Monday, June 4, 2012

Amway Ambots Are Servers

A recent comment left by an ambot stated that he is in Amway to “serve” others so I decided to revisit the whole Amway ambot server thing.

Our Platinum sack of shit would try to stroke Ambot’s ego by calling him a “server”. And then he’d dish out the bullshit about how God put Ambot on earth with a calling to “serve” other people.

And Ambot would just glow with pride when the sack of shit pointed him out at an Amway meeting to praise this wonderful “server”.

I mean what the fuck!?

I’m not saying its a bad thing to help out your fellow human beings when they need a hand and many people “bless” others with gifts offered out of the kindness of their hearts with no expectation of repayment. And certainly there are people who have a calling to serve others such as our military, police, firemen, clergy, nurses, doctors, etc. There are a lot of people who have the calling to serve others in some respect.

Its the screwed up manner in which our Platinum calls people “servers” and that they have a calling to “serve”, “bless”, or “help” others as part of an Amway mantra that pisses me off.

And the fact that an ambot shows up at my blog and leaves a comment about how he is in Amway to “serve” others tells me this same bullshit is still being taught even years after we dropped out of the Amway cult.

It was just part of the bullshit that would spew out of the Platinum’s mouth about how IBO’s were on earth to “help” others or “bless” others or “serve” others. I guess its to pump them up and think they’re actually undertaking some noble task by using those words to justify their existence in Amway and holding on to an elusive dream even while they’re losing money. Helping humanity. Yeah right. Helping them to the poor house and divorce courts is more like it!

The usual way Ambot got to “serve” his Platinum was buying him coffee whenever they met at the coffee shop and bringing it to him. Probably with a little bow and a little prayer and here you go exalted leader who I worship more than my life. What about all those “sharp Amway businessmen” in the coffee shop wearing their business suits and clutching their cell phones and none of them offered to buy the sack of shit a coffee. None of those Amway assholes were servers? Or were their wallets empty.

When the sack of shit Platinum hollers out “Can someone buy me a sandwich” and Ambot is the only one to jump that’s what makes him such a good “server”. The only reason he was a better “server” than the rest of the “sharp businessmen” in attendance was because he had the funds to cover a coffee and sandwich.

Ambot continued to serve, help, or bless the Platinum whenever it was commanded of him. Coffee, sandwiches, errands, car rides, help around the house. He was right front and center so he wouldn’t lose his very important status as “the server”.

The only person the sack of shit Platinum wants his Amway downline to serve is himself. Help him get rich that is by buying more products and tools and any errands he needs done so he doesn’t have to get his lazy ass going for the menial tasks he thinks are beneath his dignity as an Amway cult leader.

Greedy son of a bitch. This is one creepy Scamway bastard. But can you blame him? A prerequisite of being a successful Amway IBO is to be driven by greed. IBO’s with a conscience will never become part of the elite less than a quarter of 1% who make money in Amway.

And that is why Ambot could never become successful at Amway no matter how good a “server” he is. He can’t in good conscience rip off other people and make their lives miserable.

Anna Banana is a server too. My blog serves to help other women know they’re not alone. There are other women out there who are married to Ambots who have survived the Amway hell storm. My blog serves to tell how IBOs are treated by their upline and that our experience is not unique. There are stories like mine all over the Internet about upline abuse and brainwashing.

Ha! That sack of shit Platinum never expected me to be a “server”.

So one more time I send out a big old FUCK YOU to our Platinum and all of Amway for what you did to our lives!


  1. In Amway, "server" is just another way to say "sucker".


    1. Dave - that is very true.

      Amway "server" = SUCKER!!!

      The upline gotta find a nicer way to say it though!

  2. hee hee hee

    CASSETTE TAPE at your 'service'

    1. Ha ha! Tell that Platinum where he can shove that cassette tape.

      PS the answer is contained in the word cassette!

    2. Anna Banana does it again-LMAO!!

      Yes you do serve others: You serve up my nightly fix of laughter.

      Why not serve your Upline a big ol' fuck you sandwich and some piss off coffee???

    3. Glad you're enjoying the entertainment Connie!

      Yup serving is the ambot way of brainwashing the downline into thinking being involved in Amway is a noble thing to do.

      Fortunately bloggers like me can get the truth out there!

  3. Just wanted to do the math really quick for all the Amway people in WWDB.

    Yearly expenses on "necessities" in Amway.

    Communikate- 432$ ($36/month)
    Website- 600$ ($50/month)
    Products-3600$ ($300/month, no shipping)
    Meetings(gas/food)-650$ (weekly meetings/cup of coffee)
    functions(just the tickets)-1160$

    So per year you spend roughly- 6,442$

    Now, to turn a profit, you need to get 6 people that consistently reach their monthly pv of 150 points, and thats just to break even. Remember, this doesnt include airfare and food while attending functions.

    That means, per month, you're spending $536.83 so that you can turn a $10 profit(the 3% bonus). Which means, per day, you're spending $17.32 alone, just on Amway! BUT, its OKAY! You're making a daily profit of $0.33 dollars:)

    So, unless you can convince 5 other people to spend north of 6k per year(as you already are) so that they too can get a 120$ return at the end of the year while you break even and make 100$(goodluck), then you're Amway business is about as useful as Facebook stock. Dont believe me? Do the math ambot. 1pv point is worth $1.93, and you need to get 150 of them(this doesnt include shipping, which makes your "monthly spending" skyrocket!).


    1. Thanks Sammy for the confirmation. When we were in WWDB we were closer to $1000/month. I've written blogs over the past couple of years where I estimate that ambots average $500 to $700/month if they do everything the assholes in their upline pressure them to do. Communikate, premier membership to WWDB, 100PV minimum Amway products purchased, books and CDs, attending Amway functions and all the costs associated with getting there and staying there. All for a return of about $10/month in commission from Amway!

      Woo hoo! Talk about a SCAM!!!!

  4. Server, huh? Well I am ripshit mad at this point. One of the only ways an ambot ever "served" me was with Ribbon cards. It's the one stupid scamway product that I liked, bought, and used. Well, leave it to those greedy pricks, I have a wedding coming up and am looking at the latest Ribbon catalog, and the price / product tradeoff has gone from, let's say, passable, to completely insane! I.e., before if I bought a $50 Ribbon card, at least some of the stuff that the gift recipient could pick was almost kinda sorta worth $50, especially taking into acount the novelty factor (Ribbon cards are in theory a good idea). But like every poential good idea, leave it to the greedy scamway assholes to fuck it up. Now, the shit from a $50 Ribbon catalog is maybe worth half that. OK let me spell it out for you idiots. The idea of a Ribbon card is that the lack of a dollar value on the card, combined with the impressive looking catalog, imports a perceived value that is in excess of what you actually paid. THESE MOTHERFUCKING CARDS NOW HAVE REVERSE PERCEIVED VALUE! That is, I give one of these fuckers out and spend $50, the recipient will now be convinced, based on the shitty selection they have now, thbat I spent less! What the hell is the point of that you douchebags! Leave it to scamway to ruin one of their few compelling products. Arrrrrgh!

    1. Anonymous - Scamway probably had to up the price or lower the expectations on the Ribbons stuff after losing the lawsuit last year. In some places including here it is against the law for gift cards to have an expiry date. Kind of marketing genius thought up a long time ago by another company to put expiry dates on gift cards. The company made money selling the gift card and then made even more money because lots of people don't redeem the gift card before it expires. Gee Amway breaking the law by putting an expiry date on Ribbons gift cards? No not them. Bullshit. There was a one year expiry date on the couple of cards we bought as gifts for others and we encouraged them to redeem them asap which they did.

      Why does Amway even bother fighting stuff like this when they are clearly guilty? So they have to make up their money other ways by offering overpriced gift cards for products worth half of what the Ribbons dollar value is. Gotta pay them lawyers and settlements somehow!

    2. I too have gotten the Ribbon thingies. My brother in law is an ambot, and we all get them every Christmas without fail. I don't know what's worse, trying to pick out something in the catalog that I actually want or knowing that he only bought us these "presents" so he could make his PV for the month. In fact, I got TWO Amway presents this year... one from my in laws and one from my brother in law. My in laws gave me many other presents, but when the Am present showed up, I was like "the fuck gave you the idea I wanted or needed this?"

    3. Nancy - I bet you avoid those ambot in laws from hell!

      Ambots always have an ulterior motive. In your case to get some PV and buy Ribbons cards to give out as Christmas presents. Why can't those dumb ass ambots give gift certificates that people would actually use like for Starbucks or a spa treatment!

      Next Christmas maybe you could give the in laws a soaker hose!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!