Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Amway Royalty?

I get brainwashed ambots doing Google searches for “Amway is awesome” or “World Wide Dream Builders WWDB is awesome” and they end up at my blog. I can hardly help it that my blog is so high up on the search engine! Gotta get those keywords in!

Then these ambots see how I feel about my upline, particulary the asshole who sponsored us into Amway, Captain Fuck Up, and the sack of shit Platinum.

Not to mention my reviews of the overpriced shitty Amway products.

These ambots who are brainwashed to believe that Amway and WWDB are awesome are shocked to show up on a blog where someone is writing about all the dirty little Amway cult secrets. Then they become outraged because of their fierce loyalty to their upline cult leaders who they put on a pedestal and refer to as Amway royalty. How dare anyone tell the truth about what happens inside the Amway cult! How dare anyone disrespect their Amway upline! How dare anyone tell about how much money that Amway cult followers spend each month purchasing overpriced shitty Amway products, buying motivational tools - CDs and books -  signing up for Communikate and WWDB premier membership, how much it costs to go to Amway meetings and functions! How dare anyone reveal the amount of the small commission check Amway issues each month if the IBO meets the minimum requirements! I’ll say it again! You might get $10 back after investing $700 in a month! These prudes are shocked by my language and my honesty and feel compelled to leave a comment bitching about my blog with the usual Amspeak canned response when they only read the one post the search engine pointed them to.

Amway cult followers are brainwashed to believe that their Amway upline are the most wonderful human beings that ever walked the face of the earth who can do no wrong. These god-like Amway upline ambots are supposed to be worshipped and praised and referred to in glowing terms.

No one would ever DARE be disrespectful and speak negative of the Amway upline and curse out the bastards.

Except Anna Banana. I’ll even go one further. I’ve been speaking negative of the asshole that sponsored us into Amway for at least 10 years before getting involved in Amway so I had plenty of practice at disliking that fucking troublemaker before the Amway cult became part of our lives.

I write about how the Amway upline cult leaders fuck over their downline. How the Amway cult leaders destroy marriages. How the Amway cult leaders destroy their downline’s finances. How the Amway cult leaders are dream stealers. Amway cult leaders have a fucked up view of people who work jobs instead of being self employed. How the Amway cult leaders have an intense obsession for listening to motivational CD’s where their beloved Diamonds are the speakers. How the Amway cult leaders are liars. How the Amway cult leaders can’t mind their own business. How the Amway cult leaders are only your friends as long as you’re investing in the Amway pyramid scheme. How the Amway cult leaders cause emotional distress. How the Amway cult leaders are greedy. How the Amway cult leaders are the biggest troublemaking assholes I’ve ever met.

I’ve also talked about the bullshit that goes on inside Amway cult meetings.

The crippling grief that these upline Amway bastards bring to the lives of the victims they sign up for the Amway scam is revolting. Those fuckers deserve to be cursed out. And I created my blog to fill that niche!

Amway cult followers and Amway’s head office might not like me revealing the dirty secrets of the leaders in the Amway cult but I am here to let the world know that the Amway upline are shitless cowards who need to go straight to hell for the misery they bring to their victim’s lives.

That’s what I think of the Amway royalty!


  1. Amway is awesome!
    Amway is awesome!
    Amway is awesome!

    Do I really think Amway is awesome?

    FUCK NO!!!

    I just wanted to help bait the search engine a little more so they can read your dose of reality article on just how "awesome" their shitty, lying little cult really is when they go online searching for another equally empty-headed brainwashed zombie drone to gush with one another about how awesome Amway is and how they'll meet someday while walking those beaches of the world. In the real world, those beaches won't see any Ambot footprints.


    1. Ha ha! Thanks for the keywords!

      I've walked more beaches of the world in the past couple of years than most ambots will walk in a lifetime!

  2. I do like our products and if you act like a business owner and not a royal douche you can do well. HOWEVER I effing hate my upline. They're so self righteous and disingenuous at best. The wife especially gets on my last damn nerve. The whole shop only from your own business if you owned a Chevy dealership would you drive a Ford or whatever bit irritates the living life out of me. My answer is yes. If its a good car and I'm a multi-millionaire the hell yeah I'm driving all kinds of cars just like these hypocritical fucks do.

    1. Anonymous - you are one of very few who tells it like it is when it comes to your upline. Most ambots gush about how their upline are the most beautiful, wonderful, caring people they've ever met. GAG!!!

      So your problem is either that you have not been brainwashed good enough or like me resistant to being brainwashed. Or that you are too honest. Neither of those qualities will get you anywhere in Amway!

      Sure you might make some money selling products to other people and have it as profit if you are not paying Amway or the assholes in your upline for motivational materials and tickets to attend Amway meetings. Keeping your customers may be another story.

      Really if you've got what it takes to run a business don't waste your time as an Amway salesperson. Go to your library and look at books for starting your own business at home. Many businesses you can run out of your house for little overhead. You might find something that suits you better.

      Good luck to you.

    2. I was in Amway twice in 1988 and again in 1993.I now get paid well in lifevantage. is a great video. is my site. is my email.
      Check it out!!!!

      Blessings to you,

      G.J. Beauchamp

  3. I'm too honest and am supporting my husband. I am a business and entrepreneurial studies major so I have business education covered;).

    1. Most of us want to support our husbands. Its the going into debt part tithing the great Amway gods we don't support.

    2. Hopefully you'll use that business studies background to go against his upline who will teach him not to look at profit/loss statements and instead just dream of all the wonderful pictures of mansions and riches pinned to the refrigerator while ignoring reality. The upline will argue that all businesses have start up costs, but brainwashing CD's and meetings that are only used to keep an IBO "fired up" using their emotions and not their critical thinking are not legitimate business expenses. Plus research what the IRS really allows to be deducted on taxes as business expenses before you one day get audited and get a rude awakening.

      Use your business education to do cost comparison of the products to see that the $3 check they send as a bonus doesn't make up for the 30 - 50% you spent more for Amway products for self-consumption over that of standard retail stores. Don't fall into their "ignore boring reality and focus on the shiny penny we're dangling over here" game.


    3. Dave - I don't think a $3 check would push out of the system. Ambots must buy 100PV of products - approximately worth $300 to qualify to receive a commission check that month of about $10. Actually the check will be closer to $8 or $9 but I'm working round numbers here! A $3 check would mean the ambot only bought around $100 that month in Scamway products, about 30 or 35 PV so would not qualify for a commission check that month. That's why the push is on to make the minimum purchase to get that puny commission check. The only people getting rich because ambots buy Amway products are the owners of the company.

    4. Now and then I see folks giving the Amway company itself a pass and placing the entire blame of the raping of downline on the diamond distribution groups. But I have no doubt that the company of Amway is well aware of the pyramid scamming of thousands of brainwashed "IBO's" but because they benefit from it all, they pretend to not condone it while not raising a finger to clean things up. Behind the scenes they know it is the only way they are going to be selling billions of dollars of over-priced generic products. If people weren't brainwashed into the system, why the heck would they pay that kind of money? Amway will never do anything to stop the current way of doing things in the distribution chain because they benefit too much from it.


    5. Dave - Amway approves all materials that the various lines sell to their ambots. Also someone from Amway head office attends all Amway functions. Amway is well aware of the complaints of cult practices, tool scam, upline abuse, etc and chooses to ignore it. Do you suppose the cult leaders grease the palms of Amway owners or staff to look the other way?

  4. I personally couldn't ask for a better team or upline. I'm very greatful to be on the team that I am. Apparently there are a lot of teams with no so great uplines. My suggestion if any of you are serious about working the business would be to look at your los and choose a upline that you like, thats constantly growing, and reach out to them and share your situation.

    1. Then why aren't you out somewhere kissing your Amway upline's ass instead of leaving comments on a blog devoted to making the Amway upline look like a bunch of fucking assholes?

      My suggestion to you is to take your Amway business plan to your banker and ask for a small business loan, say somewhere between $10 to $25 thousand and see what happens.

    2. If you notice, there's always that 'snarky' reply of, "Well, if your SERIOUS about building your dream."

      MLMs always have an out so the blame remains firmly on the 'bot.

      What's with all this trumped-up importance of a 'dream' anyway? I don't dream while I work; I focus on the task at hand and decide what I'll cook for supper after work. I am constantly planning my days - not dreaming.

      Note to society: Get your heads out of the clouds and get to work. Most dreams are simply greeds anyway.

      What a bunch of flakes.


    3. Yup they stop by with the canned Amspeak that we haven't heard a million times already. Amway ambots like to think they're original that way! Dumb asses!

      Amway cult thing placing importance on dreams to keep the victims in the cult as long as they can.

    4. Didn't know being excited about your dreams was a bad thing. The fact there's a whole website devoted to breaking people down about something they believe in is just sad. Ignorance Isn't going to get you anywhere in life because your mind is closed off and you think you got it all figured out. No you didn't say that. But if my mentor is willing to help me achieve my goals im all for it. Especially if theyve come from a place of success. Whether it be in amway, traditional business whatever. So while you guys are bashing people for using a vehicle to get what they want. Ill be chilling ON THE BEACHES OF THE WORLD ;)

    5. You know unlike you I don't go around reading websites that have topics that don't interest me or piss me off but then I'm just not a dumb fuck like that.

      So is saying ignorance won't get you anywhere in life just another brainwashed Amspeak bullshit? Because there's lots of ignorant people who have done very well in life.

      At least my mentors were real business people. Honest people. People good at finance. People good at investing. People who did it because they truly wanted to help me. Unlike people in Amway. I used to hear that dumb shit phrase "mentor" put to Amway assholes. Who wants Amway mentors who are liars, scammers, fucking assholes, out to rip people off, cult followers, fucked up brainwashed sacks of shit who are out to destroy other people's lives. Apparently you and I look for different things in mentors. Thanks to the smart advice from my mentors I've walked on more beaches of the world than any Amway ambot ever will. But unlike Amway assholes I don't go around bragging about it. Its just part of owning a decent business and taking nice vacations. Something that Amway ambots won't know anything about as long as they're commissioned salespeople for Scamway.

    6. I beg to differ but I guess you don't care. Have a great life friend. Good talk.

    7. Anonymous - in the same way that people in Amway don't care about anyone not in their cult, I don't care about anyone in Amway. Shocker isn't it! If you read this post that's the stuff that outrages Amway cult leaders and by default their followers.

  5. Good gravy, are they still pushing the extremely old and very worn out line of, 'walking the beaches of the world?'

    Or, 'my upline is awesome and IF you were SERIOUS about building your DREAM you would research to get good upline.' Oh, really? Not one person in amway has EVER researched to get a good upline. There is simply no way of knowing who you are getting and you couldn't control it even if you wanted to. That is such crap.

    We worked since we were in middle school. Graduated high school and went to work in restaurants and pizza parlors - whereever we could get a job - all the while working a real tangible business out of our home (not mlm). We live a great debt-free lifestyle (no inheritances or lottteries). We are ready to retire, no thanks to amway that derailed us for years. What a joke.

    Anna, these drive-bys all think we won't catch the canned amspeak that we heard for years at every function and board plan we attended. It's so old now. And, yet, they claim we failed b/c we did the old way. Big surprise for ya - you're doing it the SAME way. You're just using new thechnology. It's the old lipstick on a pig scenerio.


    1. Cassette Tape - nothing ever changes in Amway. They'll always be walking the beaches of the world. In their pretend world that is because Amway keeps them so broke they can't afford nice vacations to the beaches of the world.

      You're right you never what your Amway upline is like until you're inside the cult and find out what a bunch of lying scamming assholes they are.

      Out to destroy the rest of us who moved out when we graduated high school, got jobs, eventually got better jobs, put some money aside, bought a house, started or bought a business, and kept working hard to afford the things in life we want.

      A foreign concept to Amway ambots who believe all they have to do is be CORE and show up for Amway meetings for the next 2 to 5 years and Amway will reward them by sending gazillions of dollars in residual income to them every month so they can sit back and do nothing except walk those beaches of the world.

      Amway also derailed us for years but our stories are no different from too many others who took out their live savings to invest in the Amway scam or ran up credit card debt. Anything so the assholes in the Amway upline didn't abuse us.

      The canned Amspeak they all think they're so original but we've heard it so many times before. And they all think Amway is different than when we were in but it hasn't changed a bit. Too many people show up here and leave comments describing the Amway meeting they just got suckered into attending and I could have been right there in the room with them. Everything they described is exactly the same as it was done 5, 10, 20 years ago.

  6. It would be really awful to be married to a wife as profane and as hateful as you. Poor guy. Hopefully one day you'll see that Jesus loves you.

    1. It would be really awful to be married to a fucking Amway asshole and have to put up with their disrespectful attitude and put up with how they're better than everyone else who isn't in Amway and have to put up with all the money they waste buying shitty overpriced Amway products and have to put up with this unnatural worship they have for Amway cult leaders. You got a problem with swearing? Holy fuck did you end up in the wrong place you fucking prude! And what makes you so certain Jesus doesn't love me? Fucking Amway attitude. Don't you have someone in your Amway upline you need to be running off to so you can kiss ass and suck dick?

  7. You stole your husbands dream and killed your future wwdb teaches people how to get out of debt and no we dont sell and recruit your an idiot and should have actually done something to earn money you didnt make anything because you didnt do the work get real

    1. Anonymous - thanks for stopping by and letting us know that its still taught at Amway meetings that Amway is a blame the victim scam. Also for proving that Amway is a male chauvinist pig club where its all about the husband's dream and tough shit on the wife. WWDB puts people into debt, doesn't get them out. And you better run off to the assholes in your Amway upline and get more instructions on how not to say negative. Like we need any further proof that Ambots are fucking losers.

  8. I think someone needs a hug. This site is hilarious. Its just a business dude. My friends who aren't involved are still my friends because they're not retarded. Are you on this site all the time, fuming with rage? Such a funny image. You know we make good money right? So cute.

    1. You say your friends are not retarded.

      That's why they're not in Amway, dude.

    2. Adam - a hug from a lying scamming Amway love bomber? I think I'll pass. But thanks for stopping by to let us know Amway still teaches arrogance and Ambots must lie all the time.

    3. Anonymous - LOL! You got that right! LOL!

  9. I think someone named Adam Coulthard needs a reality check, or perhaps just a kick in the balls.

    Amway isn't "just a business." It's a goddamned rip-off and scam. You make money? Congratulations. So do drug dealers and pimps.

    Ask the ninety-nine percent of IBOs who never make a dime in Amway if they think the Amway fraud is hilarious.

    1. Anonymous - even with a kick in the balls these brainwashed Ambots don't get it. These arrogant pricks show up here to pound into us that they're better than the losers who quit the scam. LOL. We all know who the real losers are and that's them who worship the Great Amway God.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!