunity or the tool scam to other bloggers. This blog mainly exists to curse out my former upline, aka the cult leaders, and to let everyone know what kind of idiots I had to put up with. Feel free to join in or live vicariously!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Amway Tapes and CD’s
Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!
If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!
At least your upline offered the market rate. I own several thousand tapes/CDs for less than 10 cents each, plus about 10 cents each for shipping.
ReplyDeleteTex ... Do you have any CDs by Gulick or Meadows. If so, would possibly be interested in buying them
DeleteWho the fuck are Gulick and Meadows?
DeleteAlso, "Tex" posted his post thirteen years ago. Do you really think he's still around?
The standing order tapes where 10.00 each and this was over 15 yrs ago the group i was in. You're hubby was lucky to get away with what he paid for the cds. Was funny cause back then we told our upline we cant afford the tapes & functions. Lucky for us our upline wasnt a major prick and didnt lock the doors demanding us to buy the tickets or he wont let us out lol
ReplyDeleteI have some old tapes that are labeled as suggested retail at $9.95, but I didn't think anyone actually charged that amount. Rather, I figured they sold them for $6 or so (the typical price in most LOAs), and then their folks would think they were getting a good deal for something that cost $1 or less to produce. Which group was it?
ReplyDeleteWas with the wwdb and yes later i did find out they where sold at 5 or 6.00 each. But when we joined we're told to buy the 10.00 tapes and that helps cover function cost(room rentals etc). Of course a couple of broke guys going to trade school at that time laugh at the system tool prices etc. Some of us try to retail as much as the junk we can to recover the cost of the kit.
ReplyDeleteAMAZING! How much did your functions cost? If known, include open opportunity meetings, monthly seminars, and major functions. Also, what did the major function cost include? Any of the meals? Hotel room? Other?
ReplyDeleteTex I can answer some of that. Seminars like Artistry presentations or other Amway products ran $25 to $50 for a couple of hours of sitting through a presentation. Meetings where an Emerald or Diamond was a speaker were usually $10 each. Family Reunion tickets were $240, included one night at hotel. Free Enterprise Days tickets $125. Spring Leadership $250. Dream Night $66. Dream Night and FED add a few extra bucks for the upline scalpers. Travel, food, hotel about $700 for each function except Dream Night. Monthly upline training tickets and parking cost $70 to $100 each month, usually a Diamond couple showed up for that all day event. Premier Membership to WWDB $49.95/month. Communikate $36.95/month.
ReplyDeleteTex do you know where profit sharing for the tools starts at? Is it at Platinum or Emerald level?
I been to two wwdb big events free mind you . Some upline baught extra tickets and couldnt sell or give them away so i went for free. The fed/dream night where 75.00 each. Later on they had some weird spring leadership where they include a hotel accomondation and the meal with the idiot diamond show for 175.00. The monthly meetings where at 10.00 per event. You have to remember this is over 15 yrs ago. There was quite a bit of complaining from our group with our diamond reguarding the spring leadership local hotel stay. People where saying why on earth would you stay at a hotel when you can stay home for free. The spring leadership was a local event 10 min drive for most of us. While we where in the cult one of us where approached by another mlm company which also had tapes. We asked him how much the tapes where sold for recruiting and the person said 60cents for bulk orders or 1.00 per. We werent supporting the tool business much but when we heard you can get tapes for 60cents per there was a mass quitting of the business lol. I think our platinum went from platinum one month to 1000 pin lmao.
ReplyDeleteThose prices aren't much different than other groups, which indicates wwdb was ripping their group off even MORE than the others.
ReplyDeleteAnna, it is my understanding that at the platinum level, you start to get discounts on the standing orders but nothing else. Apparently it is the emerald level where you share in the function and other tools profits.
ReplyDeleteThanks Joe. I was reading an article on Suite 101 and the writer said the Platinum starts to get some income from tools and if they organize an event for an Emerald or Diamond speaker they take a cut of the proceeds. Too much secrecy.
ReplyDeleteMost groups start paying out at the Platinum level, some at the Gold level, and usually comes from a cut of the tapes/CDs. The money isn't as big of a ratio as it is at Emerald and Diamond, where I've seen anywhere from 2 to 10 times more is made from tools than Amway.
ReplyDeleteA lot of negative here. So what did you all do? Go back to jobs without any security? Amway is the best business opportunity in the world. BWW is the ULTIMATE marketing support system for it. What I've found is that the whiners weren't workers & expected to purchase a product show up at a meeting & wonder why they aren't in Diamond qualification. The lazy want the democratic welfare handout. Success in anything requires work. Know that successful people focus on the prize not the price. Because once you've decided to win. You will once you put the work into it. Winners ALL are willing to work & DO it as opposed to trying it. Winning is a choice & so is losing. What was acknowledged above is the witnessing of success but the inability to work to duplic8ng it. I'm confident that the naysayers above have likely quit most everything they've begun. So they quit their business or AMWAY & choose to post negative about it when they knew that this was their own business. So the negativity is misdirected to an AWESOME 50+ year old private company called Amway when it should be directed to those quitters & their business names. After all they quit. Nobody quit on them. Amway didn't post anything negative toward those people/businesses nor did the upline mentors. What's more is the naysayers don't have any solution for your financial future than they do for their own. Amway is the way ALL THE WAY!
ReplyDeleteLooking to buy Bert Gulick CDs. Can pay $5/item.
DeleteHello Anonymous from Michigan Center, Michigan!
ReplyDeleteYou're up at what? 3am your time searching on the Internet to buy Amway CDs which ended up at my blog where I don't have any CDs for sale. You are going to be up shit creek with your upline for not buying your tools from them and making them rich!
Yawn yawn yawn! Typical canned amspeak response. You brainwashed ambots are so fucked up and you all say the same thing! And you can't tell the difference between "negative" and "the truth".
Ha ha, this guy doesn't have an original thought in his head, just parrots the Amway cult-speak. How sad for these brainwashed idiots!
ReplyDeleteConnie - they never do! I doubt Amway Ass Wipe will be back to read this but there will always be another ambot.....
ReplyDelete"Man! I handed it to them those negative internet critics, the truth! because they don't know the truth..."
ReplyDeletethat's the annon. ambot above attempting to brag at the open meeting with no prospects of his own pretending to be very loyal to upline and the team. this pretender will fizzle out of the cult and will still believe in the "business" and probably even give in to his upline's calls to return. the evidence is because he's already figured he can buy the same cd's online for much less. he won't last and that is a good thing for him.
ExAmbot - Amway is a game of make belief with pretend business owners lying about how good their business is going even though there are no downline or customers.
ReplyDeleteI was a 9% leader, working with Bert Gulick. His family is a very old, distinguished American/Moroccan family. It could well be that he was already seriously loaded and the whole “Pizza-maker” narrative was just a fairytale … We will most likely never know!! I liked him and always looked forward to seeing him. Now that he has died, it’s occurred to me that his CDs helped me to succeed in other ventures. I never threw myself headlong into Amway and always kept something back …. I spent £15,000 and made £3,000, showed about 100 plans and sponsored 7 people in two countries, TWO joined the home-shopping plans, ONE sponsored another person, who then changed their mind, ALL of them quit ….. After ten years, I was still losing money - so ducked out with no hard feelings, having protected myself from serious harm. The whole thing is an enigma to me and still cannot decide how much was true and how much wasn’t. I met Bert’s mentor Jerry Meadows who was charming and spoke beautifully at Bert’s Memorial Service. If anyone in UK has CDs by Bert or Meadows, would be willing to buy these
DeleteI'm not sure why you'd want those CDs. Maybe its the culture difference. Surely you can find motivational CDs or YouTube videos of more reputable people than lying scamming Amway Ambots.
DeleteThanks Anna …. The generic tapes are actually quite good. I’m interested in the ones that just focus on success principles. We would love to know the truth, wether Bert used family money to fly around the world, or he had such a huge family trust he needed something guaranteed to make a loss (which Amway mainly does), or if it WAS true and he really did show thousands of plans and created a massive business. I don't consider myself a victim of Amway, because I never would have given everything and gone into debt for it. But many did!!
DeleteThis guy spent a decade in Amway, lost 12,000 pounds, never saw a profit, and is now still searching for Amway tapes?
DeleteThis is what grifters call "the perfect con"-- you cheat someone out of his money and he never recognizes what happened.
Some of the CDs have good business principles, that can be applied to other ventures. I suppose these diamonds were mostly dishonest crooks. Would love to know if the diamond pins were fraudulent, or if it really IS possible to make the whole thing work. Dexter Yager (now dead) seemed to have built an enormous business. How? Was it really just from showing thousands of plans and selling tapes and seminars. Lots of question marks around the truth of how the whole thing works …. Sorry to ramble!
DeleteTo each their own and culture differences. Personally I'd rather pay money to listen to a recording by David Bach or another reputable financial expert than an Amway scammer.
DeleteIf you like reading about grifters pulling the perfect con, I like Duane Lindsay's novels about the grifter's daughter following in dad's footsteps.
Deletepigs don't know that pigs stinks too. After I plugged in to this system it increases my self image a lot not only in my family in my office also. if u don't understand this and if u think bww tool is cost more u r the no 1 stupid and idiot in the world.
ReplyDeleteKrishna - why are you so obsessed over whether or not pigs can smell other pigs? Really who cares. I'd say Amway assholes stink a lot worse than pigs do! And that's great if you find some benefit to overpaying for motivational materials. You could go to Amazon and buy self help books for reasonable price. If you call 5 other people idiots chances are high that none of them is an idiot but the only idiot is the name caller. Why are Amway ambots so holier than thou and think they're better than everyone else?
DeleteAnd with that stinking attitude they expect to sponsor people and be on mbitches I mean beaches of the world. It's so comical to watch these ambot's craptittude sometimes.
DeleteHave any of you who are bashing Amway ever used the products? Were they good? If you're honest, your answer is a resounding "YES!" (I've NEVER heard any of my former customers complain about the quality of Amway products.)
ReplyDeleteOkay, so did you ever try to retail any of the products? Regardless of what your uplines may have told you, unless things have changed since I was in the business many years ago, there's NO REQUIREMENT WHATSOEVER to sponsor ANYONE, attend ANY functions nor purchase ANY tools (books, tapes). Just SELL the products and make some money. That's a fundamental part of Amway that most people seem to overlook.
The products aren't terrible, if that's what you mean (aside from Double X, but that is based on my personal experience). they aren't worth paying an extra 60-80% on. They aren't worth waiting month to month on.
DeleteYou are right though. The fundamental idea of selling is lost. When you get in they don't tell you that success comes from selling. They tell you it comes from buying, and finding others who want to buy too. That's it. They also tell you the tools are mandatory for success. they tell you to make money you have to do what the guy ahead of you does.
Nothing about this business is selling. \
Oh puuleeeeze! And you are not in the achoo "business" now because, it was so good?
ReplyDeleteForget about trying the cr@p again is it not bad enough that the sight of scAmway wampum would gag a maggot on a gut wagon? That's the inevitability after so many years of putting up with some nut job upline's manipulations that "monthly PV is optional, being on SOT, BOTM, yada yada but so is success" or this one "a serious IBO buys PV not product, buys more CD's over SOT because SOT is minimum wage, etc"
ReplyDeleteI don't know how recent any one checks this website, but I am looking for a copy of Bert Gulick's "MOMENTUM". If anyone is able to help me out please contact me at
Looking to buy Bert Gulick CDs. Can pay $5/item.
DeleteSo it didn't work for you? Who cares thats your problem! Everybody is different in life so obviously amway isnt gonna be good for everyone. If you think you're "too smart" for anything chances are you're an idiot for not trying! All im gonna say is that it helped me realize my potential and get out of a major depression, and if you're happy doing what you do and im happy doing what I do there shouldnt be any problems. Some people like chevys, some like hondas, (both criticize eachother) but in the end just do whats best for you! No need being a whiner when you can put your mind on better things.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention that Amway helped the Green River serial killer to commit less murders during the time he was in Amway so apparently belonging to this cult helps people with whatever is going on in thier lives. Or at least thats what ambots go around bragging about.
DeleteSuccess is not free; never has been, never will be. I've seen many, many folks spend upwards of $100k for a college degree and they're waiting tables. Amway only offers the opportunity, that's all. It's up to the IBO to make it work. I was in Quickstar and was an Ambot. 14 years later, I've rejoined. I'm older now and more experienced. I've realized the 40/40/40 plan won't work.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say the same hing basically. Imagine somebody enrolling in college and complaining about having to buy textbooks.
DeleteKidMriacleman - LOL. That name sounds exactly like what a scammer would use. You know perform miracles with a bunch of dumb fucks watching in astonishment. Just like going to an Amway meeting. And based on your comment Amway losers are still spouting off the same brainwashed canned Amspeak responses. And you're in Portland Oregon. Why the fuck are you still awake at 4 in the morning when normal people are sleeping. Did you just get back from an Amway night owl and you're fired up from what the Amway cult leaders were brainwashing you with?