My story of what its like to be married to an Amway cult follower. I expose the lies that our upline told and what happens at Amway meetings and functions. I leave the explanations of why Amway is a poor business opportunity or the tool scam to other bloggers. This blog mainly exists to curse out my former upline, aka the cult leaders, and to let everyone know what kind of idiots I had to put up with. Feel free to join in or live vicariously!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Amway IBOs Are Lousy Employees
Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!
If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!
Thanks for fighting the good fight. I appreciate your insight and look forward to every new post. Sadly I have a friend deep into the system and can see his life falling apart. I was wondering if someone has an 'english' to 'amway' translator?
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Anonymous. Glad to hear you're getting something out of reading my blog!
DeleteUnfortunately your friend has been brainwashed into the Amway cult with its own wacko religion, hero worship, and money grubbing greedy bastards. Your friend has been told not to trust anything anyone else says. The only person he can trust is his cult leader because he's the only one who has his best interests at heart.
They're a bunch of sorry sick bastards driven by greed. Your friend will eventually quit. 95% of IBO's quit within 2 years. The rest have dedicated their lives to poverty with dreams of riches that will always be unattainable.
I am not an IBO and I am employed, having said that this website is garbage and is based off of opinions formulated out o bitterness from an experience. Giving claims to an entireity of a business based off of one experience is not only unproductive but only hurting yourself. There are many successful Amway IBO's that are not like what you talk about. I know because I have been around (I guarantee) more Amway ibo's than you have. I have talked to and interviewed hundreds if not thousands of ibo's. Amway is a business like anything else. I love my job but I also love entrepreneurship. The idea of building something (a business) shouldnt be sneered at. You're statements are inaccurate and false. To me you sound like a bitter wife (or used to be wife) that seriously needs to check herself and attitude. The verry fact that you oporate a blog is a type of business, you are also employed I assume. If you were to start making enough money on your blog to replace your current employment would you not enjoy that option? Amway is an opportunity for people to have something that they can build. The problem is how you build your business is up to you since it is yours and other people dont always build a good business plan for themselves and that in turn hurts the people who you employ (downline). But that doesnt meen the system is falty or that it is a cult. You can choose to build your business the correct, healthy way. The reason someone quits amway is they get discouraged. Usualy out of going about it the wrong way and having unrealistic ideas about what it means to build a business and how to go about it. Bottom line you have to be a salesmen. I'm not even talking about finding other people to be in your business I am talking about customers. You have to be able to find customers and learn how to sell product. If everybody would learn those skills first and build a profitable small business based off of just customers first before they bought product themselves or recruited others all the bad smack talk about Amway would be eliminated. You dont find people to join your business and buy stuff, you find people to teach how to find customers and build a small business out of experience of doing it yourself first. A profitable business starts with a firm foundation of assets and liabilities (more assets than liabilities). Enough unproductive smack about "oh poor me, these people are so bad, lets talk badly about them so we can make excuses about our own situation" Be productive, if you want to build a business, build one correctly. I dont care if its amway, real estate, blogging, or whatever. Just stop making excuses and bad mouthing other peoples business's. You are in essence doing the very thing you complain about in your blog.
DeleteHello Anonymous from Ada, Michigan - Is there something about that town that attracts all the liars and bullshitters in this country?
DeleteUm if you actually read my blog you'd know that is about the assholes that we have to put up with in Amway.
I don't put down people who have legitimate businesses. I don't put down real business owners.
I poke fun at Amway assholes who are really commissioned salespeople - as you pointed out in your comments you have to be a good salesman to do anything in Amway. These Amway assholes are under the false impression that they are business owners. Real business owners choose their own products and services, choose their own prices, make up their own rules, etc, etc. Real business owners can't get fired, unlike Amway "business owners" who can get the old heave ho.
I'm going to copy your comments and feature it on an upcoming post so everyone can see it.
Haha this previous post by an Amway enthusiast makes me laugh. Ok just to decompose your "essay": Yes of course most people will have biased approach to the matter, you are also biased towards liking amway and came to the blog already with this opinion. Personal opinions are seldom unbiased, that's why they are called opinions-DUH. Many successful amway retards- now I would like to know how you define success. I mean 50k a year? 100k? Every amway slave throws around these vague statements, but I want to see results.
DeleteOk this is a topic of its own... you "love" entrepreneurship? Who does not? Amway retards are full of "capitalism" and "business" without knowing a thing about it- obviously anyone with a degree in econ or business will know better than to join (i mean real degree, not some shitty community college around the corner) In economic terms, if every slave did a benefit-cost analysis of their membership, they would come heavily behind. Say had they not joined, they would have some shit job, say 30k. 5 yrs in Amway before you have your millions- that is 150k of opportunity cost, plus obviously money spent on cd's, garbage, conventions and I don't know what. And on the side of benefits? Not much, a meager commission check from time to time. Obviously ignoring their consumer surplus from enjoying the "belonging" and membership- I know that would be massive, but as any economist would tell you, we ignore CS from addiction- which is the case.
Obviously we all agree having a business is wonderful. However, what business is Amway really? It creates zero value. It is just passing down shit along a pyramid. Do the people create something? Have some real skill? Benefit the economy or society? No, no, no.. Quite the contrary, I am sure it would be efficient to shut down Amway- more on that later. I, unlike anyone in Amway, am an economist and mathematician. Therefore I believe I can make more valid statements, supported by facts, not vague statements.
I saw a comment down the line that someone working in a fast food is also an amway slave, making $1000 in 3 months. Wow that is a success story! I think this would be also a role model amway follower. No brain, no skills, no education. I make a lot more than that repairing electronics and I only work 2 or 3 hours a week. And I can feel like I am creating some value, recycling electronic waste, etc.
You unknowingly pointed out the biggest weakness of Amway. No it is not deceit, brainwashing etc... however immoral. The secret to selling amway crap is "being a good salesman" Yes but how? This will only be done by being pushy and creating untruthful advertising and hype (done by the slave of course) We have all seen the guys in malls selling pots and pans, or shopping channels (amway cousin) As you would know, you world-class entrepreneur, untruthful advertisement shifts the demand curve, or marginal willingness to pay, to the right... so people pay more for shit they would not normally buy at that price. Resulting in increased producer surplus and decreased CS. All in all, results in dead weight loss. Plus there is of course the DWL from brainwashed slaves being addicted and ripped off by their overlords. Overall, obviously a government policy wiping out amway and other scam companies would be efficient.
In hindsight, you might not actually be a world-class entrepreneur and businessman, Warren Buffet's mentor and the savior of Wall Street, because you have spelling of a 5-year-old with Downs syndrome.
Hi Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by with your very good analysis of the Amway business. It's not for everyone because not all people are liars and scammers. Those who have no ethics and are pushy salespeople may make a little money. That's where Amway's literature comes in handy and shows a fraction of 1% make a little money at the scam. And of course as you pointed out blogs are opinion pieces based on people's own experiences and often they share their information so other people can get both sides of a story in order to make a decision. If anonymous from Ada Michigan doesn't like what he reads here he needs to move on until he finds some other bloggers site more to his liking.
DeleteThey also show contempt for all businesses. Remember someone in our group who owned 3 restaurants. The diamond would draw the plan and then trash this guys business.
ReplyDeleteOur Platinum also trashed other people's businesses. In fact one man in his downline owned an ice cream shop that he ridiculed constantly. Probably ridiculed our business especially since it earns more than the amounts he was throwing at us that is possible to make in Scamway. We were also looking to open another business during this time and he mocked that too even though its in a field that he has no experience in. No interest in either. And of course the start up money for the new business would have taken money away from the Amway scam. But yeah you're right. All ambots do is make fun of every other business out there that isn't Amway.
DeleteRecently I've invested and own a gas station. Trying to imagine what my ambot diamond will say when pulling up for gas. I'm working one day a week. He'll probably say I can't afford to retire. Atleast a gas station has predictable income.
ReplyDeleteColin - I've seen a lot of abandoned gas stations. But generally speaking I think owning a gas station is about the same thing as owning a gold mine! Good luck to you! A legitimate business and not a scam! A foreign concept to Amway ambots!
DeleteThe "retiring" issue is amongst the biggest of the Amway lies (which is saying a lot since there are so many lies). No Diamond ever retires to live forever off residual income. It just doesn't work that way. Since the downline as a rule LOSES money, most will quit and thus there is ever the need for the Diamond to "work" the business and assist in brainwashing the new suckers coming in with tools and functions.
Dave - its always a good thing to own a business or investment where money will constantly come in every month with only a minimal amount of work input from the owner operator.
DeleteThe gas station i purchased has been making more money after expenses than most diamonds (no silly meetings) lol. Should be a hoot to see the ambots drop by prospecting. Yes Anna nothing beats owning a legit business and not a scam
ReplyDeleteColin - it should probably do pretty good for you. yeah I'm sure ambots will be dropping by to prospect you cause they'll think you're some minimum wage gas jockey. I know Ambot tried to prospect when we filled up the cars!
DeleteAnna, do u ever tell him not to prospect? Cause it's very embarassing lol
ReplyDeleteColin - it was really embarrassing watching him try to prospect people. I mean just shut the fuck up and don't scam these poor bastards just cause you got scammed you don't need to scam someone else!
ReplyDeleteThis ambot is claiming he is going to be free from his J-O-B on 6/14. I'm curious to see if this page will be deleted on 6/15:!/June14iscoming
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - quitting your job is the easy part. Having income when you're unemployed is not always so easy. Many ambots quit their jobs and go back to work when the Amway income isn't what was promised it would be. Also once your downline starts quitting that's a loss of income. Maybe his wife still works if its a guy judging by the photo. When people are planning to quit a job they pick a day. That's all this guy has done. I'm sure he'll quit his job on 6-14. Whether or not he's out looking for work by the end of 2012 is another story!
DeleteIt's sad how the brainwashing makes these people put blind, unwavering trust into Amway, despite the only "proof" the upline provides being what they SAY is the truth and reality. Folks who are unbrainwashed couldn't imagine quitting the financial security of their job for a pie-in-the-sky song and dance without demanding PROOF, such as tax returns, financial statements, etc.
DeleteKind of reminds me of those "trust exercises" groups will do where someone puts their blind trust into someone standing behind them as they go limp and fall backwards trusting they will be caught. Unfortunately in Amway, the ambots blindly let themselves fall backwards and CRASH!!!! Amway is never there to catch them.
Dave - its how cults operate. In Amway its you trust everything your upline says because they're the only ones who have your best interests at heart. Everyone else who isn't in Amway is a stupid negative dream stealer and will tell you lies.
DeleteWell, the twitter feed is still there and he claims he quit a 6 figure job for freedom thanks to Amway! I think that's a bold-faced LIE!
DeleteAnonymous - I bet his 6 figure job won't hire him back in a few months when he comes begging!
DeleteMost people don't quit 6 figure jobs. They retire. And just because someone is retired from a job that doesn't mean they might not start up their own business doing consulting or landscaping or whatever turns their crank. Quitting a 6 figure job to devote their life solely to Scamway? Bad choice! Amway is not freedom. Its slavery.
I don't believe for a moment that person quit a 6 figure job. It's one of the Amway talking-point "lies" they throw out there to try to trick people into thinking "wow, if a person would quit a 6 figure job, then it must be a good opportunity". Bullshit. They either never had a 6 figure job in the first place (most likely scenario) or if they are in one they need the money from that to pay for their expensive Amway hobby. Since one is usually operating at a loss with Amway, there has to be a "real" job that pays the bills.
DeleteMaybe his next Twitter message will be a Sasquatch sighting. I would be more prone to believe that than his other Twitter message.
Dave - I highly doubt this lying Amway asshole had a 6 figure job. People don't go around quitting those jobs without a good reason - usually retiring. The Amway assholes on the stage all have low paying jobs that they quit when they "went big" in Scamway. They never have any plastic surgeons on stage saying they quit their job for Amway freedom. And a huge cut in pay!!!!
DeleteOk... So according to Ambots, everyone who has a job is a loser right? Ummmm, so this is how these "business owners" (lmao) treat their supply chain is it? The girl who processes their order, she's a loser! The guy in the warehouse who picks their order, he's a loser! The shipper who loads it on to the truck, he's a loser! The truck driver who delivers their package of overpriced crap to a cross dock, he's a loser1 The cross dock workers, they are all losers! The Fed-Ex guy who picks up the package if inferior garbage and delivers it to the IBO's home (i.e mommy's basement), he' a loser! Yes, they are all losers! Don't these Amway idiots realize that these "losers" are the backbone of our North America.
ReplyDeleteThis is an older post, but I couldn't resist. I manage at a pretty big corporation in hte customer service industry. Your typical soul-less corp job but it pays bills and it isn't so bad all things considered.
ReplyDeleteGot this guy assigned to my team who was way way too eager right off the bat. Talked about how I "seemed like a natural leader" and all this. Now, I consider myself a decent manager, but I also consider myself a decent bullshit detector.
Turns out of course that the guy was an ambot and super quickly the talk turned to how I should start my own business and why I didn't want to be successfull.
In the end we had to fire him for soliciting on company property, after he had tried to talk multiple of my people into putting retirement money into amway crap. He'd have a little shrine to amway in his cubicle, full of nasty energy drinks and this "magic water" that somehow enriches you with oxygen (as opposed to say..breathing).
On top of that, the guy was a hardcore right wing fanatic.
Ivan, your comment got stuck in the spam filter. Have released it now.
DeleteBlog Administrator
Ivan - sorry you had the Ambot employee experience. Sadly many ambots lose their jobs exactly the way you described. Pissing off their coworkers with their Amway bullshit and spending too much time taking Amway calls and texts on company time.
DeleteThanks for stopping by with your story!
I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a bad experience with Amway IBO's and their uplines. I would like to inform you that Amway itself is simply the supplier. The business an IBO owns is through them--yes, (and they are paid through the corporation) but what most people don't know is there are many different educational organizations which do the training of the IBOs, teaching them how to own a business and run it well. It sounds like this one is not a good one. For one, I have NEVER heard ANYONE say ANYTHING about how jobs are bad and you should quit yours. In fact, I have been told the exact opposite. They encourage young IBOs to continue in college, in case this doesn't work for them--because it doesn't work for everyone. Yes, the goal is to not be tied down by an hourly job, but to have the freedom to work when you want as much as you want. Of course, though, output is directly related to input.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I am deeply saddened to hear about this and simply hope to inform you about Amway and IBOs.
Thank you for your time reading this,
Paul - I know everything I need to know about how Amway is run, their priducts and the commissioned salespeople who barely make any money and are brainwashed into thinking they own their own business. It sounds like you haven't been in Scamway too long because you don't have the A speak down too good. Do yourself a favor and get out before you waste any more time and money. Don't believe me? Look at the small print on your Amway literature. Only a small fraction of 1% of ambots make money. That's over 99% failure rate. Guess which side of the law of averages you'll be on. Surely you can find a better business opportunity with a higher return and greater chance of success.
DeleteI've been in Amway 3 months. I have 13 downlines who all have LOTS of kids and so are actually getting kick-back checks on their grocery bills. I've ignored the upline BS about "ALL you SHOULD do," and simply using the system to our benefit. I understand there are illegitimate people out there, but in my case, I've made over $1000 in 3 months. And I still work my job at a fast food restaurant. So yes, there are some wackos, but I'm doing pretty well, and the future only looks bright. I'm going to continue to promote the success I've had to my team, and hopefully we'll all make a little back and maybe we'll do really well. Maybe not. Nobody's lost money yet, so I'm pushing forward. If you don't know how to run a business, don't do this. If you have been scammed, I'm truly sorry for all the people out there who are in with the wrong people. Anyway, I've still got 3 months to go before I have to decide if I want to return my membership, keep my profits and get my money back. Best to all!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - you only lose money when you take the advice or high pressure sales tactics of your upline who want you to buy more Amway products and buy tickets to Amway functions, spend $50/month to have premier WWDB membership that includes a web site, etc. if you do your own thing and don't buy into the Amway tool scam and sell products and make a commission on them it's possible to make a little money. Eventually your customers are going to figure out they're paying premium prices for generic products and your sales will dry up. There are only so many friends and family you can pester! Ou can probably find a better opportunity to make a few bucks. Good luck to you.
DeleteHello anna banana. Id like to know what wrong with a job. It guarantees you a paycheck , frre evenibgs with your family , free weekend , paid vacation and a pension for the 25 years you are retired. A job pays off your mortgage so you end up debt free Now im an ex platinum. Amway guarantees nothing. Amway guarantees working all your free time while you build the business which would be say 10 years. - if you manage to build it Then either you continue or you stop and it crumbles. So its sure you can never retire. Its almost certain you can never make any money either- amway says less than 1 percent do. Its certain you will in fact lose money. So i dont critise amway. But i do say those in a job are much better off. I am sure millions of people will opt for a job each year and be happy to stay at it for their lives while a couple of thousands will opt for amway and give up within a few years.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous. The things you say are true if you are a normal thinking person. There is nothing wrong with a job. Unless you've been brainwashed by the Amway cult. Then everything is wrong with a job. They're hateful things and your boss is evil and so are the coworkers. That's how ambots think. And talk. And act. And usually find themselves out of a job thanks to their attitude.
DeleteThe truth:
ReplyDeleteAfter an overview of this, I have determined the following:
ReplyDeleteA base judgement is being made about ALL Amway IBOs, without good evidence and justification.
Just because your experience in, or around, Amway was negative, does not mean that everyone else's experience was the same. Because some Islams bombed America, does that make all Islams bad? No. So, just because you had a bad experience, doesn't mean everyone else does. You all sound like a bunch of uneducated, lazy Americans with nothing better to do then make fun of others to feel like you're the bigger person.
I applaud those who fought for the Amway IBOs, because at least they're speaking something more accurate.
I <3 Amway. I am personal friends with IBOs who treat everyone with kindness and respect. They are always willing to help out too! I worked with one for a year and she is about to retire because of Amway. I think Amway is clearly misunderstood by many outsiders!